If you were planning Prog Nation '09...

Cynic would be a great fit! Agalloch has a hard enough time fitting in a handful of live shows a year so I doubt we'll see them on a big tour like PN. Love to see Katatonia as well, even though they're not that progressive. PT is also a good fit.
Cynic would be a great fit! Agalloch has a hard enough time fitting in a handful of live shows a year so I doubt we'll see them on a big tour like PN. Love to see Katatonia as well, even though they're not that progressive. PT is also a good fit.

Bless you for naming Cynic! I actually forgot about them for a second. Great band, and I'd love to see them at PN next year!
Dream theater
Amon Amarth

That would be awesome. Oh and Symphony-x has to play divine wings of tragedy. all the way through. the whole damn song lol.
Floyd reunited
Porcupine Tree
Three (I thought Three was fucking amazing)

DT if they have to be.
^Well they have PROGressed from a doom metal band into a more atmospheric rock band.

Some of these lists are crazy, in a good way.

But SADLY, David Gilmour has his head REALLY far up his ass, not only will he not allow a Pink Floyd reunion; he has also HATES metal music, he turned down the offer to be on one of the Ayreon CD's, he doesn't even want to be associated with any metal material. *sigh*
reinforced tour

Porcupine Tree
Dream Theater
Pink Floyd [reunited]


My vote!!!:kickass:

You know what? Why don't we make this a weekend long touring festival? I know there's already fests like PorgPower, but their should always be more than one progressive rock/metal fests. But ProgPower isn't touring, it's one weekend and that's it! So...

"The Reinforced Progressive Nation Traveling Circus"

Dream Theater
Pink Floyd
Symphony X
Porcupine Tree
Orphaned Land
Dark Suns
Deadsoul Tribe
Thought Chamber
King Crimson
Zero Hour
Spheric Universe Experience

Alright, I'll stop for now. There are so many bands out there to add, it's difficult.

These were in no order, and now we have to divide bands into days for the weekend fest!!!

Sorry to pirate your thread RoadKing!:Saint:
Given this is hypothetical, I'll put bands that don't play live and call it "RapeNation09" because that is what it would do.
Head- Opeth
Co-Head- Enslaved
Supported by Deathspell Omega and Negura Bunget.