If Mort Divine ruled the world

Ummmm yeah. They do.

It’s funny you accuse me of being sensationalist. It’s hardly an “invasion.” If you really believe that, you’re an absurdist fear monger.
If you really believe that, you’re an absurdist fear monger.

Are you asking Ein to answer for Bloomberg? He was literally a republican during his term as mayor.
oops! memory said he went independent -> dem not repub -> independent, so disregard por favor.

Just an added feature to the argument, anyways. Lock up policy was significantly worse than stop and frisk, anyways.

He’s instituted things that are as bad (and stop and frisk was a local policy, not federal). The treatment of families along the border is demonstrably barbaric and unethical. His stripping of environmental policies that go back to the 1970 clean water act (and others) are an obscene affront to environmental progress in this country, and will have devastating impacts on local (mostly low-income) communities.

Pretty short handed to say any of these are "as bad" , without knowing the future. On a federal level, how many policies have more detriment than that within the last half/century? The child separation thing was garbage but it was a short term policy and will never reach the scope of said things.

For the clean water bill, let's be a little more even handed here and state that the policy reverted the country back to the wild times of...2015/4, when it was instituted by Obama. I don't think anyone can state how impactful this actually is so not sure what there is to be gained here. If my memory is right, Flint level contaminations are from now-known-bad infrastructure and not dumping, so are we then using this bill for large scale pipelines? Low population areas are never going to be as significant as every metro area with blacks in the country :lol: -- but they're all sellouts to big gas when election time comes. lower dem bills!

He’s actually released some African Americans from prison, but he’s done nothing regarding the act of arrest and prosecution. Basically, he wants black people to keep getting arrested so that he can release some of them and look like he’s doing good things for the African American community. The better course of action would be to implement policies for police and prosecutors, but then he’ll lose law enforcement votes.
I don't think he's pro-Black or whatever, but I also don't think he's done anything as harmful as known and accepted democratic policies. Hell, Warren's schtick is "When I get elected, NOW Dems will actually take care of minorities" :lol: a fucking joke
The Central American migrant caravans,[1] also known as the Viacrucis del Migrante ("Migrant's Way of the Cross"),[2][3][4] are migrant caravans that travel from the Guatemala–Mexico border to the Mexico–United States border. The largest and best known of these were organized by Pueblo Sin Fronteras (Village Without Borders) that set off during Holy Week in early 2017 and 2018 from the Northern Triangle of Central America (NTCA), but such caravans of migrants began arriving several years earlier, and other unrelated caravans continued to arrive into late 2018.


Wow that was sure hard to find.

You assume that the intervention of human rights groups somehow negates the genuine desires of migratory groups. This hardly amounts to an orchestrated invasion. Please, try harder.

a guy who lives in Georgia or wherever is going to lecture a guy who's from San Diego about immigration and migrant invasion. :lol: this dude never ceases to amaze me.

A guy who lives in Georgia? :rofl: Sit down bruh, you drunk.
I didn't realize that an invasion ceased to be an invasion when there are "genuine desires" involved.

It does when those desires belong to individual persons and families.

The Norman Conquest of England was an invasion. The Mongol assault on China was an invasion. The Visigoths’ sack of Rome was an invasion. The Russians storming through Germany was an invasion. Sherman’s march through the south was an invasion.

The migration of Central Americans northward isn’t an invasion. But keep up your rhetoric, it’s amusing.
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in·va·sion | \ in-ˈvā-zhən
Definition of invasion

1 : an act of invading

in·vade | \ in-ˈvād
invaded; invading
Definition of invade

transitive verb
1 : to enter for conquest or plunder
2 : to encroach upon : infringe
tbh I don't even care that much about the job aspect, it's true that fruit-picking is highly unpopular among American citizens, particularly at sub-minimum wages. The ones that come in caravans bring something far more dangerous than suppressed wages and cheap lawn services: they bring pregnant women and young children, the cornerstone of ghettos and over-crowded public schools. Costs the taxpayer $10k/yr for each kid enrolled at a public school, and these creaturas pop one out every two years. Emergency room abuse and welfare subsidies are the cherry on the top. Then they form micro ethnostates in urban areas and rubber stamp every similarly-colored Democratic candidate that promises more gibs. The fucking Irish took over Massachusetts more than 150 years ago and even they're still party loyalists to this day. When the Hispanics control every border state and half of the nation's cities for good measure, we're finished.