If Damnation had been released after Morningrise


Oct 21, 2003
War for Territory
I remember reading in the bio that Mike was originaly thinking of releasing a heavy/accoustic album around the time of MAYH. Dont quote me on that, I may be insane... regardless, I was wondering just how different it would have sounded if the guys had done it then, as opposed to now. I mean, back then they werent with Steven Wilson, they had a focus on accoustic guitars, they had something of a folkish edge... it could have sounded quite similar to Ulver's Kveldssanger.

Any thoughts?
not only is that an interesting question in regards to the sound and songwriting....but what would that have done to the band's popularity at the time...they weren't quite established yet....but i think it would have been great. i think that their most powerful and emotional riffs they have written to date were in mayh. but, as far as folk, i think that is the first album that they moved away from that a bit....but they did seem to return to some folk style (more of a classical feel) writing in still life...imo
well , i'm not pretty sure about that , actually...
i think it just would have sounded like a mix between the acoutic parts they wrote at this time , before MAYH ..and i don't think the acoustic Ulver album sounds the same than the early Opeth acoustic parts..
I'm glad they waited.

"To Bid You Farewell" was a critical track for Opeth... but it was their first try. It's an excellent song... but it sounds sort of plain compared to their future acoustic work. They spiced up "Credence" a little more, and the acoustics for Still Life on are beautiful.

The thing that strikes me about Damnation is how it's so different from what people expected (I think everyone judged by the Blackwater Park bonus tracks that they would all be soft acoustic numbers like that), but it is much richer than that... and still has that Opeth vibe to it, somehow.

"To Bid You Farewell" was a great start... but they needed a little more practice before they could deliver top-notch softer numbers. Damnation has shown how much they've blossomed with their softer sound.
"To Bid You Farewell" is one of the two best tracks on Morningrise, in my opinion. Still, it does make me wish that Per had been in the band then to add just a little more to it. I'm not talking about total overkill, just a few small things here and there. I actually got to thinking that the sound of a Rhodes would do nicely...not overdone, just occasionally in there to fill in some of the empty spaces. I think of that sound because there were a few parts that to me seemed a bit classic rock...or I could just be biased because I listen to so much from that genre... ;)
ShroudOfDusk said:
To Bid You Farewell is better than anything from Damnation.

You can say what you will about Damnation... but you have to admit, it's more meatier than "To Bid You Farewell." That track is definitely an acoustic track (besides the electric guitar part obviously), versus a soft-but-not-acoustic-guitar track. Damnation has many different guitars and keyboards at many different times. "To Bid You Farewell" is more bare, not as much to it.
Regardless of how good any of the songs are.

And I like Manson, sue me.
koolboee cdmo87 said:
Damnation has many different guitars and keyboards at many different times. "To Bid You Farewell" is more bare, not as much to it.
I dont think the basics of the production make up for a lack of ingenuity. To Bid You Farewell has much more flow and feel to it, regardless of the fact that Mike's singing voice may not have been as good, or the guitars may not have sounded as good as they could have.
I'd argue that most songs from Damnation make far too much use of the 'verse-chrous-verse' style of writing, meaning that any 'flow' in the songs is superficial, because there's no progressive element.
Have to say that I think To Bid You Farewell kicks everything on Damnation's ass.

The Guitars blend together so much more naturally. there is a million times more feel on the early releases. Damnation is poor compared to the early mellow stuff. The only tune from damnation that stands up againsed them is windowpane.
I think the weakest track on Morningrise is Nectar, but that's just my opinion...

To Bid You Farewell, I have to be in the mood for. If I'm in the car, half asleep, and need a daze song, I put on To Bid You Farewell. But if I'm in a high energy mood, and To Bid You Farewell is playing out loud, I don't like it that much. Too much repetativeness...
When I first listened I was shocked that Opeth made an album like that-without death vocals and hard guitar screams-till the end I waited for a sudden entry of a death scream as Mikael always does but it didn't happen.

I think that all Opeth albums represent different emotions like each of their songs do and I have to agree that the feeling I get while listening to damnation is very similar to that of morningrise despite the different sounds'n vocals, but I can't say to bid u farewell kicks damnation's arse cos' they've got still different feelings'n sounds.

Damnation is the most passimistic album in my opinion and I like its soft sound&vocals except the last song I don't listen it at all cos' it's much more like kinda pop song :loco: .I listen it when I want to relax with passimistic thoughts in a dark room.If I want to headbang master's apprentices is always in my audio :headbang: .All in all damnation's cool'n rocks.I feel pain in my stomach when I listen to lyrics like ''summer is miles'n miles away, noone could ask me to stay'' this is cool and only a true Opethian's able to feel that ;) .I wish Opeth continues damnation's sound cos' they've made enough albums to headbang.