IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

I'm waiting for this Jesper/Peter project to finally get announced. I wonder what the hold up is? I hope it's real and turns into something a lot better than The Resistance. Otherwise I will start to really worry about Jesper's condition. Dude hasn't been productive in years despite many promises, starts, and metal buddies all around.
Since he left the band he has done two albums with the resistance and has been part of a soundtrack. Basically, the same as they have done. I don't know what you mean not being productive
Since he left the band he has done two albums with the resistance and has been part of a soundtrack. Basically, the same as they have done. I don't know what you mean not being productive
Shit, I had no idea they released an album earlier this year. I'll take my statement back.
"A band I like is making music I don't like, so I - a complete nobody - want them to split up!" :D

Jester, did you murder all your exes or what?
I'm actually best friends with mine. Didn't you say you were embarrassed by Battles? If you really cared about them, and saw them just embarrassing themselves all the time now, wouldn't you want to put them out of their misery to save them the pain? I don't really care that much for Opeth or Trivium's new directions, but I can see the merit in their music. Because of that merit, they should stay together and keep making music. IF is just shameful now so yeah, I would prefer that they stop instead of making a few more records like Battles and completely destroying their name to the point where future generations will have no idea that they used to be a really great band.
It is embarrassing, so what? Some people called almost all of their records embarrassing since R2R and jumped off from the IF boat. Just because Battles is where I drew the line does not mean I want them to disband. They can do whatever the hell they want, and if I won't like it, I won't listen to it.

It's a childish attitude to want something gone from everyone's life just because you don't like it anymore. We are supposed to grow old with an open mind, and not become our lovely, but rather racist war veteran of a great-grandfather, if you catch my drift.
New Soen track. Sounds fantastic. Good example of the kind of achievement possible when every band member contributes 100% of their talents.

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Shit girls, new NIN is out!! While no one cares, IF is honored if we talk about good music in this thread in the year they dared to release Battles, so I commence.

Nine Inch Nails - Not The Actual Events

Okay, a little background, so at least you can enjoy it as a good story, since I doubt you'd like any of the 5 songs, as they are rather hard to digest. NIN's previous record came out back in 2013 (no, you don't NEED to release something every 2 years if you know you can't live up to the quality) and it played it rather safe. No real drums (few exceptions though) on the record, a lot of repetitive loops, and a wide range of electronics, but unlike on their record called Year Zero where sometimes your eardrums started to bleed from all the loud and weird shit, HM had nothing of it. The whole idea of that record was to reflect on NIN's probably most famous record (The Downward Spiral) almost 20 years later, and while TDS was angry, raw, provocative, you name it, HM meant to be it's grown up, calmed, reasonable version. Some found it quite cool, others were disappointed, just like that piece of shit track's title on that record.

Now, NIN never released the same album twice, but the complete lack of power fueled by anger made us think that big daddy Trent Reznor is done with NIN, and he just wants to make film scores (which are 10/10, even got an Oscar for it) and be with his lovely family (that wife he has... hot damn....).

Daddy Reznor promised us that there will be new NIN in 2016, and he said so in February in believe, and until a week ago we heard nothing of that promise. Now, it is not unheard of that he just casually forgets things, because he wants to do a 100 things at once, and if he doesn't like how things turning out, then he just stops it unannounced. There is a huuuuuuuuuuuuge list of unfinished work under his belt. Some were already goddamn ready to ship but he said "naaaah, I changed my mind", so he can be a real asshole at times.

But this shit delivered, hooly fuck! It's like if In Flames' next record would sound like stuff from TJR to Clayman mixed with a few post-Clayman IF stuff. Like, imagine Anders screaming again like on CC, or growling like on TJR, or harmonized guitars again, songs with more guitars than vocals, etc. Same shit happened to NIN now, the only difference is that they have never gone shit to begin with, despite having a rather mixed discography.

