If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?

I would buy loads of music gear, buy a nice house in London and buy another property to rent out for a continual source of revenue should I ever screw up and run out of money.
Oh, to go with the responsible thing, or to go all out :)

Buy a house, car and put at least 400k away to gather interest on some bank account somewhere or hire someone to invest it for me. I've always said to my friends that if I ever do win such a large amount of money I would like to take a few of my favourite bands that haven't gotten the funds from their labels on a shared headliner world tour. Perhaps something like the Power of Metal/Paganfest kind of setup, but with lesser known bands. And I'd buy my bandmates new gear :)
"I'd buy my momma a car, and then I'd spend the rest on... PCP."
I would...

- Buy CDs
- Buy a new camera
- Buy art stuff
- Go on vacation
- Buy my family whatever they want
- Donate a lot

And save the rest.
I would by a complete stage set of buildings in ruins, smoldering chimneys, smoke everywhere, a dark sky overhead + the coolest perm 1986 could ever get you and a buff leather jacket. Then I'd crouch down among the ruins, longingly let the shingle and dust run through my fingers, after which I'd stand up, clench my fist and exclaim: "MAN! I JUST WANNA BE SOMEBODY!"

I'd buy a bunch of music gear for me and my bandmates, buy all of the CDs that I want and maybe even a better mp3 player to keep them all in and then I'd probably help out my family....
First I would buy all the CD's I ever wanted, a pro MP3 player, and the parts to build my supercomputer(for gaming mostly). I would most likely buy myself a new car and a home. I would definitely buy myself an M-16A4 as the best gun I have currently is an M1 Garand, which is outdated to say the least! I would also buy a Magnum and reenact scenes from the Dirty Harry movies! The rest of the money would go into the "cult" my friend and I have started that already has 12 members and is therefore legally exempt from taxes. Would have to take the women out for sure, my girl and my friends as I need to spend a bit more time with all of them anyways.
I would by a complete stage set of buildings in ruins, smoldering chimneys, smoke everywhere, a dark sky overhead + the coolest perm 1986 could ever get you and a buff leather jacket. Then I'd crouch down among the ruins, longingly let the shingle and dust run through my fingers, after which I'd stand up, clench my fist and exclaim: "MAN! I JUST WANNA BE SOMEBODY!"


that's one of the most awesome things I've heard in ages!:headbang:
Well personally....I would use the money to ensure that we toured the world for as long as that money lasted.... SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN.....there would be no escape lol!

There, fixed that for ya! :kickass:


For a cool million I'd look after my Mum and Dad so they'd never have to worry financially again then go off and see the world. All of it.

That's awesomely sweet. I think I'd do the same, with the mom and dad thing (I mean my mom and dad). :p
I saw a documentry on CNN yesterday about modern world slavery, child sex trafficking etc. The episode was about india and how people work as slaves for the rest of their lives to pay off a 22 usd loan.

I'd pay off all those people's loans and hire gunment to shoot the motherfuckers that do child trafficking.

And with the money that's left I'd buy a Corvette C5 2002 se :)
I'd give a fair bit to various members of my Family and possibly some to my closest friend and with the rest save a fair portion and ensure I'm likely to be comfortable financially for the rest of my life and a little bit to spoil myself with!
Guys, thanks a lot for sharing with me and everybody what you would do with that amount of money.

I unfortunately haven't been around for a while and I also continue not to be around for a while due to some extreme issues in my life. I'm pretty sad to be honest but I'm sure that I'll be fine relatively soon.....in about, probably, a week or two.

I would tell you guys what I exactly talk about and what are the issues, but that's irrelevant here and I don't think it matters to you all as well.

Anyway, thanks again for sharing with me and everybody guys. Have fun.

