IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

Sounds of a playground is a weird one if you think about it.

Siren Charms is an obscure but legit artistic title.

If it's "Battles"... Different but doesn't sound bad to me.

For about the tenth time now hehe, I'm just glad to hear those more raw fry screams from Anders on that sample. Actual guitar riffing during the verses and the melodies during those few parts we heard are actually audible.

Just a good sign

Was listening to The Chase yesterday... You can hear with headphones, some good melodic guitar play deep hidden in the background during the bridge and chorus
Was listening to The Chase yesterday... You can hear with headphones, some good melodic guitar play deep hidden in the background during the bridge and chorus

Well that was my problem with that album. The melodic guitars are so low, you can barely hear it. There's awesome guitars but you cant really hear it.
And what I love about that teaser of the new song is that you can hear chorus leads on the first listen. You dont have to listen over and over again to hear it. I'll be very pleased if that applys for all the songs from the new album.
Yeah The Chase has an awesome lead guitar melody that reminds me of the one in A New Dawn, but it's so low in volume you can hardly hear it. The same can be said for Rusted Nail. It's a shame. I like some songs on siren charms and others feel like wasted potential, Demos of sorts (In Plain View, Filtered Truth If only they had given themselves more time to develop that album.

I hope that this time round they gave themselves more time to write the material. In terms of studio time it was about a month and a half (Mid febuary to the beginning of April)
The second part in that tour promo of that audio sample, ignoring that higher pitches singing... You can hear at least three diff guitar tracks going on which is a pleasant surprise after how simple the songs were in Siren Charms. Sorry IF, we expect more guitar than that! Hopefully they delivered
edit: can you link me the video? I can't find it :/
Agreed. I think Battles is a good title at least its better than last two although I like the albums.
Are you kidding me? I'm fine with Battles, but it's got to be among the worse IF album titles. SOAPF and SC peak your fantasy; the former immediately puts an utopistic view in your mind, while the latter is more into the fantasy realm, where everything is possible. Battles is in the "simple but good" category, but calling it better than those two is like saying that a pure white painting is awesome and artistic.

As for the meaning, I'm leaning towards it being about inner battles too. I mean, the entirety of ASOP and R2R were about desperation and depression, but all their post-Clayman records have a good share of tracks about inner struggles, erm, battles. Though - especially with recent events, eg. terror attacks - I'm sure we'll hear some songs about criticizing society as well.
So, we plunge deeper into lead singers inner hipster emo persona...
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There you go.

Woooow, I'm getting STYE vibes! Did Anders even tried to scream like he does on that first promo song on SC? Obviously not CC/STYE quality but sounds damn good to me! The second songs' "we are we are" sounds as cheesy though as Scream.

In the comments, this dude 'Matt Rapps' replied to my comment and is claiming that the second song in the teaser 'we ae we are...' is the first single, called 'Truth' and has been played twice on SXM Octane this week.

Hmm, don't know if the guy is trustworthy but if it is true, it might mean the song will be released this week or the next one, and that sxm is just playing it early I guess. Seems like its mostly clean vocals on this song then, and it somewhat similar to Paralyzed, which is fine for me, one of the better songs from SC.

Hmm, just read that its been Grant Random who have played the song, might be worth it to try and tune in tomorrow between 6:00 am - 12:00 pm and see if he plays it again.
Anyone have anything they can capture audio with?
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Seems like its mostly clean vocals on this song then, and it somewhat similar to Paralyzed, which is fine for me, one of the better songs from SC.

Hmm, just read that its been Grant Random who have played the song, might be worth it to try and tune in tomorrow between 6:00 am - 12:00 pm and see if he plays it again.
Anyone have anything they can capture audio with?

1. What leads you to believe it's mostly cleans when he's screaming in the verses and in between the "we are" segments

2. Where'd you read that?
Oh I see. Since that dude says it's mostly cleans I wonder where those screams take place as it sounds like they're during the verse of a song
Oh I see. Since that dude says it's mostly cleans I wonder where those screams take place as it sounds like they're during the verse of a song
Might be 2 different songs?tell
I mean, if this YouTube guy is telling the truth.
Gonna be home all day tomorrow anyway, so gonna listen to Octane and see if that Random choses to play it.
Might look into some program that can record my audio.
Different songs. The teaser was of 2 different songs, the dude who gave us this information said that.
Might be 2 different songs?tell
I mean, if this YouTube guy is telling the truth.
Gonna be home all day tomorrow anyway, so gonna listen to Octane and see if that Random choses to play it.
Might look into some program that can record my audio.

If you could record it I think we would all owe you our lives :D