Ideal partners

@marduk: are you going to be as happy when i finally proclaim that i've got my back against the wall as planned? :lol: :lol:
i was just talking to a friend who was surmising that i have trouble finding someone because of traditionalism of gender roles in this country - he was saying that men are expected to go out in the world and bring home the money, while women are supposed to maybe work a bit on the side but really be there to support their men. i tried to convince him that i have no problems whatsoever with a man who brings me a lot of money, but no, he wouldn't listen. :p
this thread proves that i've been going round in circles for more than one year.
i'm just so proud of myself.
What an interesting thread I have missed! I have very much enjoyed reading every page. I'll grab at this one...and to stay completely on topic, I'll answer the original questions:

What are the features you look for in a sentimental partner?

Firstly, I like the phrase "sentimental partner". Secondly, I will say that in recent years, wisdom has taught me that you usually find someone when you are not looking. I think some members on this forum should heed that advice! ;-) I'll say what I like: BRAINS. Nothing turns me off more than a man who can't articulate one intelligent thought. Going with that, for him to be a good conversationalist is key. Goals in life are imperative. I'm a bit older than a lot of you here, so for me it's important that a guy doesn't live in his mom's basement and can take care of himself. Thoughtful and affectionate. My life centers around music, meaning, I am a musician as well as a huge fan of it, so that really is important in a mate. Most of my spare time revolves around music, so it really wouldn't work for me if my partner didn't share the same passion. I'll stop here for now to avoid endless rambling...

Assuming that one can't have everything, do you place great stock in moral qualities such as fidelity, ability to withstand adversities etc. at the expense of the degree of passion and affection that the person spontaneously elicits in you?

Though some relationships do mirror perfection, yes, the reality is that you can't have everything. This is where compromise comes into play for me. Morals are important, for sure.

Would you rather have only one partner for your life or several? In the latter case, do you think each of them should be a synthesis of what you like or would you prefer to have different people for different seasons of life?

Well, considering I already have had more than one partner in my life, I guess having one exclusively doesn't really apply? I dunno. I guess what I'll say here is that if I found someone who I really connected with, of course my intent would be to spend the rest of my life with that person. If things went sour, of course I would have no problems moving on to someone else. I think it's natural to want different types of people in different stages of your life. Certain things remain the same, but your tastes in other areas to change and progress.

Why do you think you're attracted to the qualities you're attracted to? Do they fit in your personal history somehow? Do they reflect something that you learnt from/see in your parents? Or opposite to that? Etc.

I can't seem to turn the bold lettering off for this one. Ah well! These days, I blame my taste in music nerds on my father, LOL. My dad raised me on rock and roll, so it has kind of been my environment my whole life. Other qualities I desire are a mixture of things, what I've seen in my parents that I liked/didn't like,and things that I have experienced in other relationships that I have learned from.

There is no ideal partner for someone who has praise of himself in his signature. There is only a very special place in Hell
As for you who can't figure out someone's gender from a nickname like that, you probably have a place in her "no brains" category. Or, it wouldn't be appropriate for me to say in hers, but you can have one in mine.
And the question is: were you referring to me or to ShadowLioness? We both have praise of ourselves in our signatures. :)
Arouns 15 cm here. -28 with the wind... I'm freezing ! Our houses and apartments are well isolated (or do you say "insulated" ?):D
The second Valentine's Day I can actually spend with someone and for the second time, I have a one-week lab! Last year was the chemistry lab, this year, it's going to be the material science lab. 10 hours every day, so Im not sure there's going to be a plan for that day in particular :(