I'm New -------- If this is you, post here.

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I'm 16 years old. I'm from a small, small town in Virginia which of course is in the good ole USA. I just recently got into the European Metal scene basically I was sick of the bullshit America has right now. My favorite bands are Black Sabbath, Pentagram, Slayer, and Old Metallica. I really like Dark Tranquillity, Sentenced, The Black League, Opeth, Emperor, Dimmu Borgir, and In Flames but I just recently got into them.
welcome SMAI. fly the flag and all this kind of stuff. sentenced is funny imho, but whatever you like :)

Originally posted by Southern Man I Am
I'm 16 years old. I'm from a small, small town in Virginia which of course is in the good ole USA. I just recently got into the European Metal scene basically I was sick of the bullshit America has right now. My favorite bands are Black Sabbath, Pentagram, Slayer, and Old Metallica. I really like Dark Tranquillity, Sentenced, The Black League, Opeth, Emperor, Dimmu Borgir, and In Flames but I just recently got into them.

Welcome to the board, Southern Man I Am! :)

Good to see another North American into great music. I like Sentenced and In Flames too. :)
I too am 16 and extremely new to death metal. I'm actually relatively new to metal in general. I got into Metallica around this time last year and that opened the gates for the good music and closed the gates for the crap music which i previously liked. I was obsessed with Metallica for ages and then found Dream Theater, same deal there. Then i found Opeth which opened the gates for Death Metal. After about a month (now) i just recently started downloading more death metal bands (Arch Enemy, Dark Tranquillity) thanks to these message boards which i'm also new to thanks to Symphony X.
I have changed a lot over the past year due to music and i've changed for the better. I hope to make ultimatemetal.com my home for a long time now so see you all around.
BTW, if it isn't melodic, i don't like it :p
welcome, sands of the seas.
rahvin, i propose that no more people with four-words nicks are allowed on this board :)

My name ith Igor, from the Igorth of Uberwald...
I like Dark Tranquillity thinth my couthin Igor lend me a tape with The Mindth I...
Hope to thee you thoon...

Alwayth at your thervith!

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