Ideal partners

marduk1507 said:
@hyena: you dont really have to have any lovey feelings whatsoever. Its not about that. You just have to find someone who makes you feel really comfortable and yourself, makes you feel Good. And then its just a big small step. There are no ideal partners.

well, i hear you. i hear you loud and clear, since this is what i sometimes think these days. but then, what would the difference be between a partner and a friend? i have at least two very close male friends with whom i feel totally comfortable and true to myself, but this is not equivalent to being in love with either of them, or wanting to marry them. i'm kind of puzzled by all this finding-a-partner stuff, should come naturally, be spontaneous etc. while in my case it is anything but.
depends. sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. the times it doesn't are also the times which tend to fuck up after a while, as far as my experience goes.
The talk about love and partners in combination with Malaclypse's sig is beyond hilarious :grin:
Btw did you see the Harald Schmidt ep on thursday? So funny :lol: "The guy on the right is Howard Carpendale!" (photo of Angela Merkel of course ;))

On topic.. I dont know. Im sort of torn between what my heart and my mind want or rather, what they force onto me as the ideal situation.
Of course my heart wants a romantic relationship, caring, filled with love and trust and the whole story. Which is where my mind goes "DUDE! NOOO!" and insists on engaging in what we call "Fuckfriendships".. with all the fun and none of the downsides ;)

I dont want to play the disillusioned at my mere 22 years, but it's certainly easier if you pretend you're single and not looking, there's so much pressure to miss out on and all ;)

Im not a stranger to the problem though, I see many women I find interesting or attractive in more than one way.. but I just dont see myself with her. Not because Im afraid of being rejected, it's starting to feel like an inability in a way.
And with the women I actually do picture myself, usually fate throws in one or two things.. like a huge distance or a longtime BF or that kind of jokes ;)
Taliesin said:
Hah.. for that I have my comfy chair! Sex with furniture? What do you guys think? :loco:

All this time I could have been getting lucky every night. :erk: :loco:
Schwedentod said:
Don't know if I got your point well but I'm one of many not-so-happy smokers. I would try to quit if the right person came along my way. And this would be a good reason, so maybe I'd really do it.
Yep, you probably would. My boyfriend quit smoking, because i didn't like it. People do anything when they're in love :p
Lolita Vampiriá said:
@HD: Sorry for asking but I saw a pack of cigarettes on the table in front of you in some picture. Wasn't it his or yours?
Kyllä me molemmat poltetaan sillointällöin (lähinnä baarissa), mutta vakituisen polttamisen Lasse lopetti jo ajat sitten :) Sen takia en siitä tykänny, kun se ei terveydelle oo kovin hyväksi, niin ei sitten tartte huolehtia että saako toinen jonkun keuhkosyövän :p
Human Desert said:
Jep. Ja me ollaan niin köyhiä, että käydään baarissakin niin harvoin että ei se haittaa jos siellä tulee pari poltettua :)
Itteäni ainakin kyllä vaan vituttaisi (vituttaa) aamulla. Jos on krapulakin (ja vaikka ei olisikaan) valmiiksi päällä niin ei oikein kaipaa vielä sitä paskan makua suuhun.
Ei se muutaman polttelukaan kai ole pahemmin hyväksi terveydelle, vaikka vähemmän vaikuttaisikin.
rahvin said:
well, i'll be damned!

Well, for the non-speaker: Lolita and Human desert were talking of sucking fags in bars, and how it´s not a regular habit. After your reply the 4th horseman replied how he would be pissed if he had that awful taste in his mouth besides the fact that he had a hang-over.
Naku ist krig said:
After your reply the 4th horseman replied how he would be pissed if he had that awful taste in his mouth besides the fact that he had a hang-over.
What I want to know is how one can be pissed and hungover at the same time.