If Mort Divine ruled the world

So leftists are sperging out over the new Spider-Man game:

They Turned Spider-Man Into A Damn Cop And It Sucks.

Spider-Man's Take On Police Feels Out Of Touch.

Some Reddit responses that tickled me:

"Seeing the way the establishment reacts to real life masked do-gooders such as Antifa makes me think Spider-Man makes way more sense on the opposite side of the law, but I guess you can't expect corporate media to have the balls to call out the police like that."

"Late-game you start to take on the mayor's PMC army (who are, of course, entirely separate from the cops) and while fighting them Spider-Man will quip about them being 'fascist oppressors' and reference 'things being a little 1984'. in a game where, within the first 30 minutes, you hacked into a police domestic spying network so that you could track down 'thugs' to beat up."

On a side not, got the game recently and it's insane amounts of fun, haven't had the time to really get into the game properly but if you're a nerd and enjoyed the Arkham Batman games you'll probably like this one too.

4chan meme symbol. My favorite quote:

"Whatever that symbol means, it doesn't reflect the Coast Guard and our core values," Zorn said. "It won't be tolerated."


We don't even know if it was intentional. I know one thing, the uproar about this is going to make it eventually definitely be a rightwing symbol. It's like liberals never learned any lessons in elementary school. I didn't even go to elementary school and learned the damn lesson. Zina Bash knows:


She maybe makes it.....there's an uproar, her husband is like SHE'S A FUCKING JEW AND A MEXICAN IMMIGRANT, and then she explicitly does it. Just for the lulz. Was a great week.
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For years /pol/ has been half-heartedly trying to turn the rainbow flag into a white supremacy banner (i.e. unite a rainbow's constituents and you get pure white). Wish they'd succeed. I think the Richard Spencers and Patrick Littles of the world are hesitant because they're so obviously closeted homosexuals.
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Mike Pence approved this message.

Pence would prefer everyone avoid sex altogether and mate according to some medieval system like in The Handmaid's Tale. I never said sex should be avoided altogether. I said that sex should be avoided when professional standards are in place: (potential) employee/employer, student/teacher relationships, players/coaches, doctors/patients, etc.

It's really very simple, and not a legally hazardous situation at all if people are smart about it.
Pence would prefer everyone avoid sex altogether and mate according to some medieval system like in The Handmaid's Tale. I never said sex should be avoided altogether. I said that sex should be avoided when professional standards are in place: (potential) employee/employer, student/teacher relationships, players/coaches, doctors/patients, etc.

It's really very simple, and not a legally hazardous situation at all if people are smart about it.

I was specifically talking about the "Pence Rule". He won't be alone with a woman who isn't his wife. It's a surefire way to avoid these sorts of scenarios, because there's no necessity of actual impropriety for accusations of such. It's funny that Vox ran an article on it saying that it "doesn't keep women safe". Maybe it would and maybe it wouldn't, but the point is to keep Pence safe.
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I was specifically talking about the "Pence Rule". He won't be alone with a woman who isn't his wife. It's a surefire way to avoid these sorts of scenarios, because there's no necessity of actual impropriety for accusations of such. It's funny that Vox ran an article on it saying that it "doesn't keep women safe". Maybe it would and maybe it wouldn't, but the point is to keep Pence safe.

:tickled: omg so paranoid. Fucking women be out to corrupt the good Christian man. Makes perfect sense though--that he'd do this, I mean.
You don't think there's women that would want to take him out with assault claims? I mean, it could still be alleged but it becomes infinitely harder.
Nah, not really. I mean, maybe there are somewhere, but I think for most if not all the difficulty of actually getting even remotely close to him outweighs the glee of accusation.

I don't think there are sleeper cells in the White House scheming to frame Pence for sexual harassment. I'd say that's a narcissistic delusion of grandeur.
Nah, not really. I mean, maybe there are somewhere, but I think for most if not all the difficulty of actually getting even remotely close to him outweighs the glee of accusation.

I don't think there are sleeper cells in the White House scheming to frame Pence for sexual harassment. I'd say that's a narcissistic delusion of grandeur.

Not necessarily vulnerable as VP, but he wasn't VP since forever. His rule helps prevent the sort of like spurious, abonymous charge from long past facing Kavanaugh.
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Not necessarily vulnerable as VP, but he wasn't VP since forever. His rule helps prevent the sort of like spurious, abonymous charge from long past facing Kavanaugh.

Regardless. I don't think there are women just lying in wait to level "spurious" accusations at political figures they don't agree with. I think believing such is really psychologically suspect.
Regardless. I don't think there are women just lying in wait to level "spurious" accusations at political figures they don't agree with. I think believing such is really psychologically suspect.

Probably not. But that's not how it works. You work with someone 20 years ago. Now they think X way and you are a person they don't like, and you have power.
People have been desperately trying to link Trump to a rape/harassment beef since 2016, but no you're right women don't ever randomly come out of the woodwork with claims against politicians or famous actors.
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