If Mort Divine ruled the world


According to reports the Pacific island nation of Kiribati is heading for a watery grave, courtesy of rising sea levels caused by man-made climate change:

Guardian: In March the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published the volume on adaptation of its fifth assessment report, confirming in starker terms forecasts first outlined by scientists in 1990. Within a few decades, small islands in the Pacific and Indian oceans risk being extensively or even completely submerged.

And the burial ceremony is already under way:

Huffington Post: At the end of February the scenes in the South Pacific atoll island nation of Kiribati were dramatic and frightening. Waves crashed across the lagoon side of South Tarawa, the capital of Kiribati, swamping everything in their path. For the locals, there was nowhere to go as the waves left a trail of destruction, flooding the hospital in Betio, destroying food crops and fouling the already severely limited freshwater lens.

It sounds as if Kiribati is doomed, and a part of it may well be. But if so it will be because of too little water, not too much.

Can't quote the whole thing, but you can read it for yourself. In your "neighborhood" CIG. Relevant to me since this "nation" includes Tarawa among other atolls, which was a short but bloody battle in Marine Corps history.

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what is your position on climate change dak? lol I swear just last week you were only talking about it on a coastal US perspective
what is your position on climate change dak? lol I swear just last week you were only talking about it on a coastal US perspective

I think it's mostly empty fear mongering. I mean, the fact that the earth's climate isn't static is pretty clear. The fact that low lying coastal areas have been underwater before and easily could be again in the future is pretty clear also. There is conflicting research over how levels of CO2 affect climate processes, and how much impact any potential changes you or I make to our daily routines would have on general CO2 levels. Furthermore, actual common sense action is not allowed in the discussion; all "solutions" involve larger bureaucracies, less freedom, lower living standards (shittier products and services). If it's business as usual for TPTB, there's either nothing to be afraid of or little you could do about it if there was.

On progressive fear mongering:

Progressivism is embraced and promoted primarily by women, educators and urban males who tend to be not only physically weaker than other men, but who are also untrained and uninterested in self-defense. Rationally, they should be more afraid than more capable men.

But that’s just you and me thinking like men, again.

They don’t see the world that way. These people have been protected all of their lives. They are the meek who have inherited the earth, and like all spoiled brats they have no experiential understanding of what it took to create their world or what is required to maintain it. Like an heiress who doesn’t care where the money comes from as long as she gets to keep spending it, they have no practical understanding of violence or its role in maintaining their safety.

Now, on the surface there seems to be some hypocrisy here, and in light of neocon fear mongering about any number of things, it's easy to paint this as a potandkettle situation - and maybe it is. However, there is a difference between living in fear or using fear for manipulation, and recognizing where the actual danger in life lies - as well as what it takes to deal with the danger.

Prior to the above quote:

Progressives only have one good trick, and men keep falling for it. They keep calling you a coward, so that you’ll do or say whatever they want to prove that you are not a coward...........Progressives get men to do whatever they want by manipulating our fear of being afraid. When you recognize this manipulation, you’ll begin to see it in nearly every argument appealing to men and every progressive narrative written about men. Their strategy is to portray masculine men, even men who have demonstrated courage in battle or in legitimately heroic endeavors where they have faced and overcome fear, as being driven primarily by fear and a sense of inadequacy.

A gun is a substitute penis. A big truck is a substitute penis. You try to "look manly" cause you're really gay. Only a coward fights. Etc. All this from people either afraid of their own shadow or too ignorant to avoid dark alleys. As progressivists are consumed with signaling, it is impossible for them to see material goods as good for anything other than signaling. And they don't like your signal. Oh well. Between their hypocrisy, manipulative behavior, and disingenuity, it's a pretty damning collection of traits. Why care about their opinions?

On progressivist disingenuity:


TL;DR: That "Ima pay everyone 70k including muhself" CEO looks like a shyster who was trying to save his own ass from a lawsuit/cover up his earlier malfeasance. Not any worse than professional victims I guess.
There is a lot of work published by reputable scientists and scholars that prove otherwise, or is there some kind of huge conspiracy in science and academia to create an issue out of nothing? Or is this part where you question what the word "reputable" means?
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Prove what otherwise? That there's something to be afraid of? I'm sure there's *something* negative. Actually I'm sure there are lots of negatives of varying degrees of severity. There are also positives, many of which will by their nature and the nature of the political climate be somewhat unforeseeable.

There is undeniably a level of conflict of interest in any publicly funded politicized area of science (just like in studies done by businesses for their products). To claim otherwise is to display a gross ignorance of people, politics, and/or business.
Arable land in new locations, previously inaccessible areas now accessible for travel and resource extraction, possibly a new evolutionary boom etc. Life on the planet has exploded in previous periods of warm temps far exceeding the current levels. Ice ages are much more devastating to both people and other living things than warming periods. I hope you don't really need citations for any of the above.

Obviously, there's some differences now compared to other historic warming periods, particularly for anthropocentric concerns due to the coastal orientation of the human population, as well as new contingent factors for living things at large like pollution, deforestation, etc. But let's assume (or for your benefit "acknowledge") humans are driving a purely catastrophic disaster in the making. What can you do about it? Not a damn thing. Turn an extra light off? Drive an electric vehicle? Not even a drop in a drop in a drop in an ocean. What are TPTB trying to do about it? The same shit they do all the time - most of which does/would only contribute to CO2 - along with growing the burden and expanse of the bureaucracy. Looks like a scam, smells like scam - and if it's not a scam, buy some bug repellent and move north/not near the ocean.
Let's play "Which one is the bigger threat?" Looks to me like if we are finding a way to warm the planet, we need to keep it up.

I think you're overstating this arable land thing. Most of that would change with the variance in ocean currents, which only occurs over millions of years and tectonic movements. Antarctica isn't going to become habitable nor is northern Canada a favorable destination
They are referring to storm severity and ice melting. That is entirely different

Storm severity can be linked to any number of things, and we have actually had a dearth of hurricanes recently, at least in the Atlantic. In the Pacific, El Nino and La Nina are responsible for so much stuff I doubt the ability for the worst and dullest to tease out "man made climate change" from natural earth processes. Ice melting does lead to or relate to newly arable land. Even if every single missive on man made climate change is true, you know what it still sounds like? "IF WE DON'T SACRIFICE THE VIRGINS THE STORM GODS WILL BE ANGRY!!"