though wouldn't you say that the Nocturnal Rites performance was one of the best (if not greatest) ever for Chicago Powerfest?
Hmmm...had the Tad Morose performance not gone 30+ min too long IMO, it would have topped it....but sure, definitely one of the best. Although, as we learned that very year, the draw doesn't justify the one-off show financial investment...regardless of performance quality. PLUS, Noc is at least 1/10 as cheesy as PQ...IMO of course. :p

Now if you guys simply don't care for PQ, then that's totally cool too. Just not really sure I agree with the concept of, "Not a good fit for our fest"

Bingo!! See above for cheese factor. Therefore not a good fit considering OUR tastes in music. ;)

Secondly, would you be calling Elvenking "Elvenqueen" if they were on Pagan Fest????? :p

Most definitely!! Paganfest is a bonus for the fest. We went after Turisas alone, and it just happen to work out for us that we got the whole package since they were on that tour.
was it because a dashing young handsome fellow was asking for them?

No...actually, to be honest, we started hearing from a bunch of the Girls of Metal saying how much they like Turisas. We thought that was kinda weird, but it had to count for something...mostly since they're not typical folk metal fans. My guess it has something to do with that disco cover they did the video for. :p :lol:
Thanks Frasier.....

I am not wasting time explaining myself...I am adding entertainment to the board. Have you ever added anything to any conversation here? asides sucking up. No.

If you want to get personal...I can. I know about you actually from other arguements.

I just have one question for you...why be such a dick all the time? Doesn't it drag you down to be so negative to everyone? Granted, this is just a message board, but one would think with all the negative thoughts spewing from your head (and your fingers) that eventually you'd start to feel like a real asshole, and that it might even bother you.

Unless, of course, you thrive on that kind of attention...and if that's the case, your life must be a terribly sad one. I actually feel bad for those like yourself who continually blast other people on message boards for no apparent reason, because that indicates to me that their "real lives" (if such things exist for these people) are so dull, mundane, pointless and lacking anything worthwhile that they resort to calling names on the internet to make themselves feel better.

Do you have low self-esteem? Were you picked on by other kids at school? Did your parents fail to read you bedtime stories before you fell asleep at night? I just don't get it. Displaying such negativity all the time has to breed negativity in your personal life. You must be a walking ball of hate, ready to explode with anger at any moment. Your doctors must LOVE you.

Fortunately for most of us, we can actually be positive and display genuine feelings of happiness toward other people. You know, it makes life a lot easier to live that way.
I just have one question for you...why be such a dick all the time? Doesn't it drag you down to be so negative to everyone? Granted, this is just a message board, but one would think with all the negative thoughts spewing from your head (and your fingers) that eventually you'd start to feel like a real asshole, and that it might even bother you.

Unless, of course, you thrive on that kind of attention...and if that's the case, your life must be a terribly sad one. I actually feel bad for those like yourself who continually blast other people on message boards for no apparent reason, because that indicates to me that their "real lives" (if such things exist for these people) are so dull, mundane, pointless and lacking anything worthwhile that they resort to calling names on the internet to make themselves feel better.

Do you have low self-esteem? Were you picked on by other kids at school? Did your parents fail to read you bedtime stories before you fell asleep at night? I just don't get it. Displaying such negativity all the time has to breed negativity in your personal life. You must be a walking ball of hate, ready to explode with anger at any moment. Your doctors must LOVE you.

Fortunately for most of us, we can actually be positive and display genuine feelings of happiness toward other people. You know, it makes life a lot easier to live that way.

I am not negative. I am giving my opinion. Most of the fighting is caused by other people who dont like my comments.