i wanna praise hiljainen! <--- you? post here

@manuelgv: by golly, it certainly doesn't! :mad:

realhazard, how dare you, lowly lowliness of the low lowlands, compare hiljainen to something feral and carnal? do you not know the godlike state she dwells in? i tend to muse it must be your fault and yours alone if "she-of-the-perfect-pencil" doesn't post here anymore!

this should probably go in the PCTT but seeing how Hiljainen, mistress (as in the female version of "master", not as in the female version of "lover". i wouldn't dare to enquire on the Goddess' personal life) of this world, always laughs at my pointless jokes i'll post it here.

i just thought that the italian expression scarpe coi tacchi might translate into english as "tacky shoes". :lol: :lol:

Originally posted by rahvin
.... and when i ask if i can remove the vicious menace to the wellness of this board everybody implies i'm doing hilj some wrong. :p

Yes, I found the way you asked "Can I delete this thread now" kind of insulting! :mad:

You did the right thing by keeping it, and renaming it. ;)

as for why we are praising hiljainen on a higher level, well, she's got the best sense of humour around and that's enough for me. ;)


sorry guys, inside joke :p

i concur on the bumping. she's still here, no matter how many unfair setbacks life has thrown her. and she wrote that craxy post that still makes me laugh each time i think of it. i'm not sure i want to add something about her behind (see above), but:

Long Live Hiljainen!
Hooray for Hiljainen!

and assorted comments in that vein.