Ideal partners

TheFourthHorseman said:
Kiitos vaan tarkoittamattomasta muistutuksesta. Ja pah, ryyppyillan jälkeen tullaan lähes aina koneelle. :p Eikä kirjoitella mitään hölmöjä messulaudoille, vaikka se tuppaa olemaankin trendinä.
Tietenkin kaikki mitä mie kirjoitan on aina järkevää.

I'm just not enough of an alcoholic to make that happen. I guess it's a possibility.
Koneelle?! Mitäs tekemistä koneella on umpituuterissa? Ja pahempi krapula vaan aamulla :p hehee.
Just when you think the thread has died another finn must come and post their akatalabistika.

Now someone please go to the language thread and post about their favourite partner. In english.
everyone is confusing me now. :) my ideal partner doesn't exist, at least now: my choice is between someone i don't like and someone who gives me the fucking creeps. ah, but on to new adventures.
I really would like to meet you, just to know what the fuss is all about you know. :) I find most things you post here quite charming, but maybe its you who scares all those men away, I dont know. Whats the problem really? Were you joking about that choice of yours? Maybe you dont really want a partner. I am just trying to understand. :)
marduk1507 said:
I really would like to meet you, just to know what the fuss is all about you know. :) I find most things you post here quite charming, but maybe its you who scares all those men away, I dont know. Whats the problem really? Were you joking about that choice of yours? Maybe you dont really want a partner. I am just trying to understand. :)

Hehehe. No, seriously, the fuss is about nothing, I'm not anything special, I am not even yummy for average standards. As for scaring people away, this is not the case - this time I am the one who's scared away. Details about the events I mentioned: the choice is pretty real, in the sense that these days I have had a wonderful offer of a relationship by a guy who is nice, fun, and very sweet but unfortunately I do not feel drawn to him. On the other hand, there is a creepy guy whom I met by chance who's convinced I want sex with him at all costs, while this couldn't be farther from my intentions. As for not wanting a partner... well, I asked myself if that was not the case (with respect to the first guy. with respect to the second, I most definitely do not want a raving lunatic for a partner). I have no idea of the answer. I am not so desperate that I will become someone's girlfriend only because I don't want to be alone, and that's why upon evidence of lack of attraction I refused him. But there might be something more to it, unwillingness to get involved maybe. That's what he said too, although I'm pretty convinced that had I liked him things would have turned out quite different. It's a chicken-and-egg problem. And thanks for caring about my fickle fate. :)
Hey, no problem. Its really better to be alone than to get involved in something that isnt really your glass of wine (now that Im talking to an Italian woman ;) ). What is it that you dont like about the 1st guy?
Well, I am not attracted physically, that's about it. And he's really emo for a 31-year-old, but i sort of think that wasn't the problem.
Hmm, I thought so. This will probably sound weird, but maybe your problem is that you judge men like a guy. I mean, imo for most men the looks and physical attraction come first. It isnt really fair, but thats how most men approach women I think. And I also think that women tend to care less about the looks of the guy, they look for those things like sense of humour, honesty, openness, its more emotional I guess. Men have a hard time finding a partner not because there arent any cool women around, but because they are so choosy and hard to please, demanding with regard to looks. This attitude tends to fade with age, but its still there nevertheless. What do you think? :)

P.S. And yes, generalisations wont help anyone, its always individual and if you simply dont feel attracted to the guy, thats about it. But we can discuss, cant we (if you dont mind, of course)?
@marduk: i disagree. apart from the fact you already mentioned, that it's individual, i think that men also have a hard time finding a partner when they are choosy in the emotional side too. in fact i think people in general have a hard time finding someone when they want something more in all aspects.

i also think that caring about physical attraction isn't just a guys' thing and it's completely natural (although it's arguable whether putting it first is a guys' thing or not).

