If Mort Divine ruled the world

This is just a bunch of bullshit dude. Not even worth responding to. It's clear that we've got a ton of mass shootings in the US and Europe does not. Why is that? Is it because any random dude can go buy an AR?

Rates matter, counterfactuals don't help you. Neither of those are bullshit. Take some stats and philosophy classes. They just had a mass shooting in France way worse than anything the US has had and you can't buy an AR at a corner shop in Paris. It's not gun availability. It is an empirical fact that gun control does not reduce crime, violent or otherwise. It may significantly reduce gun deaths, specifically those from the suicide category, but that doesn't necessarily mean those deaths go away. Why is dying from a gun worse?

But you're one of those lunatics who believes that everyone should carry bazookas openly so there's no point arguing with you. But I'm just a sheeple and should just wake up though, right? :lol:

Do I believe everyone should carry bazookas openly? No. In fact, generally speaking, open carry of standard firearms is often a poor decision.
I am outside, with my laptop on a lawn chair drinking beers.
Just trying to bring you down to earth so maybe then you can get your dick wet, instead of thinking everyone around you is too stupid to associate with. (I'm condescending? Hahaha.)
I don't think I'm smart, I'm whatever the fuck I am, it's you that is stuck in a cycle of perpetual self-ingratiation.

Go cry somewhere.

I get my dick wet a lot AND I also know how to use a condom. It's amazing really.
I get my dick wet a lot AND I also know how to use a condom. It's amazing really.

Sure you do.

Rates matter, counterfactuals don't help you. Neither of those are bullshit. Take some stats and philosophy classes. They just had a mass shooting in France way worse than anything the US has had and you can't buy an AR at a corner shop in Paris. It's not gun availability. It is an empirical fact that gun control does not reduce crime, violent or otherwise. It may significantly reduce gun deaths, specifically those from the suicide category, but that doesn't necessarily mean those deaths go away. Why is dying from a gun worse?

@Matt this is what I was talking about earlier before you had a hissy fit, gun bans don't drop rates of violence, they only seem to change the weapon of choice.
This is especially seen here in Australia with melee weapon violence simply supplanting the loss of gun violence in the stats.
How many people are going to waste their time debunking ideas from non intelligent people? What a hack.

It's just funny. He's not trying to convince anyone, he's simply a comedian.
Yeah that seems like a pointless criticism of these youtubers.

Also, it's much more specific to say they're catering to anti-feminists, not just men.
Most anti-feminist youtubers I sub to are also female, so it's not so black and white.
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It's just funny. He's not trying to convince anyone, he's simply a comedian.

This is the point. You say that he's a comedian, that he's not trying to argue one way or another, but he is. All of these people do. It took no more than 2 minutes into the video for him to start 'debunking' her 'feminist' points. You cited this yourself;

dissects them in the name of comedy (and logic)

The comedy isn't in making a joke, it's in "destroying" the oppositions logic, to portray exactly how dumb this mindset is. This is the comedic element, nothing else. By doing this, he is influencing the viewer base to think like he does. Him, Sargon and others shouldn't be cited as academics or intellectuals in this discussion imo and really they aren't existing on the internet to be funny but rather showing how dumb feminist women (mostly) are.
Feminist men are the dumbest because they can't speak for 3 seconds without constantly mentioning how, because they're men, they don't really understand the topics or issues and how they don't speak for minorities and blah blah blah male privilege.
It's so cringeworthy.

But I myself like a well crafted argument against feminist dogma as opposed to jokes about feminism.
I think it's something to be mostly taken very seriously.
The comedy isn't in making a joke, it's in "destroying" the oppositions logic, to portray exactly how dumb this mindset is. This is the comedic element, nothing else. By doing this, he is influencing the viewer base to think like he does. Him, Sargon and others shouldn't be cited as academics or intellectuals in this discussion imo

Right, I agree with all of this. I simply have a good laugh when I watch one of his videos and thought someone else might have a laugh too. Merely trying to provide a comedic interlude to this increasingly serious thread. Carry on people.
Sure you do.

@Matt this is what I was talking about earlier before you had a hissy fit, gun bans don't drop rates of violence, they only seem to change the weapon of choice.

Terrible argument. The level of damage inflicted with a knife isn't comparable to that of an AR. If we made it impossible to acquire military grade weaponry, I predict casualties in these kinds of shootings would go down. No one is saying that people would stop killing each other, that's obviously not going to happen.
Terrible argument. The level of damage inflicted with a knife isn't comparable to that of an AR. If we made it impossible to acquire military grade weaponry, I predict casualties in these kinds of shootings would go down. No one is saying that people would stop killing each other, that's obviously not going to happen.

Terrible rebut as most gun crime is done with a pistol.
My argument isn't that we should just TAKE ALL UR GUNZZ. We should instead make it really hard for people like the San Bernadino couple to buy assault rifles. So they might buy a pistol instead; that's a better alternative than being able to mow down people at will.
It's a semi-automatic rifle, so you can't "mow" people down. A pistol would be nearly as effective and its an easier weapon to sneak into places. Really, the whole ban on "assault weapons" thing is a bit of a joke. It's more political grandstanding so that people can pat themselves on the back than a gun law reform that would actually reduce gun violence. Ban hand guns instead.
My argument isn't that we should just TAKE ALL UR GUNZZ. We should instead make it really hard for people like the San Bernadino couple to buy assault rifles. So they might buy a pistol instead; that's a better alternative than being able to mow down people at will.

Let's not forget that Cho killed all of his victims with two low-caliber pistols. "Assault rifles" are just shock factor and media bait, nothing more.
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Have you guys ever used any of these weapons? If I were planning on committing a mass murder tomorrow, there's no way I'd use a pistol. I'd use a weapon that provides the most firepower and mag capacity. A semi automatic rifle of some kind.
Pistols are easier to conceal, and with an extended magazine you can still get plenty of shots out of one. The element of surprise is usually an important factor; cops are going to be tipped off immediately if you have a rifle on your back, but pull up your shirt in the middle of class to reveal a couple pistols and you'll probably kill more people. Rifles obviously have their uses, but you could banish every single one from this mortal plane and it wouldn't really affect spree shootings if handguns were still all over the place.