Ideas for next COB record

I think cob should not take any advice from anyone about their next album. They should even plug their ears when walking down the street so they are not influenced by people's whistling. Just cut off from the world to get rid of all influence.

Except from me...

But it's easy to say more atmosphere please, more darkness, more epicness please... I always try to give explanation.

But really if Alexi called me now and asked "what the hell do I do"... I'd tell him to create one atmospheric melody thing for each song and use it as the backbone of the song from which everything else is spawned. This method could serve in creating that magical flow of Follow the Reaper where every song was like an epicly flowing story. On newer records there's so many songs that have one separate genious section that has nothing to do with the song really. I'd tell him that. And then of course to make it as atmospheric, epic and dark as fuck, and maybe use some industrial effects, but it's up to him how.
More industrial sounds, they can work like magic. But don't let them be a fundamental in the structure composition-wise; it still has to be guitar dictated. Stuff like they use in the Follow the Reaper / Living Dead Beat intro, or ODYWC intro... really cool stuff.



Always thought Chokehold had sort of an industrial feel to it. You could take pre verse riff and transfer it nicely into synth.


Best part of In Your Face are those industrial type keys in the intro.

idk why videos aren't embedding...
Joonas, do you play? You have so many ideas, but you just want to give them away? Why not write it yourself? Make a Joonas band. Don't sell yourself short just giving it away. Because what you are doing here- giving general description with quotes of what is already their intellectual property- they can take that and you would lose out completely. But if you made your own intellectual product- a recording or notes on paper- then you would have some rights. Even if they only used a main theme you would still have a right to say they got that from me. So long as you or a lawyer retained your intellectual product they cannot really make it their intellectual property. Unless you sign it over and agree to be silenced. Do you want to be silenced Joonas?

It is really no differen . From what the label does to bands. The bands make intellectual product and the label copywrites. It is the intellectual property of the label, but the intellectual product of the band.

So if you had a product that the band used to make their product and it became the property of the label you would have two choices. One you could do nothing and troll the web making claims others may or may not believe. Or two you could take the label to court and maybe get some money but risk the band losing the product and never play the work again. Worst case scenario is if it went to trial. You could settle out of court and be silenced.

So i don't mean to scare you off from what you are doing. I am just saying clearly you have a passion, and that is worth making your own intellectual product.

Except from me...

But it's easy to say more atmosphere please, more darkness, more epicness please... I always try to give explanation.

But really if Alexi called me now and asked "what the hell do I do"... I'd tell him to create one atmospheric melody thing for each song and use it as the backbone of the song from which everything else is spawned. This method could serve in creating that magical flow of Follow the Reaper where every song was like an epicly flowing story. On newer records there's so many songs that have one separate genious section that has nothing to do with the song really. I'd tell him that. And then of course to make it as atmospheric, epic and dark as fuck, and maybe use some industrial effects, but it's up to him how.
He doesn't have the technical talent to take what's in his head and make it into a song. Actually, I don't think he's really sure what he actually wants, using adjectives such as "atmosphere" "purple aura" "foresty sensation" don't make any sense when applied to the sounds instruments make.
So i don't mean to scare you off from what you are doing. I am just saying clearly you have a passion, and that is worth making your own intellectual product.

I played some keyboards and guitar, but not anymore. With the guitar I got to the level I could play the rhythm and many leads of a dozen COB tracks using tabs. Now I'm focusing my creativity on something else that I actually can excel at. Not sure if you've noticed, but I no longer channel all my creative energy on this forum...

Secretly I know/believe some of my tips did get transferred to Bodom, which I think is nice and exciting. I had such a passionate view of the art. Now however I'm doing an artistic project of my own, while still dropping a post or two here now and then.

He doesn't have the technical talent to take what's in his head and make it into a song. Actually, I don't think he's really sure what he actually wants, using adjectives such as "atmosphere" "purple aura" "foresty sensation" don't make any sense when applied to the sounds instruments make.

It should be obvious I don't give music theory advice to Bodom or what notes they should play. I have these atmospheric and artistic ideas and shit. It bugs me that I could never produce the music that's playing in my head... the sheer idea of me getting frustrated with a computer program is absurd. Some of you may think I'm a geek, but I suck at computers and technology.
It really does not take a certain technical skill level on an instrument as a prerequisite to songwriting. All that stuff is in your head. Maybe somebody told you or did something that crushed your self esteem. There are plenty of avenues to songwriting. The voice. Pen and paper. Computer programs. If you want it bad enough you could achieve it. Just because you can not perform it does not mean you could not write it. Trying is the first step, and practice makes perfect.

