If Mort Divine ruled the world

Ya see he thought the "Dollar Dollar Bills Yall!" was so fucking good he used it in two different bits and I'm sure plenty more. It's in the hack textbook.

rms, I'm done with you. You're either trolling, high or idk or care

You're not even critiquing the bit, you're just upset he used some terrible rap line. Bit was funny before he even used it.

But I watched that special again from the 2nd clip..wow it's pretty bad. Bad year of material for sure.

Remember that guy who "owned" a feminist a few weeks back? haha here's his next bit of fame.
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I take it HBB has never kissed a strip of acid?

There's a difference between taking hallucinogens and telling everyone about how much that one trip like totally opened your mind and how you understand so much when high and how they're the greatest thing in existence and the next step towards human enlightenment. If I knew I wouldn't get caught and had someone to make sure I didn't kill myself I'd probably try acid tbh.
There's a difference between taking hallucinogens and telling everyone about how much that one trip like totally opened your mind and how you understand so much when high and how they're the greatest thing in existence and the next step towards human enlightenment..

This shit always makes me fucking cringe. I used to have a friend who would ALWAYS, WITHOUT FAIL tell all of us (his friend group, that is) about all the revelatory shit that happened last time he got high. Smart dude, but... c'mon. Shut the fuck up. It's not reality.
You should listen to Joe Rogan maaaaaaaaan


Remember that guy who "owned" a feminist a few weeks back? haha here's his next bit of fame.

haha Gavin is a complete clown and I don't believe a word he says. I consider him a committed real life troll, like a Tony Clifton (Andy Kaufman) or Borat (Sacha Baron Cohen). Either way he's either a sociopath or has some sort of personality disorder. Makes me laugh though.

Also that lady is a pointless twat with her phony outrage and flailing emotional nonsense
You should listen to Joe Rogan maaaaaaaaan

haha Gavin is a complete clown and I don't believe a word he says. I consider him a committed real life troll, like a Tony Clifton (Andy Kaufman) or Borat (Sacha Baron Cohen). Either way he's either a sociopath or has some sort of personality disorder. Makes me laugh though.

Also that lady is a pointless twat with her phony outrage and flailing emotional nonsense


Better example of him arguing.
Interesting that the comments on the video don't mention the positives following the beatdown, but it is The Blaze.

I think racism should be used in a systemic context rather than a synonym for prejudiced.
The modern usage is stupid, the idea that racism is only racism if it has power behind it and is systemic is just post-structuralist academic jargon, same with the modern usage of sexism.

Some of the most racist people I personally know are in my indigenous Australian family, the very idea of all these white academics changing the meaning and thus lifting the moral responsibility of not being racially prejudiced from the shoulders of non-whites embarrasses me.
Approaching it as a systematic problem that is enforced by state and cultural institutions (not necessarily through law, but often through "legal" methods) allows one to address the actual issues present.

Addressing it as "beliefs held by individuals" does not.
Address both.
Pretending that only white people (the majority) can be racist and therefore it's laced throughout the white system might be more constructive in the grand scheme of things, but creating idiots that don't know the meaning of words anymore is undesirable to me.

Also, all people have a moral obligation to not be racially prejudice if you ask me and so creating this free pass justification card for non-white racists by teaching them that only power-backed/systemic racism is real racism is morally insidious.
Why can't bigoted individuals that commit violent acts against a given classic of people be addressed?