Okay, sooo the songs:
1. Broken/Branches - Okay, so this song is like... you know, industrial because it has all the random craziness you hear in industrial tracks plus loud as shit. It's also very metal-like, the guitars just go nuts and distorted into oblivion. The vocals and the vibe of the song is like some 80s punk. And to top this all of, there is that fucking mild poppy loop in the background, LOL. This song makes 0 sense and gives 0 fucks. I love it!!
2. Dear World - This song is legit creepy. The voice filter makes Trent sound like a fucking pedophile, and the electronics are cool but unnerving. And just when you thought you got used to the song after the first chorus, it fucking switches and and you can hear different lyrics in the left and right audio channel. Jesus fucking christ, it's very cool but this is the shit that will make me go insane. If someone loves all kinds of electronic tuning, or electronic music in general (not just EDM, every weird shit, like Kraftwerk) then definitely give this song a go. I think this is the most "sane" song in a way, which says a lot about this EP.
3. She's Gone Away - This is a great song if you are just after a breakup and want to off yourself on Xmas Eve! Sorry, not funny, but this song is like eating metal. Hard to chew, makes you shiver as your teeth grind the pieces, tastes cold as fuck and the tears are flowing out of your eyes because you just want it to end. This would also make a really good angry workout song. Wouldn't recommend to anyone who is not already deep into this kind of music though.
4. The Idea Of You - wow............................ the last time NIN sounded so fucking metal was back in 1992. I never expected to hear such a song again. The vocal is an entire different animal; the verses are a throwback to an older song, while the chorus is nothing I can compare it to. Crazy!! If you like crazy loud shit and metal, then this song definitely worth checking out. Sadly no autotune vocals with 30 layers on the 3rd chorus to the same exact pattern you already did 60% of the songs on your record, so if you are into that, then it's a no-no!
5. Burning Bright (Field on Fire) - The only officially released song. (almost) The whole song is distorted. I don't blame anyone who says "fuck this shit" after 5 seconds, the static sound can make your head hurt. The song - surprise, surprise - also loud as fuck. This is probably the most industrial metal track out of the 5, this shit is straight from the 90s, but fucking Trent still makes the lyrics catchy as hell, which makes you want to yell them. If anyone is planning to dive into the NIN catalog, then this song (also, this record) should be the very last to listen to, because there are so many stuff going on, which can not be explained and appreciated as much if you had no previous knowledge of their discography.

So, overall this EP is a damned 10/10. It is amazing that NIN pulled in soooo many throwbacks and influences from their older tracks (some subtle, some not so much) without it having to do anything with laziness or mindless fanservice. These are 5 tracks no one expected to ever hear, 5 tracks which are entirely new, yet 5 tracks which are full of old stuff. Amazing.

So who would I recommend it to here? Absolutely no one, but @Yagami should definitely give it a go with his pro headset, because he - someone who is obsessed with the little nuances in music - might appreciate a few songs; if not as a casual listener, then as a fellow music producer.

Hardly a surprise that with this feat NIN takes the cake for me for best record this year, but I am yet to listen to the new Metallica so I might not be disappointed in them - I liked Atlas from the singles. Korn is number 2 for sure, those guys did a great job. Kanye West is 3rd, too bad he went legit crazy. Lady Gaga and Skillet did a decent effort, Scooter (!!!) was oddly enjoyable, Sum 41 made the same shit they did before (so a few good songs, with the rest being terrible), In Flames hardly even tried and Frank Ocean is overrated.

Edit: Also, if you want to know what a TJR2/Whoracle2/Colony2/Clayman2 can do with a community that's more or less accepted that the golden days are over: woooooo, everyone went apeshit! I mean, people over the NIN group are (1 guy aside, haha) not as toxic as some of you decent fellas, negativity, boredom and arguments ignited by these were still common. And of course, there is an endless debate about "which NIN was the bast NIN??" where the same people can tell their same opinions about stuff that was 0-25 years ago. But now everyone is happy, listening to it in the middle of the night (sucks to be American!), trying to put together all the pieces and puzzles hidden in the song, sending them through a bunch of scans and what not. I love it! Some people are so tech savy I don't even understand what they do, let alone how they do it, but they find the craziest shit and it's like playing a game!! Wooooooooo!

And here I thought being late for work will spell doom for me today.
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Merry Xmas faglords!!

The last food is undeservedly bashed, as whoever served it, was retarded enough not to pour that sugar on it which looks like cocaine.
Happy Christmas to all you crazy mofos. Let's keep this forum alive in 2017, eh? It's not like we have anything better to do ;)
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