ITT Ein makes the "Just doing my job" argument for women. Didn't work in Nuremberg.
Whomstdve thunkedeth it?
Pro-free speech right-wingers are triggered by the kneeling and are now burning their Nike gear, pro-workers' rights left-wingers are going out and buying overpriced massproduced-by-Indonesian-slave-labour Nike gear to oppose the right.
That you see no problem with this is part of the problem.
coerced someone into behaving promiscuously when she felt that doing otherwise would have meant losing his financial support
This makes no sense.
This makes no sense either. She explained why she taped it.
Accusing a woman of not having any dignity because she didn't want to blow her chances of a financial deal with one of the most powerful media moguls in Hollywood basically makes you a piece of shit. So we could talk about that, if you want.
Why wouldn't this be a reasonable assumption?
You're assuming the entire interaction was transparent, which is part of your problem.
She had a choice to leave the meeting, but she didn't have a choice to negotiate with Weinstein on an even playing field. So if she wanted to improve her odds, she could relinquish some of that agency (an agential choice, mind you) and hope he's not a fucking raging lunatic.
hompson has agency but that doesn't mean she has options.
maybe everyone thinks you deny because you clearly fucking do. agency implies options ya doofus.
ITT Ein makes the "Just doing my job" argument for women. Didn't work in Nuremberg.
Dude, they let generations of women walk blindly into the Weinstein trap because speaking up might have potentially harmed their careers. They deserve some shit
Wow. So now you, who roll your eyes when people accuse Trump of being a fascist, are accusing women in the workplace of being like Nazis?
I can't believe the sheer obtuseness and hypocrisy of such a comment.
I don't think he implied that
Of course it does, but it doesn't mean she has good options to choose from ya doofus.
Thompson has agency but that doesn't mean she has options.
I think he implied that women who claim they're just doing their job, or want to protect their jobs, are like the Nazis on trial at Nuremberg who claimed they were just following orders and wanted to protect their own positions.
[if] she has good options to choose from
All I said originally was that I sympathize with not wanting to come forward, i.e. I understand why it would be a difficult and agonizing decision. I didn't say there was no responsibility on their part.
Think he implied that you are defending them in a similar way to how the Nazis defended themselves during the Nuremberg trials. Are there even women who claimed that they were just doing their jobs?
The anonymous woman said that, although “I regret not being maybe stronger in the moment,” her fears that charging Weinstein publicly might change her life permanently were too great. “It’s hard to know. . . . It’s like choosing a different life path.”
well, keep moving them goal posts, I guess.
This is a Nuremberg defense, which you are providing, for women involved.
But they could have not tried to play the game. They wanted the bennies at a cost they thought they could manage.