It is good you found a creative outlet that is self affirming. No one art is better than another. Well, they say literature is the highest form, but those are literate people. Visual art holds a high place too.
+1, it's all true. It's just you have to decide what to focus on, given the limited time and creative capacity. Everything serves you, you learn and experience new stuff and understand things better, but you may find "ok, this is as far as I was supposed to venture in the musical/guitar development." It's great to learn stuff, it gives excitement and depth to life (for example learning to play something did this to me), but one can't become a pro at everything. Sometimes you find you're skilled at something at early age, so it's pointless to focus on another form of art instead where you're lagging lightyears compared to the actual talents. That is if you want to actually achieve something. I saw there are 10 year old guitarists so good I could never become as good... so why struggle down that path when I already excel at another form of art?

I think it's best not to focus only on 1 thing in life, as it's not good to focus on 10 things. Human is a holistic being, one should find one thing from each of the important areas to take seriously. One form of art, one form of sports, one form of lifestyle... It's not my destiny to become a serious metal musician. I can still give my opinions on how to improve a song, albeit there comes a technical limit when it comes to instrumental theory or computer technology.

Auditive art even as music without lyrics can tell a story. Graphic art with just visuals can tell a story. Literature can tell a story. Each has its boundaries and capabilities. You can use all together when making a movie, for example. However, with literature you can trigger the mind of the reader to create these elements from his own mind, instead of offering them concrete, when the expression is limited. For example, a music video may ruin a song for you, because you had a more effective image of the song in your mind before seeing the music video...
Secretly I know/believe some of my tips did get transferred to Bodom, which I think is nice and exciting. I had such a passionate view of the art. Now however I'm doing an artistic project of my own, while still dropping a post or two here now and then.

Were you put on Earth by Satan to diminish my forum dignity...

I'm not all transparent you know... I don't care to explain further but I can show you a video with Alexi answering a dozen of my questions, so you know it hasn't all passed their eyes... lol.
Glad you liked it so much you took time to read it and post a reply instead of doing something worthwhile like going erotic with your girlfriend.
So the next album would be released Fall 2015 and writing process starts next winter. If you only ever have one more new COB album: what would you be disappointed to miss in their discography? Was there some musical idea you dreamed of seeing but never did? The next one could be the album to make that into reality.

Well, it's quite simple... I would really love another Follow the Reaper, with the epicness and atmosphere. In a way Halo of Blood is close to that, but I would like to see still something a little more similar. Songs could revolve around the whole Bodom mystery. It should really sound like the lost souls of the Bodom children chanting rhymes of violence over this dark and mysterious music, with the Reaper strongly involved in the themes... There's still something that's left unraveled about this theme. Psychological themes cloaked in fantasy symbolism.

I think with Halo of Blood the band found a genious way to entwine the fantasy and psychologic aspects, and next one should definitely continue the trend. You want the incredible Lake Bodom mythology, but it has to tell about real issues symbolically. This way there is depth and everyone can understand it with the individual way of thinking (from concrete to abstract). Of course it's purely down to them what they want to create but I think everyone agrees it should be within this artistic paradigm. For example, you might have a song telling about the Reaper picking up your wrecked body and passing you to the realm of death, which really could tell about an alcoholic's life ending in misery when he continues down his path.
Glad you liked it so much you took time to read it and post a reply instead of doing something worthwhile like going erotic with your girlfriend.



So the next album would be released Fall 2015 and writing process starts next winter. ..which really could tell about an alcoholic's life ending in misery when he continues down his path.

Dude, they aren't going to write songs about alcoholic death until the hand of God comes down and blesses them with sobriety. These are not the type of people that usually get sober. Oh tralalalala alexi said he slowed down. Like anyone believes that bullshit. Someday alexi will die from drink, and i bet it is not too far away.
Dude, they aren't going to write songs about alcoholic death until the hand of God comes down and blesses them with sobriety.

Well I think Trashed, Lost & Strungout is pretty much this and so is Are You Dead Yet? And many songs deal with something close to this theme.

These are not the type of people that usually get sober. Oh tralalalala alexi said he slowed down. Like anyone believes that bullshit. Someday alexi will die from drink, and i bet it is not too far away.

:lol: Well, Alexi is deep (somewhat), but he's surrounded by morons and isn't into sports or healthy life, so the likeliness of him sobering is not very good, as there isn't enough of the opposite power to support it. Nobody believed I would become fully sober, I was as bad as the wild child... I wasn't intentionally suicidal at any point, but I was the worst party machine in town for years. Even broke many same bones as Alexi. Now people see me as this health fitness geek and couldn't guess.