IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

Agreed on all points. It's a fantastic album.

It's certainly the sort of band where you really need to put in several listens to get the most out of the music. There are no catchy choruses like you'd find on an IF record, usually. (Stuff like Trigger, Cloud Connected, etc.). The closest they got back in the day was with tracks such as Lost to Apathy or Therein.

But with a little effort, you "learn" the song and they become so much more satisfying to listen to.

Can't stop listening to Clearing Skies. Love the subtle key changes in the main melody/progression.
Atoma is some good shit, no question. Much more in the vein of Character/Fiction as opposed to WATV/Construct, which is a relief.

Encircled feels like it could have come directly off Projector or Haven. A really interesting sound. I love how any guitar or keyboard solo parts are concise, melodic and to the point. Bjorn could really learn from listening to this stuff.

Well done DT. A nice improvement over the last two efforts.
Concise, melodic and to the point. Always adding to the song, leaving you wanting more.

Not that senseless thing disconnected from the rest of the music Bjorn does in 4/5 situations these days.

Really like that Forward Mom.solo.
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Concise, melodic and to the point. Always adding to the song, leaving you wanting more.

Not that senseless thing disconnected from the rest of the music Bjorn does in 4/5 situations these days.

Really like that Forward Mom.solo.

Bjorn's solos just sound like they were pasted into the 3/4 part of the song from the general "In Flames wah-solo" template. Every part of Atoma, instrumentally, flows together perfectly.

Dare I say, it's a very mature album. It takes everything DT has learned over the past couple of decades and blends it with new, fresh elements to give the album a distinct sound that is very much recognisable as DT.
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I don't really think WATV and Construct are that similar. Maybe just the atmosphere? Anyway, gonna try to listen to Atoma soon. Nowadays, I'm only really interested in what new music Soilwork and DT are putting out. I'll keep listening to IF and giving their new music a chance, but SW and DT are so much better since the last few albums each in my opinion.
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I like When the World Explodes but holy shit Anders' grammar. "I always known". Come on, guy. Back in the day, ok. But your most recent album? They can't hire a grammar checker right before they record the vocals? I'll do it for cheap.
I don't really think WATV and Construct are that similar. Maybe just the atmosphere? Anyway, gonna try to listen to Atoma soon. Nowadays, I'm only really interested in what new music Soilwork and DT are putting out. I'll keep listening to IF and giving their new music a chance, but SW and DT are so much better since the last few albums each in my opinion.

WATV/Construct both have a very Industrial vibe, which has never been my personal taste. Atoma is far more melodic, there's a nice energy there which, imo, was a little lacking from their last two albums.

With that said, there's still a clear pattern of evolution with DT. From the beginning to now, there's an identifiable trend in their music which can at times make it predictable but it rarely disappoints in the same way an album like Siren Charms did.

For me, DT are a great example of a band evolving, trying a few different things but still maturing a consistent sound. In Flames have such wild changes in their music from album to album that it isn't really an evolution - a lot of the times they're practically starting from square one (or square nothing, if you prefer). Siren Charms in particular is not an evolution of any sound they've had before, it's completely different and for that reason it can't really be labeled mature. It's another beginning. In Flames as a band seem to have an ongoing identity crisis, whereas a band like DT know what they want to be and try to refine their sound every time they release a new album. That's true maturation, in my mind, not jumping around all over the place and never settling on a consistent sound.

I like When the World Explodes but holy shit Anders' grammar. "I always known". Come on, guy. Back in the day, ok. But your most recent album? They can't hire a grammar checker right before they record the vocals? I'll do it for cheap.

Yeah, just another example of laziness I guess. It bothers me less these days, just because the lyrics are generally not that good anyway. Even if The Truth was a total grammatical disaster, it wouldn't really matter because the lyrics suck anyway.
Bjorn's solos just sound like they were pasted into the 3/4 part of the song from the general "In Flames wah-solo" template. Every part of Atoma, instrumentally, flows together perfectly.

Dare I say, it's a very mature album. It takes everything DT has learned over the past couple of decades and blends it with new, fresh elements to give the album a distinct sound that is very much recognisable as DT.

My thoughts exactly.

It is 100% DT, but still new. To quote Stanne - It was different. Yet the same.

And the whole thing actually sounds like an album that a grown up group of people thought out and worked on.

Not a random group of short songs hastly concocted out of half-baked ideas by lazy group of people while fucking around Berlin or LA.

Also, DT perfected their songwriting. It's a wonder what can they put into 3-4 minute songs. It never feels too simple or formulaic.
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And the stage performance with the girl, it could be fucking hilarious but it's tragic how much he is willing to fall.
I don't really think WATV and Construct are that similar. Maybe just the atmosphere? Anyway, gonna try to listen to Atoma soon. Nowadays, I'm only really interested in what new music Soilwork and DT are putting out. I'll keep listening to IF and giving their new music a chance, but SW and DT are so much better since the last few albums each in my opinion.

Same here, but SW music never holds me for a long time. There is nothing wrong about it, I enjoy it for some time and then forget about it.

As for WATV and Construct, I always group them together. Atmosphere, industrial sound, "evil" chord progressions and melodies.

Construct is a lot better IMO, but still, two cold and a bit unpleasant albums.

Fun thing about DT is... you can almost always hear what the next album will be like. Fiction has some elements of WATV, WATV some elements of Construct, and now that I've heard Atoma, I can see elements of the new albums present on Construct.

Their progression has perfect sense.

I may sometimes dislike where they are going, but I see some reason and have to respect that.
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