I'm New -------- If this is you, post here.

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I'm new!......well actualy i'm not, I was registered with ultimate metal when In Flames used to have an UM board, but I decided to re-register (partly because I couldn't remember my sign in name or password from before). So here I am. I'm not going to claim to be a hardcore "knew them before they were famous" type fan, basicaly because I'm not (makes sense yes?). I only recently bought 'Damage Done' but I do have other songs on mp3 and I am intendeing to purchse all of the rest of the Dark Tranquility albums in the near future. Don't get me wrong, DT are fast becoming my favourite band (closeley followed by In Flames, Soilwork, Arch Enemy, Amon Amarth and Borknagar) and Damage Done is definatley my favourite album at the moment. I like playing bass and writing music and lyrics.......and not much else really. I guess I'm kinda a boring music nerd, ahh well:Smug:

anyway, enough of my life story (and I'm sure it gets really really really annoying when I keep putting sentances in brakets like this all the time)

Message summary: hello/me new/i like DT/I play bass/END[this saves you reading the long winded crap above]

welcome, chaos without prophecy, and enjoy your stay! you backstabber are the kind of person my parents warned me about, or at least i tend to assume so since everyday they went "stay away from chaos without prophecy or you'll die". :p

thanx everyone for the warm welcome. If your interested, the avatar is taken from one of Niklas Sundin's pics on his cabin fever media site, you can see it here:http://www.cabinfevermedia.com/main/frames.html in the section under 'cabin'. The custom title is just something cool I came up with after watching the Monochromatic Stains video. And yes Miolo, I will be downloading Insanity's Crescendo.:Spin:
@chaos: welcome and enjoy your stay... the beers are in the fridge, sandwiches are over, tho. sorry :p

@dark jester: nice avatar, but if you had used a pic of you to do the same thing, the effect would have been much more impressive, i tell you ;)
Welcome Chaos! :wave:

We've been waiting for you.
Well, i'm one of those new to the forum people so i guess my first post goes here.

What to say? I'm a 22 year old guy from Melbourne, Australia.
I'm into pretty much all metal styles, my favourite band besides Dark Tranquillity are Iced Earth and some other bands i like include Opeth, Iron Maiden, Archenemy, Vintersorg, Judas Priest, Vanishing Point(Aussies), Skid Row, Death, Amon Amarth etc etc

Can't think of anything else for an intro so......hi :wave:
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