If Mort Divine ruled the world


Love the end of this article:

Pro-Suicide, Anti-Gun

Even more illogical is the fact that many advocates of gun control who pretend to be greatly concerned over suicide, actually applaud suicide in other contexts, and in some cases, those who claim to be advocating for fewer suicides via their opposition to guns, simultaneously will advocate for more suicide in the form of "assisted suicide" and euthanasia laws.

When Brittany Maynard opted to kill herself rather than suffer from brain cancer, she was treated as a hero by many on the left, and "assisted suicide" has long been a project of the left, which seeks to make suicide easier. We also often hear about how "progressive" Belgium is, where the elderly and children are encouraged to embrace euthanasia.

So, for the pro-suicide, anti-gun party, they should stop pretending to be concerned about suicide, but should instead admit that they merely object to the means of attaining it. They simply want people to die by some other method. That's fair enough, and if adults wish to contract with someone else to poison themselves, that's not the state's business. Indeed, if there are people who would prefer suicide using a third party instead of a gun, it is not legitimate for the state to prevent that. At the same time, let's stop pretending that people who applaud Brittany Maynard while decrying suicide as "gun violence" are interested in suicide prevention. They're not.
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There's a pretty even lack of consistency between your typical right and left US citizen. The difference is in the honesty about it, or at least the awareness of it. Your average leftist would rate themselves quite highly on "soft skills", and things like empathy/sympathy - when empirically conservatives are more generous, and voluntourism (young lefty "giving" of choice) has received a fair amount of criticism for doing at least as much harm as good. Finally, who wants to be around someone waiting to pounce on the slightest perceived PC faux pas etc?
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I agree.
Really, Left and Right are just different ends of the same dog turd. I think I'm just harder on the Left because it's traditionally been my home, I'm not a devotee by any means but incidentally most of my views fall Left.
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Heh. I hadn't seen that. First thoughts are that it's not as bad as Gayle's painful 'don't blush baby' bullshit, but yeah double standards for sure.

Complimenting someone on their speaking skills is INSANELY patronising. It's what many people would define racism as if it were a white person saying it to a black person and if it was a man complimenting a woman on their competency and speaking skills just imagine the uproar.

Chris Gayle just tried to mop up a failed attempt at being smooth and looked like a twat. Meh.
Complimenting someone on their speaking skills is INSANELY patronising. It's what many people would define racism as if it were a white person saying it to a black person and if it was a man complimenting a woman on their competency and speaking skills just imagine the uproar.

Chris Gayle just tried to mop up a failed attempt at being smooth and looked like a twat. Meh.
Yeah I agree. Cute blonde Russian girl needs to check her privilege.
Also this just popped up in my news feed:

I hate the world.

Female host goes on about victim blaming around the ~9m mark. Is prevention the same as victim blaming? That's my interest in this. Women (feminists) always seem to see suggestions as the women are the reason X occurred.