If Mort Divine ruled the world

Do you think you haven't faced controversy because you teach lower division courses?

No, I don't think that's why. If anything, students in more advanced classes tend to be more expecting of traumatic content.

Because of competition?

I just mean that any theory of humanism needs to account for the question of agency. Agency is never simply given.
Anyone who gets murdered by their rapist doesn't survive. It isn't really a weird thing to say and it's kind of bizarre to be so distracted by something like that when you factor that in. There's potential for death in nearly all physically violent confrontations.

I didn't ask if it happens, I asked how often.

But let me just curtail this side-topic because it's potentially mind-numbing.
I'm not sure whether you are referring to anthropocentrism or the possibility that there is no "I" to have agency, or both, or neither, or all of the above +.

I mean that even a dominant culture can only ever simply assume the ontology of agency among its individual subjects. But a dominant culture has the luxury of assumption - it becomes the model of its own agency. This is tautological, of course.
master / slave drives in computing are more racially oppressive than modern day slavery in Mauritania because it involves white men doing something and therefore it must be evil.
The point about my previous post is this, if you ban people from making "racially insensitive comments" or hate speech, with incredibly loose or none existent definitions, as is usually done, you only lead the way to ever more complex forms of satire and irony, so close to real post-modernism as to be barely separable. It also means right wingers could (and should) find the most extreme forms of social justice activism and promote them so as to discredit by association the movement in general. There's basically nothing the thought police can do about it. By their very nature, they are too dull a tool.

Last week we received a visiting speaker request form for Julie Bindel to be invited to speak at a society event.

As per our external speaker processes, it was flagged as potentially in breach of our safe space policy.

After reviewing the request in more detail, the Students’ Union has decided to deny this request based on Bindel’s views and comments towards trans people, which we believe could incite hatred towards and exclusion of our trans students.

You can read the full safe space policy here.

Updated 07.10.2015

Further to our previous decision to ban Julie Bindel from speaking on campus, we are extending this decision to Milo Yiannopoulos.

We have been made aware of various comments lambasting rape survivors and trans* people, and as such we are concerned for the safety of our students on the topic of this event. He is a rape apologist and has repeatedly used derogatory and debasing ableist language when describing members of the trans* community.

As such, this undermines the principles of liberation enshrined in the Students’ Union, as outlined in the Safe Space policy. We believe these views could incite hatred against both trans* people and women who have experienced sexual violence. As we believe it is probable these views would be aired in this discussion should he be allowed to speak on campus, we have no choice but to ban him

As we made clear to the society, this means that this event with the proposed speakers will not be going ahead under the banner of the Students’ Union, with our support or using our resources.

The Executive Committee

I think it's hilarious that feminists are starting to get devoured by their own kind.
Well sure the decline via PC culture is disgusting. But, by understanding the trends in terms of a holiness spiral, knowing that this is exactly the outcome one can expect - it provides some comic relief as it occurs.
I know plenty of guys in the mrablogosphere or whatever want to blame this on women, but it's all those white knights out there enabling it that has allowed it to reach current levels. Once it reached/es the point where your income/career can be in jeopardy for dissent, the critical threshold has been crossed. Nearly all real enemies silenced, it must turn on itself.
i just wanna lock a feminist in a small room with a large screen and play her trigger on it over and over

that'd be funny
It's funny watching women get triggered the fuck out by men mocking them and especially their sexuality.
I like how she dropped her backpack like she was about to drop them gloves, them tough Yale students.

Don't get how a grown man let's an 18 year to tell him to shut up like that, fucking crazy to me.

Did you watch the previous two? (4th one is nothing) I like their fancy snap clap