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Not "new" new per se, but I feel I need to introduce myself anyways.

I live in tiny, but very nice Wilmington, NC. I work in a bookstore (how metal) and I can say DT is definately my favorite band. Also dig stuff ranging from Coldplay to With Honor to Skinless to Demons and Wizards. Don't go to college (and don't drive :erk: ) but I'm working on those.

Rock on? Yeah.:kickass:
^It was me :)

Does anyone else think that this is Rampage's best sig yet?

Well, Ichiban, I guess I'm already a bit familiar with you so a welcome is not necessary. I loved your pictures from Jaxx. :) What are your other musical tastes besides DT?

EDIT- never mind about the music, I guess you already answered it :grin:
@psychdoc: welcome aboard. i always wondered what this nick of yours meant. got to love a psychiatrist!

@Ichiban: welcome and good luck with college and driving!
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