If Mort Divine ruled the world

That's a thing!?


Admissions offices at elite institutions followed the government’s lead. They did so, according to John Skrentny, a sociologist at the University of California, San Diego, partly because the country was on fire about race and class. Increased admission to students of color was one way to quiet their campuses — and to enhance the educational experience. Within a couple of decades, the academic success of many Asian-Americans resulted in elite schools quietly keeping their numbers from climbing too high. (The mean SAT score of Asian-Americans is now 63 points higher than that of whites.)

“If you look at the Ivy League, you will find that Asian-Americans never get to 20 percent of the class,” said Daniel Golden, author of “The Price of Admission” and editor at large for Bloomberg News. “The schools semiconsciously say to themselves, ‘We can’t have all Asians.’ ” Mr. Golden says it is helpful to think of Asians as the new Jews because some rules of college admissions, like geographic diversity, were originally aimed at preventing the number of Jews from growing too high.

West Asians don't "need" AA - because they are smart and study hard. But we can't talk about that because then it reveals AA for what it is. So they have to either keep it quiet or relabel things.
I assume everyone is a mongoloid and it keeps me pleasantly surprised from time to time, rather than in a state of perpetual disappointment. Actually, mongoloid is unfair. I'll stick with my original statement about that vast majority of "adults" being mental children.
It's implicit if not explicit in the cries of bigotry when someone questions the wisdom of importing large amounts of people from vastly different cultures/war torn countries.

Long article on the shitlib statistical bait and switch regarding guns. Very excellent blogger (who generally doesn't cover gun related stuff at all).

The relationship between gun ownership and homicide is weak (and appears negative), the relationship between gun ownership and suicide is strong and positive. The entire effect Vox highlights in their graph is due to gun suicides, but they are using it to imply conclusions about gun homicides. This is why you shouldn’t make a category combining two unlike things.

I say lies, but I'm torn as to whether it's malignancy or ignorance. It's probably a bit of both. Many people are ignorant of even the basics of statistical analysis, and the handful that know better are more than happy to twist things to take advantage of the rest.

Go too far and you not only lie in the bed that you've made, but you get raped in it.

It's almost like wanting to preach equality then importing a bunch of mongoloids that don't fucking practice equality and letting them guzzle alcohol was a bad idea.

I've always wondered why people that are so pro rights love mooslims so hard. It's not like women are treated super good in their religion and you aren't going to get them to go against that book that they're willing to saw each other's heads off over.
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I agree absolutly. I may be on the feminist side usually but I will never understand the relativism shit where oppression via culture or religion is suddenly ok because it is another religion than christianity doing it.
^I think the difference is that pro-lifers try to force their positions on those who don't follow that doctrine, while you don't see Muslims demanding non-Muslim women wear traditional mystery garments.