Approximately Infinite Universe
You haven't answered my question; exactly what is it he was doing that they're disrespecting?
what an idiot. Ashkenazis are NOT from the Caucasus. We're mountain men, you guys are basically sand dwellers.
Mort fetish? I just said lately he has a habit of jumping in and out of a thread with a snide remark. There's no fetish to find curious you weirdo lol.
Your point is that because I defended kids slandered by the media and the left I'm going against my opinion that activism is shit? I mean... okay.
"Mort fetish" because you guys literally can't get him out of your minds. He's your guys' object of ire, but he's almost never actually there when called out. I'd say, then, that he's really your object of desire, which you all have disguised as ire to conceal your raging boners for him.
My point was to get a rise out of you. It's not hard to do when you always play contrarian for the side with questionable intent. You're not as bad as Mr. Antifa-pants, I will admit.
You're over-exaggerating to make your shitty joke. Speaking for myself anyway, I don't mention him that much and when I do it's to reference his hit-and-run commenting which, surprise surprise, implies that he doesn't stick around to address what is said about him. That's the nature of a drive-by, you drive on by, you don't stick around. Try to keep up with the context of what is said.
Wasn't really a rise, I just felt the need to explain it to you.
Also it's actually you playing contrarian for the side with questionable intent considering the kids have been completely proven to have done nothing wrong, so much so that media companies are apologizing and lefty journalists are going on Joe Rogan whining about what has gone wrong with journalism when we're so quick to jump on a story blah blah. Sticking with the side continuing to desperately imply the kids are guilty of something, which places you on the side of the Black Israelites and Nathan Phillips who did what he did to defend them, is the literal definition of being a contrarian for the side with questionable intent.
I'm not, but I've got better things to do than run searches on the number of times you guys mention Mort out of the blue.
Questionable intent is putting MAGA hats on your teenage children and shipping them from bumfuck Kentucky to a pro-life protest in DC. At least the Black Israelites don't lie about bigots.
Disagree. Nothing questionable about it. Questionable is the two teachers in here having such bizarre hatred for kids who did nothing beyond wear a political hat. Anyway, you're the contrarian because you're doing this in the face of counter-evidence debunking the official narrative.
Stick to your shit drive-by memes.
Great "I know you are, but what am I" retort.
Questionable is the two teachers in here having such bizarre hatred for kids who did nothing beyond wear a political hat.
Snopes said:While it’s true that a number of January 2019 accounts from national news outlets incorrectly labeled Phillips as a “Vietnam veteran,” the use of that label in those reports did not, as far as we can tell, originate with Phillips himself. The Native American activist told reporters in January 2019 that he was a “Vietnam-times” or “Vietnam-era” veteran, meaning that he was an active member of the armed services during the time of U.S. military involvement in Vietnam (not that he had been deployed to Vietnam during that period).
You haven't answered my question; exactly what is it he was doing that they're disrespecting?
lol at Park Hills being 'bumfuck' Kentucky when BO is literally from 'bumfuck' USA. Park Hills is a very wealthy part of the tri-state area even as 'backwoods' as people seem to think Greater Cincinnati is.
I'll add, though, that the tri-city area around Greater Cincinnati is a perfectly nice area in the country to live in; I have no interest in it, however, nor do I have interest in the shit politics of Indiana and Kentucky. Ohio is bad enough in that respect.
I'm not sure this qualifies him as a "lying cunt."
Did you mean 'tri-state'? I'm curious what you meant by 'tri-city'
And yeah, the politics in Cincinnati are bad enough. I won't disagree with you at least as far as that goes.
So he gets downgraded from "lying cunt" to "deceptive cunt". So what? The Vietnam war had nothing to do with his service, he is just mentioning it for sympathy points.
I meant tri-state, but tri-city always pops in my head for whatever reason. I think that has to do with the map visualization of Cincinatti-Indianapolis-Louisville being relatively near each other.
Agreed, he probably is; but that's speculation on our part. We can't know his intentions, but we're allowing ourselves a degree of speculation due to the circumstances.
Likewise, I think we can allow ourselves a degree of speculation when it comes to what the Covington students were doing. They weren't innocent bystanders or passive observers. They knew the impact of their presence.
The misleading media coverage of the event has resulted in a disproportionate backlash in which the right is trying to absolve these kids of any and all consequences their actions might have had. This is how the right-as-perpetual-underdog strategy works.
"They knew the impact of being white in a place where non-white people were"