Wow, Bjorn pretty much confirmed that they are lazy and that's why they write lazy music nowadays. wtf!?
BG: I pretty much say the same thing as I always say when we release a record. This is our twelfth record and I am super proud, super excited. I am just super proud. I can still do what I want to do. Do what I love to do after all these years, after all these records. That's what really makes me the most proud. I think from the practical point of view it is a little bit more challenging than previous records. That's sort of the way we want to do things.
Because we are super lazy guys - we don't rehearse, we don't practice, so unless we put the bar a little bit higher with every record we will just continue to suck. So it is kind of important to put that bar a little bit higher and we did that on this one.
MS: Obviously the experience of playing live over so many years has refined this?
BG: The whole writing process has changed over the years. The more you play live the more I understand about my song writing. I wouldn't say it is the same for everybody. T
he more I play live the more I understand that I can't put eight guitars there or I can't put double kicks for five minutes. It's not going to work. It's not how you play and it's not how it works live. And so a lot of things like that you just have to learn. And of course now having all that - let's call it knowledge - with you when you record and when you write it changes things. You understand a little bit more about song writing but also the individuals in the band and what everybody is capable of, and what everybody is really good at and how can you capitalise on that."