If I could spend a day with Alexi... Don't know yet... let's see later!! Now it's just to drink together and to have some fun with ALL Children of Bodom... maybe in future it will be something else.
Let me just say now. I cant stand all the gay poser girls that like bodom cause of Alexi just as much as you do. I only picked Alexi because hes a big insparation to my music. And this thread is not omfg ALEXI! HOWEVER HES MY FAVORITE BAND MEMBER MAINLY BECAUSE OF HIS GUITAR PLAYING. So just to clear this up a bit.........
i'd bring some jack daniels with me...would play some licks together with him and talking with him about non band stuuf...he must be bored to talk every day about cob stuff( or sinergy or kylähullut) so it must be fine to talk about normal stuff like chicks or guitars or whatever
I would probably kick his ass, I am bigger than him so, that makes me the king of the hill!
..and everyone would start to worship me! yeah man! I like that, I really do!
I would talk to him about all the things I can think of, to understand his opinion about everything and to get to know him even a lil bit, after the serious part it'll be time for getting drunk :)
Lots of talking about shit, and drinking. And maybe asking Allu to teach me a bit of Finnish, and me teaching him some Luxembourgish in return. We have a couple good swearwords!:)
play san andreas all day, chill, at night go drinkin', go into the city to a club, drink some more. have a good time. you know, see what happens ;]
ask him what did he think about the boy who won the interview with him(remember him,he was the subject of a thread.that stupid guy with a red guitar who played like shit and kept playing while alexi was speaking) and what would have done to him if he had been able,and then spend the rest of the day talking about more interesting things that the ones that stupid moroon asked,maybe a bit of guitar playing/teaching(never jamming,alexi would get bored with me,cuz I'm not 1/100 as good as alexi)and party,party and more party.that'd be the same with the other members,changing guitar by keyboards/bass guitar/drums in case of janne/henkka/jaska.the best would be party with the five of them.