....and they fucking rocked really really hard........everything about them was spot on and corpse grinder was fucking great.....i also saw severe torture.....in my opinion 2 of the best gore death metal bands \m/
Originally posted by DogVomit
I saw both these bands in London last Thursday, along with Dew-Scented and Viu Drakh.
They were fucking excellent...and Cannibal Corpse is the coolest band I've met so far. They took so long to speak with us and stuff. It was great!
Originally posted by leper iffinity
cool thats where i saw them aswell...the pit really did kick off!
Originally posted by DogVomit
yeah it did!did you meet them ? they were really cool to us.
Originally posted by leper iffinity
unfortunately i wasnt lucky enough to meet them.....im seeing nile tommorow at the meanfiddler...you going to that?
#Originally posted by dill_the_devil
I wanted to go to Nile tomorrow, but I got sacked last week and can't afford it now! Of course, I start a new job tomorrow, just to really rub it in... *sob*
It's Nile, Gorerotted and Sinister, isn't it? Or have I read the advert wrong?
Originally posted by leper iffinity
nile, sinister, gorerotted and i think hate eternal :>:>...i have £30so i may be fucked