If Mort Divine ruled the world

Right-wing anti-SJW political activist/whatever Blaire White is coming out saying that people on the right have told her behind-the-scenes to pay fake protestors to give her events more attention and that interviewees have told her that they apologize for anything anti-trans they say, they don't believe it and just say it for the viewers who like it. Some people are speculating that a lot of what she's talking about in this video is actually about Dave Rubin and Milo Yiannopoulos.

If this is true wouldn't it be just truly hilarious if Milo is paying fake protestors to pull fire alarms and shut his shows down to generate controversy? I sincerely hope it's true just for how funny that would be. She even says in the video that people have told her to have really crazy protest signs made to make the protests seem especially insane.
Reminds me of that video when Andrew Breitbart exposed a bunch of fake protestors rallying at some tea party event. Activism is fucking pathetic, on all sides. The whole current Nike thing is a clear cut example that activists should be ignored, if not actively mocked.
Pro-free speech right-wingers are triggered by the kneeling and are now burning their Nike gear, pro-workers' rights left-wingers are going out and buying overpriced massproduced-by-Indonesian-slave-labour Nike gear to oppose the right.
Pro-free speech right-wingers are triggered by the kneeling and are now burning their Nike gear, pro-workers' rights left-wingers are going out and buying overpriced massproduced-by-Indonesian-slave-labour Nike gear to oppose the right.

That's bizarre. We can talk instead about how to draw a caricature of Serena Williams and not be called racist. Apparently the popular determinator is that the mouth must not be of bigger size than the knee.
That you see no problem with this is part of the problem.

whether or not i have a problem with it doesn't really matter, women have been creating and manipulating this world for quite some time and still seem to.
coerced someone into behaving promiscuously when she felt that doing otherwise would have meant losing his financial support

she seemed more than willing by her video. in fact, when she downplays the flirting at the beginning of the video Harvey's tone changes and she immediately goes "maybe later" and he gets all interested again. for the support angle, we have no idea how wealthy she was at the time but someone who claims worked on wall st before having a degree while also being gorgeous leads me to believe she had little $ money problems in her life.

This makes no sense.
This makes no sense either. She explained why she taped it.

unless it's in the video, she doesn't really say why. but it doesn't add up anyways. she said she was going to meet the marketing team and then harvey all of a sudden showed up. but she knew harvey was coming. and then she knew he was a douche, because when he went into the other room she quickly moved the laptop to capture it.

either she was protecting herself or she was going to blackmail him. this is what the bear is referencing. it's strange either way.

Accusing a woman of not having any dignity because she didn't want to blow her chances of a financial deal with one of the most powerful media moguls in Hollywood basically makes you a piece of shit. So we could talk about that, if you want.

:lol: this is a stupid response. and I think we had a thing in the past about your lack of interest in integrity or expectation or something.

she'd rather take his money and be treated like a vagina rather than walk out and attempt to be treated like a human being. that's on her, and she chose to do that. "blow her chances" -- why not just fuck him right there then? why waste any time!

Why wouldn't this be a reasonable assumption?

You're assuming the entire interaction was transparent, which is part of your problem.

it's in the fucking video? he says do you want to get a drink after i finish editing a movie. she says sure. somewhere else she says it was dinner. it is pretty damn obvious what he is after if you watch at least 3 seconds of the clip she provided.

She had a choice to leave the meeting, but she didn't have a choice to negotiate with Weinstein on an even playing field. So if she wanted to improve her odds, she could relinquish some of that agency (an agential choice, mind you) and hope he's not a fucking raging lunatic.
hompson has agency but that doesn't mean she has options.

maybe everyone thinks you deny because you clearly fucking do. agency implies options ya doofus. and harvey's uneven playing field is for the ugly women, not the pretty ones. she already took advantage of her privilege already to get the one on one.

she CHOSE to improve her odds by allowing him to make continual sexual advances at her. after the meeting she then CHOSE to improve her odds again by meeting him for drinks. whether she was raped or not who the fuck knows but she clearly made choices that directly put her in his room.
maybe everyone thinks you deny because you clearly fucking do. agency implies options ya doofus.

