iced earth and savatage

Närf... I don't like Savatage that much... but, Iced Earth... oh, my good God... it's damn perfect!!!!!!! I mean... Iced Earth puts Slayer on its pockets!!! The powerful and enraged vocals of the frontman is simply astouning!! Heavy guitars, speed, perfect drums, Iced Earth rocks!!!!!!! :hotjump:
I am not so familiar with Iced Earth that I could say anything about it (maybe I should be;))

But when talking about Savatage, it is absolutely great. I like most Edge of Thorns and generally Zak Stevens era. Nothing wrong with the other albums like Gutter Ballet and Streets. They have numerous of awesome songs, Believe, Chance, One Child, Edge of Thorns, All That I Bleed etc... I highly recommend this band if you haven't heard yet.