If Mort Divine ruled the world

Notice you never see any serious economic analyses surrounding handout programs. Usually you just get some appeal to "our wealth". "We're the richest country in the world" etc etc. Then when there are economic analyses (like to support upping minimum wage), you get hacks doing it.
I find it amusing that on one hand many Americans will tell you that they will shoot anybody who tries to oppress them or strip them of their freedom and then on the other hand you have the ethno-nationalists saying they want to forcefully remove non-whites from America.

I would love to see someone try to remove Walter E. Williams from America without being shot.
I'm not trying to distract from the story, but are we really using the Daily Mail for information now?

When stuff like this involves universities, I'd check Inside Higher Ed (or the Chronicle of Higher Ed if you can access it). Here's part of Inside's short take:

IHE said:
Reginald Robinson’s full question about a client who fell asleep during a wax and later alleged improper touching is rather graphic, with references to a “landing strip,” hairlessness from “belly button to buttocks" and more. Still, some free speech and academic freedom advocates are calling Howard’s response excessive: mandatory sensitivity training for Robinson, prior administrative review of his future test questions, classroom observation and a warning that any further violations of the university’s sexual harassment policies may result in termination.

It sounds to me as though the university is overreacting to the situation, but also that the professor composed a pretty dumb question. Honestly, sometimes I don't know what goes through some people's heads. Maybe the professor just thought he was being funny; but in some cases, it's better to be boring, especially on an exam. The irony here is that the question itself appears to have been about sexual harassment (i.e. "improper touching")!

It's easy to ask this kind of question without resorting to the colloquialisms that Robinson did, which not only are unnecessary but can also be embarrassing. Full disclosure, when I was a freshman in college I didn't know what a "landing strip" was.
Oh it's definitely fact, my point is that the Daily Mail is already preparing its readers to despise the students who complained from the outset--that's just its agenda, pure and simple. But I think the language in the exam question deserves some attention too. That is, it was clearly a stupidly worded question.

Legality is specific, I get that; but the exam question reads like a parody of what you'd find on a typical law exam. The entire thing could have been avoided if the professor simply had the foresight to stop and think "maybe this is a bit much..."

Are the students and/or university overreacting? Yeah, maybe so; but the prof deserves a little bit of a criticism here, even if it's only a head-shake and "What the hell were you thinking would happen, dude?"
maybe he was bored, maybe he wanted to prove a point about the problematic students and weak universities. I get that it's not professional or hastily written, but that complaint shouldn't even be addressed until we all acknowledge how ridiculous the response of the students and the university was. I actually thought it was fake until you cited that other piece. But I do enjoy watching you go day by day realizing how damaging the left is :)
:rolleyes: I'm self-conscious and self-critical. It has nothing to do with realizing "how damaging the left is," as though my head's been under a rock and now I'm "woke."

I think it's ridiculous how much the right absolutely milks stories like this for all they're worth and promotes nonstop nonsense about the academic left being a PC, safe space, snowflake-y, self-destructive socialism machine. That kind of bullshit does more damage than a few fringe cases of universities censuring faculty for publishing poorly-conceived exam questions.

If I think aspects of left-wing thought are damaging, it doesn't compare to the amount of right-wing bullshit I find damaging/disturbing.
If I think aspects of left-wing thought are damaging, it doesn't compare to the amount of right-wing bullshit I find damaging/disturbing.

that's the problem, the most upset you've been was the Hypatia piece. But you posted some racist Canadian asking for a white doctor and not an Indian one or whatever and act like that's as damaging as what the left does. I thought you were realizing you underestimated the veracity of the leftist college movement, but maybe not
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I thought you were realizing you underestimated the veracity of the leftist college movement, but maybe not

Either you mean "overestimated," or you meant something other than "veracity." Regardless, I don't measure my disagreement with certain leftist antics by how much you enjoy it.
How many examples of insanity need to come out of the education system before you connect the dots and admit it is a problem and not just a series of over-exaggerated isolated incidents?

There's only so many dots that can form on the page before they connect and make a picture.
How many examples of sexual harassment in the workplace, or police shootings need to occur before you connect the fucking dots?

Why is higher education the only problem here?
The problem with harassment is it's only known after it's occurred. That's completely different from rape (unless you believe in regret rape). Police shootings aren't all problematic either, many more shades of grey than "muh safe space" in what are supposed to be institutions which inherently strip mental comfort.
Spurious comparison.

That said, seems to me that society is trying to address police shootings and rape. I don't see you making arguments against those things being addressed.
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