IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

They won't be doing longer setlist until they start European tour after the New Year. And I expect more than 3 Battles song if they're doing 20~ songs. They usually do 4-6 new songs if there's that long of a setlist, when the album is fresh that is.

I meant adding three Battles songs to the two already in the setlist, not only three :D
There was one, can't remember which one now... but there are some melodies that are audible but hammered by the rhythm guitar above them. You get a bit of it in Like Sand starting at 00:38, the guitar melody is there but on older albums it would have been higher in the mix, rather than sharing space with the chugging rhythm guitar.

I get you. Performing magic at the moment. Expect pm in 30 min.
Never liked The Gallery that much. OK album, but overrated IMO.
I love the choirs on the chorus of Before I Fall. After the first chorus, Anders starts doin' melodies on the choruses, its pretty good. Also In My Room's solo probably one of the best Björn solos.
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LOL at crowd screaming We are, we are, we are... and Anders dying while trying to sing this masterpiece.
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You should protest The Truth the correct way we do it in the states these days...

Unnecessary violence and destruction of property

I'm interested to see after tonight what the full set list they're playing will be for this tour
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They are so static and funny. Anders and his stumbling around like he's working in the coal mine, not singing easy notes.

C.Joe is, judging from this shitty quality videos, just as inhuman, hard hitting and boring live as he is on the records.
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Falconer's music is pretty good, but I don't like the vocals. I think it would be a much better fit with screams and growls, with maybe occasional cleans.