IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

Don't agree at all, but let's say it is.
So the chorus and the end being what it is means "they're going pop"?
Did you skip the rest of the song?
The rest of the song is forgettable. Now we're skipping the fact that modern in flames is about choruses?
To be honest, listening to DT's Atoma just reminds me how pathetic In Flames' recent output is. They could have really pushed on if they'd continued to evolve and refine the SOAPF sound (which, in of itself, was an evolution of the ASOP sound).

Instead, they hit the reset button again with SC and Battles is some weird California-pop metal/SC hybrid.
Funny thing is... everything good in WTWE is done by people who are not IF members.

Take them out and you get extremly boring piece of shit with few seconds of harmonized guitar playing.
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To be honest, listening to DT's Atoma just reminds me how pathetic In Flames' recent output is. They could have really pushed on if they'd continued to evolve and refine the SOAPF sound (which, in of itself, was an evolution of the ASOP sound).

Instead, they hit the reset button again with SC and Battles is some weird California-pop metal/SC hybrid.
Still couldn't listen to the album. I hope that I will soon.
With that said, there's still a clear pattern of evolution with DT. From the beginning to now, there's an identifiable trend in their music which can at times make it predictable but it rarely disappoints in the same way an album like Siren Charms did.

For me, DT are a great example of a band evolving, trying a few different things but still maturing a consistent sound. In Flames have such wild changes in their music from album to album that it isn't really an evolution - a lot of the times they're practically starting from square one (or square nothing, if you prefer). Siren Charms in particular is not an evolution of any sound they've had before, it's completely different and for that reason it can't really be labeled mature. It's another beginning. In Flames as a band seem to have an ongoing identity crisis, whereas a band like DT know what they want to be and try to refine their sound every time they release a new album. That's true maturation, in my mind, not jumping around all over the place and never settling on a consistent sound.

Yeah, just another example of laziness I guess. It bothers me less these days, just because the lyrics are generally not that good anyway. Even if The Truth was a total grammatical disaster, it wouldn't really matter because the lyrics suck anyway.

Insanely well said. Bravo.

Really a great way to describe the last few years of IF (since Siren Charms especially).
That review seems fair enough. Not very detailed, but it gives an idea that It's hit or miss, but (according to them) better than the last 2 albums.
I seriously doubt that this álbum is better than soapf. Until know, the three songs that we've heard are worst than anything on that album.
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I seriously doubt that this álbum is better than soapf. Until know, the three songs that we've heard are worst than anything on that album.

I doubt it will be as good as SOAPF, as that's my favorite In Flames album (and the album that got me into the band, as I was only 12 when it came out and I heard it) but The End is amazing IMO, even iff the other two songs are meh.
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It still sounds to me that Battles is picking up from where Sounds left off while taking cues from Siren Charms. I hear way more similarities between the 10th and 12th albums so far than any with the 11th ("The Truth" being the obvious exception - no surprise that it's my favorite of the three songs released so far). I had a similar impression when Come Clarity first came out: that it was continuing from Reroute while keeping Soundtrack's darker edge.

As for the suggestion that Siren Charms fans will like Battles...well, from probably the biggest SC fan you guys will ever hear from, I expect it'll be a great album, but not necessarily for the reasons I enjoyed Siren Charms.

Also, because I couldn't help myself, I just listened to Atoma. I think it's DT's best since Fiction, or maybe even Damage Done. After the great (but just short of excellent) We are the Void and the well-intentioned-but-not-great Construct, Atoma is reassuring and confident. I was really impressed by "Encircled", "Neutrality", "Force of Hand", "Clearing Skies" and certain sections of "When the World Screams" and "Merciless Fate". I do think the album loses its momentum in the middle ("Faithless By Default" through "Our Proof of Life"), but it's still good stuff throughout.

Oddly, like with Construct, Stanne's clean sections didn't do as much for me as I thought they would. He's still a great singer, of course. But I still think Projector is the only album where his cleans were perfectly utilized.
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