Ideal partners

Meh, you people place too much importance in one single day. If i had my ideal partner like you do, i wouldn't worry so much about one single day. But then i don't have my ideal partner and i don't worry about that single day, so what do i know. :zzz:
Here it's almost summer. Yesterday i was out with a plain shirt. In the middle of January. And then i wonder why i get down with the flu. :D

I wonder why you complain that dt doesn't come to Greece often enough - you people are too busy sunbathing instead of buying albums. Yeah.

I don't like the fact that it's in the middle of the week. It basically means I have no chance of being up there with her. Sucks.

Why doesn't SHE come over? Well, she's got vagina, but what about your dignity? Meh.

More of my priceless thoughts on V-day after lunch.
Why doesn't SHE come over? Well, she's got vagina, but what about your dignity? Meh.

More of my priceless thoughts on V-day after lunch.


Nah, we'll probably just do some nice stuff for each other that weekend. It's just one of the few days of the year she really lets herself wax romantic. Otherwise, she's rather practical, and I'm the big gushy romantic. It doesn't have so much impact as certain other days to us, but it just gives us an excuse to get stuff for each other.

Like my new ZBoard. I think she really understands me, :p

The second Valentine's Day I can actually spend with someone and for the second time, I have a one-week lab! Last year was the chemistry lab, this year, it's going to be the material science lab. 10 hours every day, so Im not sure there's going to be a plan for that day in particular :(

We can still eat some good food at home, and drink some Champagne ;)
V-day is nice, but only in case you are NOT in a relationship. Otehrwise it becomes obligatory and stuff, and usually fake after all - how can you love person who sleeps, eats, shits, farts, belches (I'm speaking of females too) by your side for a significant amount of time? It's more like a roommate, not something I call passion.

I mean, you should celebrate a healthy relationship every day till death or another fine piece of ass makes you part, making a V-day an excuse to get laid - pfff, that's a new low! Wanna have a good/nice time - make up for it on a fucking Monday in January, you don't need a calendar if you just feel like it.

Of course, calendar events aren't that bad. Surprise her with a nice basket with neat stuff on Easter morning, but V-day... soooo llllllame.