If Mort Divine ruled the world

Storm severity can be linked to any number of things, and we have actually had a dearth of hurricanes recently, at least in the Atlantic. In the Pacific, El Nino and La Nina are responsible for so much stuff I doubt the ability for the worst and dullest to tease out "man made climate change" from natural earth processes. Ice melting does lead to or relate to newly arable land. Even if every single missive on man made climate change is true, you know what it still sounds like? "IF WE DON'T SACRIFICE THE VIRGINS THE STORM GODS WILL BE ANGRY!!"

Not saying they are right, you are just misrepresenting what the claim is.

Ice melting is on the antarctic, in that instead of 100 million tons its like 60. That's not going to make it arable. We keep doing this. N. Canada isn't getting a heat wave, nor is Siberia. There isn't going to be any new land in the near future. New opportunities for resources/labor in the arctic circle? Highly likely
According to some numbers I was looking at, the US isn't even #1 in rate of mass shootings among *developed* countries. I didnt vet the numbers but I wouldn't be surprised.

Edit: Bottom line is anti gun nuts have nothing on their side. Literally nothing. "Gun murders", "Gun Deaths". And? There's so much empty and ignorant rhetoric and statistical tom foolery going with Mother Jones et al that the NRA or GoA don't even have to try to shut their shit down.

"More Americans die from ghost sniper multi autonomic assault clothing rounds than in any other non-OPEC country! Save our children, ban our guns! "
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Hilary just lost the women vote, she promotes rape culture!!!!111!!!

Clinton responded by saying, “I would say that everybody should be believed at first until they are disbelieved based on evidence.”
Hilary just lost the women vote, she promotes rape culture!!!!111!!!

If evidence contradicts rape claims, who ya gonna believe? Women or the patriarchical rape system of evidence? Who determines what counts as evidence? UR HUR! BUNCHA WHITE MEN! *snap snap*
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I wonder what those stats would look like if you also added data to do with melee weapon crime and then controlled for population sizes.

Just saw this, I swear universities are going right down the toilet.

Seems like a lot to me

Rates matter. If you're the only person in your house and do meth, the meth rate in your house is 100%. If I'm the only person in my house and don't do meth, the meth rate is 0%. Combine us, and it's 50%. Of course, the combined rate doesn't tell me shit about you or me either. And so on.

You might say "well what if Norway doesn't have that one?". But what if it has 2? 3? See, we can play all kinds of counterfactual games.

Nevermind that often reporting standards between countries are different. Nevermind that stat was only 2000-2014 (why that timeframe?) Nevermind that Sweden is super geographically/economically isolated compared to the US. Etc. Stats don't lie, but people do lie with stats.
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I wonder what those stats would look like if you also added data to do with melee weapon crime and then controlled for population sizes.

Why would you add melee weapon information when speaking specifically about mass shootings? And those stats are controlled for population sizes.

Rates matter. If you're the only person in your house and do meth, the meth rate in your house is 100%. If I'm the only person in my house and don't do meth, the meth rate is 0%. Combine us, and it's 50%. Of course, the combined rate doesn't tell me shit about you or me either. And so on.

You might say "well what if Norway doesn't have that one?". But what if it has 2? 3? See, we can play all kinds of counterfactual games.

Nevermind that often reporting standards between countries are different. Nevermind that stat was only 2000-2014 (why that timeframe?) Nevermind that Sweden is super geographically/economically isolated compared to the US. Etc. Stats don't lie, but people do lie with stats.

This is just a bunch of bullshit dude. Not even worth responding to. It's clear that we've got a ton of mass shootings in the US and Europe does not. Why is that? Is it because any random dude can go buy an AR?

But you're one of those lunatics who believes that everyone should carry bazookas openly so there's no point arguing with you. But I'm just a sheeple and should just wake up though, right? :lol:

Matt is too basic to understand that point though, as he's demonstrated consistently.

You somehow have become most condescending douchebag on this forum and you've only been here a few months. You obviously think you're pretty smart right? So how about contributing something relevant that adds to the discussion instead of parading around with your better-than attitude while liking all of Daky's posts as his personal lapdog. Go outside. Stop posting 200 times per day, and go fuck yourself
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I am outside, with my laptop on a lawn chair drinking beers.
Just trying to bring you down to earth so maybe then you can get your dick wet, instead of thinking everyone around you is too stupid to associate with. (I'm condescending? Hahaha.)
I don't think I'm smart, I'm whatever the fuck I am, it's you that is stuck in a cycle of perpetual self-ingratiation.


Go cry somewhere.
Mass shootings make up less than 1% of all shootings in the USA. They're really an insignificant type of crime overall; the fact that South Africa (aka rape nation) and Mexico (hello cartels) score lower in the graph above helps prove that. The real problem is urban black violence from teens/young adults. We have an ethnic group that makes up 10% of the population, and of them a particular demographic that makes up probably 1% of the population, yet they commit half of all firearm murder in the United States. You can't compare Europe and the USA like that.
Every time I look in this thread, it's always some bullshit.

I also think it's quite hilarious that the people who don't associate with black people at all, have the most to say regarding them.

For the record, HB, those figures are off because there are limitations to statistics. Statistics like that are most often from the FBI or DOJ (Department of Justice). The FBI data only includes arrests. Conviction data is not recorded by a uniform crime reporting program. A lot of charges are dropped, and arrests does not equal guilt. Blacks are disproportionately arrested more.

Not all crimes are reported. And the racial and ethnic data can be eschewed too.

The FBI databases only shows the rate of arresting among the various races in the U.S. That's a huge difference because by that it's not possible to determine who commits the most crime by the FBI stats alone. You can only determine who is under suspicion of committing a crime.
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What about homicide victims then? I think it's well known that homicide victims are usually killed by members of their local community, e.g. a white neighborhood is going to have predominantly white-on-white violence, and a black neighborhood predominantly black-on-black. A quick search is putting it that about 90% of black victims of homicide are killed by other blacks. While you can say that crime reporting is inconsistent, if a person is found shot to death there's no ambiguity. For example, compare:

http://www.cdc.gov/men/lcod/2013/blackmales2013.pdf (nearly 50% of deaths aged 15-24 are from homicide)
http://www.cdc.gov/men/lcod/2013/whitemen2013.pdf (8% of deaths aged 15-24 are from homicide)

And that's only relative to their respective totals; the overall rate of death is going to be even higher in black men. So, maybe you're right and it's not really a 10-fold difference. 6-fold then? 8-fold? Point still stands.

And my point isn't to say that blacks are automatically a danger to society, just that comparing the USA and Germany, looking at disparate homicide rates, and going "Hey, it must be cuz of all those guns!" is silly and ignores a lot of other differences between the two countries. I'm all for ending the war on drugs to remove the incentive for gangs to kill each other, all for requiring all cops to wear body cameras at all times to prevent corruption/false arrests by race, and all for overhauling ghetto schools and removing the violent offenders early.
To bring this thread back to its roots, has anyone posted anything by Undoomed here yet? I discovered his channel a few weeks ago and I think his videos are hilarious. He takes feminist vlog videos on youtube and dissects them in the name of comedy (and logic).