If you happen to like Opeth as well...


Jester reborn
Aug 26, 2002
I recently had the opportunity to hear a promo of the new Deliverance, and I must say it's incredible. The guys are at the top of their game... Looks like I'm going to be spending a /lot/ of money on 4 Nov between SX and Opeth. *sigh* =)
This album is terrible. Im sorry Opeth fans, but this is just $hit IMO. The guitars are plain and boring, the vocals , if you can even call them that, are terrible, and the mix sucks. Other than a lightning fast doublekick drummer, who I like, this bands about as good as a 9 yr old garage band.
Originally posted by DrumRman
This album is terrible. Im sorry Opeth fans, but this is just $hit IMO. The guitars are plain and boring, the vocals , if you can even call them that, are terrible, and the mix sucks. Other than a lightning fast doublekick drummer, who I like, this bands about as good as a 9 yr old garage band.
Woa. I wouldn't go THAT far. But Opeth is missing that "Thing(R)" that makes Symphony X, Symphony X.
Originally posted by RequiemX
Woa. I wouldn't go THAT far. But Opeth is missing that "Thing(R)" that makes Symphony X, Symphony X.

Maybe the fact that they aren't Symphony X? :rolleyes:

I like what I've heard of the new album, and that's good enough for me. DrumRman can bash it all he likes, it will change nothing.
Originally posted by RequiemX
Woa. I wouldn't go THAT far. But Opeth is missing that "Thing(R)" that makes Symphony X, Symphony X.

Perhaps that's because Opeth is doing something entirely separate from Symphony X. I love both bands, but for vastly different reasons. They really don't have all that much in common, that much should be obvious from listening to any Opeth and Symphony X album together.
Originally posted by SacredSerenity
Perhaps that's because Opeth is doing something entirely separate from Symphony X. I love both bands, but for vastly different reasons. They really don't have all that much in common, that much should be obvious from listening to any Opeth and Symphony X album together.
I agree. Both are quite good bands, though.
Opeth is my favorite ever hehehe

WTF? Opeth has never really been about ligthingfast double bass... in fact of all past releases i can honestly say i don't remember a sing doulbe bass kick... i haven't heard the new one so i dunno.

you listen to Opeth for haunting beauty (at least i do), not for speed or agression.
Originally posted by Bumblefoot
Opeth is my favorite ever hehehe

WTF? Opeth has never really been about ligthingfast double bass... in fact of all past releases i can honestly say i don't remember a sing doulbe bass kick... i haven't heard the new one so i dunno.

you listen to Opeth for haunting beauty (at least i do), not for speed or agression.
Russel > Redundent Death Growl Things
True, but Mikael has a nice clean voice as well. Not really as "professionally" good as Russell, but it fits the music pefectly, and that's what counts.
Opeth has far more atmosphere and depth to their music than Symphony X does. Legendary prog. bands like Symphony X or Dream Theater have more technicality and musicianship, but Opeth can probably kick their asses in creativity.
Originally posted by Qaatar
Opeth has far more atmosphere and depth to their music than Symphony X does. Legendary prog. bands like Symphony X or Dream Theater have more technicality and musicianship, but Opeth can probably kick their asses in creativity.

Wow, um, that's pretty harsh. I'm a huge fan of both bands; I think their "spaces" are different. It's like that whole DT vs. SX thread--no one really cares either way; you just have to appreciate both. ;-)