Yeah it's not the best, it doesn't have that huge sound that you would expect, the guitars just sound so flat. Look at the footage of Cloud Connected live at open flair fest in 2013, or the Wacken 2012 show and you will hear a much better tone. Still, with all the live footage on youtube nowadays I see this DVD as mainly (sober and) irrelevant anywayI just want to hear the new album
Yes, I did.Yeah I get exactly what you mean. And also in the verses there seems to be some really wierd background noise in the mix, can anyone else hear that?
Random, but came across Andrer's 2010 live performance with Pendulum
0.38-0.52 that scream is amazing.
Random, but came across Andrer's 2010 live performance with Pendulum
0.38-0.52 that scream is amazing.
Hi. I just a few minutes ago joined the forums. Can anyone tell me pertinent information regarding the new album to be released as still to be revealed as of yet? I listened to a sample from page 13 I believe. The Avenged Seven-fold Headlining show advertisement. Is that a new song sample or something from like a Japan edition EP or something like that from years ago? Thanks.
Quick question about dvd teaser, sound dubbed? Or touched up a bit?
Everything's Gone is, besides the Chase, the best song off SC. It has the most passion and energy at least. Although a simple song insturmentally... It's the ONLY song on the record with some power.
Anders screams are great in the video. Like I've always said, his screams and abrupt growls are really good and what he excels at.
Quick question about dvd teaser, sound dubbed? Or touched up a bit?
AgreedEG live - boring song, shit guitar sound, nice drums and vocals.
Also, they looked much cooler on previous dvd.
If you meant that they re recorded some parts, then that's what I was talking about.I should've said "dubbed? Or *just* touched up?"
Meaning was it dubbed over or just the usual cleaning up that one would do in post-production?
Another thing, I still REALLY am glad to hear those screams in that tour promo sample. A good sign. Unlike Rusted Nail clips we heard before the last album