sorry if i'm confusing. :erk:
I have never met or observed a guy who I really would fall for. they always turned out to be disgusting, deterrent or very disturbing in one way or another.
@marduk: i don't know whether this points in the direction of your suggestion or not... while i really consider physical attraction to be important, i do not generally go for the 'hot' guys. i have at least one friend who looks like a model, but i don't feel drawn to him sexually, while i have experienced the type of passion that makes it hard to keep your hands to yourself with respect to men who really were nothing special, and could be defined nothing but 'plain' and occasionally 'overweight' (unfortunately, not 'occasionally overweight'). so while looks are not a priority per se in my case, the fact that i feel the need to touch someone is a fundamental litmus test. i don't know, back in the day i thought something could be done to correct this primacy of the body. in a way, i still believe this - the guy who completely broke my heart five years ago was not someone i had felt an instant physical attraction for, and i have had great sex with someone whom i just found mildly attractive. but there's a lower bound. i am reticent to settle for 'feeling mildly attracted', seeing how i have experienced very strong magnetism, but i would if the guy had other good sides to him. on the other hand, i don't think i can settle for 'not feeling attracted at all', even if the guy has a great personality.
@hyena: Heh, its funny, its just occured to me how strange life is. But maybe its just luck, who the hell knows. Its just that you seem to have a LOT more experience than me regarding sexual and emotional relationships, yet you somehow dont seem to be able to get advantage of it (in the positive way I mean). I met my wife when I was 15, fell in love with her and that was it. Then when I was 17 :grin: I decided to make my move and it seemed to be ok at first, but then I was rejected. I dont know what got into me, but I couldnt stop thinking about her. Then I realised that Im probably not the person she finds attractive (sic! :) ) and I decided to change. Just like that. I started sending her small gifts, poems, not many, but enough to make her think about whats going on. I joined the theatre group at our school and she saw the play (years later she told me that when she had seen me smoking in a suit on stage it was for the first time that the idea of loving me seemed ok), etc. After 6 months I almost quit, but then we met and I told her everything, how I tried to hate her, etc etc. That was in 1995, we started going out together. We married in 2002 and its fine.

Perhaps, if theres a guy you really want, you should make him love you. ;)
@marduk: ah, but i tried, i tried... :lol: to no avail whatsoever. i don't think i have a lot of sexual experience, actually i think i have way less sexual experience than most people my age. as far as the emotional side goes, yes, i concur: i've mostly been there and done that, whatever 'there' and 'that' are supposed to mean. and as for taking advantage of experience... i don't know how, probably. maybe i find more obstacles than most because i am a bit of a tomboy (way less than when i was a teen, so in a sense i have changed to attract men, but it wasn't until two years ago or so that i felt comfortable with these changes), and i have a very strong personality.

this tends to be interesting for passive men who are, as the latest one put it to me, more in touch with their feminine side than their masculine one - i'm simplifying, but i think you get the point. but i like the superstars, be it aggressive go-getters or people with the subtlest intellect ever. and these types of guys tend to go for soft, round and comforting, in general. sometimes they also go for outright stupid named maria carmela (one of the silliest tales of my life, that).

i think i'm pretty good at sustaining people through adversity, if only for the far and wide experience, and i also think i can be something very steady to lean on... but this is somewhat misaligned from what men i like classify as 'comforting'. i dunno, i'm not able to hug someone through the night because he has a problem at work, i'd rather try to look for solutions and maybe also call him slightly silly if the occasion presented itself. on the other hand, i am able to hug someone through the night if his family just died in a disaster, even if my family just died in the same disaster - this is not meant to be self-congratulatory, i'm just saying that i have emotional resilience on my side in cases where most people would fall to pieces and be of no use to each other, while in everyday situations i'm a bit aloof. men who normally are strong and driven probably do pursue equilibrium through a desire for a soft, unquestioning breast (!) to lean their head on at the end of any mildly tough day, even if the world didn't explode during said day. i'm too awkward for that, i can't comfort and compliment people when i think they don't need comforting and complimenting but rather something that sounds less artificial to me (sex, a drink, going out to a show, don't know).

oh, and thanks again for wanting to discuss this with me. :)
@hyena: hmm, youre exactly my type then! :grin: I know it sounds stupid, but I couldnt help it. And your post made things look much clearer to me. I dont want to generalise again, but I think those women with strong personality, who offer their minds rather than their soft, unquestioning breasts (:cool: ) tend to scare most men away. I dont know, I guess its nobodys fault. But personaly I prefer discussing problems and playing with breasts in completely different situations! ;)

And again, np, Ive missed this kind of talk here for quite some time.