If Mort Divine ruled the world

Basically it started out as "y r games so patriarchy??!!" and "mean boys wont let us in their club" and then the boys started whining back about how bitches were bitching.

Games are big business, but most big business games suck, the fanboys/grrls are LCD consumers, and I can't bring myself to care about their FWP.
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Are you refering to all the personal relationship drama aired out in social media that was the excuse to get the ball rolling on the feministing? Again, FWPs for LCDs.
Professional media is pretty much all sponsored content, and no amount of complaining about journalistic integrity is going to change the economic necessity of the sponsored content model.
Sarkeesian's argument is that since games portray women as objects young men then see women as objects. Which then would suggest that playing violent games leads kids to commit violence
Sarkeesian's argument is that since games portray women as objects young men then see women as objects. Which then would suggest that playing violent games leads kids to commit violence

And yet we already know there's no evidence for the latter.
You say journalistic ethics, I say faulty logic about objectification of women + a profiteering woman. I don't see how it's clear what gamergate is on either side.
I was talking to NoumeGnon.

I only say ethics in gaming journalism is the catalyst for gamergate, not necessarily that it's still only about that or that journalistic ethics is even it's most important goal anymore.
tbh ever since the original Deus Ex I've been murdering video game women and propping them on staircases to peep up their skirts.

Do you ever feel like you might do this in real life too?
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I only say ethics in gaming journalism is the catalyst for gamergate, not necessarily that it's still only about that or that journalistic ethics is even it's most important goal anymore.

That's fair. The dustup over the personal relationship stuff I saw as just an excuse to launch the same old feminist assault on something new. -gate occurred because there was a significant backlash instead of mewling capitulation. I would say this should warrant praise, but the sort of guys who take video games that seriously are too socially unaware to "realize what they were doing".