I expect new people any moment. Because.. Because.. I wore my DT shirt about one week of the three in Sardinia (yes, of course I washed it, in between. But I mean, in total) and besides that..
I left a note for a few metalheads/people (the only ones I saw in the complete holiday, they arrived the day before I left, :Smug: of course.) which said they had to get Dark Tranquillity and that they would like it heheh weehee
Well...I'm new here too. I used to be in old DT-forum (EzBoard), but it really sucked with all those advertisements and etc so I quitted. Now I finally got time to register and involve in these forums, I'm a bit confused with this board, this is kind of chaotic at first sight but maybe I get used to it with time.
Erh..what I could tell about myself?
I'm nineteen years old male from Finland, and I have listened DT since '99, first DT-song that I heard was FreeCard. Now I have most of DT-albums (only Enter Suicidal Angels is missing and I have that Skydancer/of chaos... not original ones). I listen much of melodic death & black but I'm into more primitive stuff too...generally I listen very different types of metal (and some alternative non-metal music too) but powermetal is something that I'll never understand...
I can't invent more now...but if someone (I doubt) want to know then just ask
Welcome to the board, Aldraugth! Yeah, EzBored was sooo annoying. I used to be on the IF one and the advertisements/popups crashed my computer several times. Now I only go here and it's all good.
O.K. I'm sort of new. I am 16. I've been around here since April but haven't really started to post until recently. I am a male. So there's my introduction.