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hello to the first two dd-era newbies! ahoy!

check the bubububu thread please now :lol:

@DeadWinterDead: Thank you. :)

@hyena: The DD era has come and I will rule for a thousand years!! Oh, sorry.. Got a bit carried away there. :D As for the bubububu thread.. I've read it. :)
no hard feelings at all! i'm sense of bubu incarnated and very seldom take offense :tickled:

Why the fuck was my entry from yesterday erased?????
Argh! All the work for nothing.... :cry:
Perkele! Oh well, just wanted to say: DT is a great band, the CD is great eventhough two songs are corrupt and I hope to see them come on tour to Switzerland as soon as possible! :D
it was not deleted. it was merged in the damage done thread, because it was about the exact same topic and you gave it the exact same title. moreover, you posted your new thread twice. take the time to look around, please. :)

i don't know about the almighty, but here we'd just like you to pay some mind to avoid flooding the board with identical or vain threads. there are no "rules" as such here. post as much off-topic threads as you find fit, just make sure they (a) have some meat to them; and (b) it's not something already debated at length on threads in the first page/in the last week. no more, no less is asked of you, so you can get back to your cathode ray sunshine. ;)

@mousewings: Thank you very much. :)

@hyena: Great! Came here to make friends, not enemies. :)

@Siren: Thank you. Happy to be here. Feels like my second home already. Well, sort of anyways. ;)
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