If Mort Divine ruled the world

^I think the difference is that pro-lifers try to force their positions on those who don't follow that doctrine, while you don't see Muslims demanding non-Muslim women wear traditional mystery garments.

Well maybe not from country to country, but in country, uh yea, head sawn off, stoned. The penalty for speaking out can be death. Christians don't do that.
Well maybe not from country to country, but in country, uh yea, head sawn off, stoned. The penalty for speaking out can be death. Christians don't do that.

I thought we were discussing the religion, not the region. My bad. Added some letters.
^I think the difference is that pro-lifers try to force their positions on those who don't follow that doctrine, while you don't see Muslims demanding non-Muslim women wear traditional mystery garments.

Anti-abortion isn't a strictly Christian or even religious position, covering up women is though.

Besides that, actually there is quite a lot of push for Sharia in places like the U.K.
Thing about the religious is, they go from being a struggling minority to a pushy majority very quickly, America is just a few paces behind other countries slowly filling up with Muslims.
Lots of people prattling on about Bowie being a rapist on facebook and linking to stories such as this:




I cried. For hours. I was massively triggered because I was once that child who no one believed. Who no one still believes. Who is still called a liar.

Most of this seems to come from this story about young groupies on the Sunset Strip in the early seventies. The girl in question claims to have lost her virginity to Bowie as a 14 year old. She also regrets nothing, and looks back on that time with nothing but fondness.

Interestingly, more women seem to be commenting that it was her choice, she isn't a victim and that Bowie should not be seen or remembered as a sexual predator than men, but I think that's because guys are scared they'll be accused of being labelled misogynist.
Bowie never even confirmed that, right? A 13 year old groupie bragging about fucking an A-list of rock stars is only slightly more believable than a 13 year old boy claiming to have fucked the models in his friend's Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. (I realize the thing with her and Page was confirmed though.)
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No one cares because

1. He's dead. Can't witchhunt him now.
2. Social Media was in the throes of slobbering all over His Androgyny. Having to do an about face on that would probably prove too difficult.
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You get it. ;)

If colleges and universities that are overwhelmingly run by liberals and progressives are a hotbed of rape culture according to feminists, shouldn't we be teaching liberals and progressives not to rape or at the very least take college/university control from these people considering they've mismanaged it into having rape statistics that could rival Uganda?
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Now, if you wanted to understand what swimming, or mountaineering, or barber shop singing was “all about,” would you ask a fanatic or a duffer? I’m not asking which one you would like to join with in a club. If you’re a duffer, you will wish to club with duffers. But who would you ask if you wished to understand the good internal to the practice of swimming, mountaineering or barber shop singing? You would ask a fanatic, of course, since the fanatic is obsessed with thatgood. The duffer is concerned with something else.

When today’s deep thinkers tell us what Islam is “all about,” they clearly have in mind what it is “all about” for the duffers of Islam, since the goods they mention are external to Islam and readily obtained by other means. I do not deny that “spiritual solace,” “meaning,” “tradition,” “community,” and the like are incidental rewards of Islamic practice; but since they are incidental rewards of a great many practices, they cannot be what Islam is “all about.”

The reason today’s deep thinkers say such things is that they are themselves religious duffers. In their eyes, a religion is a convenient pretext for doing things other than the practice of that religion, just as hiking is a convenient pretext for duffers in the hiking club to do things other than hiking. Duffers are always quick to denounce and purge “extremists,” because “extremists” have tendency to point out that duffers love, above all else, to sit on their duffs.

The essence of any practice will be found in its fanatics, not its duffers. This is obvious in sports and it should be obvious in religion.


“For the feminist sect women are not the inspiration, they are prime matter in the worst sense of the term. They are convenient objects useful for the purpose of inflaming hatred against the Christian religion, hatred against men, hatred against the beauty of women, hatred against the equilibrium of families. That’s what feminism is, and I can guarantee it is like that because I was on the inside!”

“I saw the feminist movement cover up for PEDOPHILES,” writes Giromini. “I saw the feminist movement PERSECUTE WOMEN ... I am a witness to the fact that today in the feminist movement women are not of any importance but serve as fuel for the fires of hatred that the feminist sect cannot allow to die.”
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Today’s bold new guidelines send a clear message that we will uphold the dignity of our residents, no matter their gender identity. The Commission under the Chair’s leadership is redoubling its commitment to protect every New Yorker from unlawful discrimination.”

Today’s guidance lists several ways employers, landlords, and business owners could violate the Law on the basis of gender identity and expression, including:

  • Intentionally failing to use an individual’s preferred name, pronoun or title. For example, repeatedly calling a transgender woman “him” or “Mr.” when she has made it clear that she prefers female pronouns and a female title.
  • Refusing to allow individuals to use single-sex facilities, such as bathrooms or locker rooms, and participate in single-sex programs, consistent with their gender identity. For example, barring a transgender woman from a women’s restroom out of concern that she will make others uncomfortable.
  • Enforcing dress codes, uniforms, and grooming standards that impose different requirements based on sex or gender. For example, enforcing a policy that requires men to wear ties or women to wear skirts.
  • Failing to providing employee health benefits that cover gender-affirming care or failing to provide reasonable accommodations for individuals undergoing gender transition, including medical appointments and recovery, where such reasonable accommodations are provided to other employees. (Federal and New York laws already require certain types of insurance to cover medically-necessary transition-related care.)
Violations of the New York City Human Rights Law could result in civil penalties of up to $125,000 for violations, and up to $250,000 for violations that are the result of willful, wanton, or malicious conduct. There is no limit to the amount of compensatory damages the Commission may award to a victim of discrimination.
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Good on New York.

EDIT: It isn't legislating 'rudeness' it is establishing at least one standard for what is considered harassment of trans/non-binary people.