Of course it does, but it doesn't mean she has good options to choose from ya doofus. I'm not going to keep going back and forth with you because we both know it won't go anywhere. I think your attitude here is moronic.

ITT Ein makes the "Just doing my job" argument for women. Didn't work in Nuremberg.

Wow. So now you, who roll your eyes when people accuse Trump of being a fascist, are accusing women in the workplace of being like Nazis?

I can't believe the sheer obtuseness and hypocrisy of such a comment.

Dude, they let generations of women walk blindly into the Weinstein trap because speaking up might have potentially harmed their careers. They deserve some shit

All I said originally was that I sympathize with not wanting to come forward, i.e. I understand why it would be a difficult and agonizing decision. I didn't say there was no responsibility on their part.

The only person I specifically said has no blame is Thompson, and that was in reference to the specific scenario of her interaction with Weinstein--not the seven years that have since transpired.
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Of course it does, but it doesn't mean she has good options to choose from ya doofus.

Thompson has agency but that doesn't mean she has options.

well, keep moving them goal posts, I guess.

nothing in that video makes harvey look worse based off what he admits to! in fact, it makes her seem, and seem is probably too passive, that she is lying about the encounter.
I think he implied that women who claim they're just doing their job, or want to protect their jobs, are like the Nazis on trial at Nuremberg who claimed they were just following orders and wanted to protect their own positions.

Think he implied that you are defending them in a similar way to how the Nazis defended themselves during the Nuremberg trials. Are there even women who claimed that they were just doing their jobs?
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[if] she has good options to choose from

This is a Nuremberg defense, which you are providing, for women involved.

All I said originally was that I sympathize with not wanting to come forward, i.e. I understand why it would be a difficult and agonizing decision. I didn't say there was no responsibility on their part.

Sure, it would be difficult to come forward. But they could have not tried to play the game. They wanted the bennies at a cost they thought they could manage. They likely, mostly, either A. Misjudged their own abilities B. Misjudged the power people or C. Have a newfound false consciousness.
Think he implied that you are defending them in a similar way to how the Nazis defended themselves during the Nuremberg trials. Are there even women who claimed that they were just doing their jobs?

There are women who claimed they wanted to protect their jobs--and their personal lives, for that matter.

The anonymous woman said that, although “I regret not being maybe stronger in the moment,” her fears that charging Weinstein publicly might change her life permanently were too great. “It’s hard to know. . . . It’s like choosing a different life path.”


The agony of coming forward has to do with masculine culture's tendency to label such women as promiscuous, untrustoworthy, "sluts," etc. It impacts their families as much as it does them, and many of them are hesitant to invite that kind of attention. I understand why you think it's better for them to come forward immediately, but that's a decision that involves more than just them.

well, keep moving them goal posts, I guess.

It's called reading comprehension. If I said she had agency, then I was admitting she has options. My comment suggested that she didn't have any good options. That's what you should have intuited.

This is a Nuremberg defense, which you are providing, for women involved.

No, it's not.

But they could have not tried to play the game. They wanted the bennies at a cost they thought they could manage.

This is the problem. You think it's normal that sexual favors/promiscuity is just simply one more potential factor in a game that women have to decide whether they can manage. I'm saying it shouldn't be a factor at all. If it is part of the game, then women are forced to comply with it if they want to play.

I don't know how else to explain this.
It's a bit mind-boggling to watch you deny making the Nuremberg defense in between doing so.

I guess German persons in Nazi Germany weren't forced to comply with the system, because all choices weren't bad.
It's bit mind-boggling how you see anything I'm saying as a Nuremberg defense. I think I've explained the reasoning behind women not coming forward, and I don't think it has anything to do with what you're describing.

Your reasoning isn't clear to me.
Like how the 1%ers in Hollyweird treating their workplaces like a personal playground and their wealthy victims choosing cash and careers over integrity and their safety and helping young women avoid the casting couch is somehow the fault of masculine culture. Woke take.
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