IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

Never heard DT live or Soilwork, but I've seen a lot of Soilwork videos and Strid sounds fucking sick live. I've always thought Stanne has been a bit monotone sounding. Like an upgraded Marco Aro (The Haunted). That said what I've heard Stanne sounds fine live.

That Moonshield performance on Hellfest is one of the best one's I've heard as well Clayman. Embody clip also really good. Deep growls not ''fitting'' lol. You can't change up small parts when performing songs live or what? It all has to sound like the studio version? Same pitch, same pronunciation and length of words? Each to his own I guess. Personally, the outro scream he does at 3:25 completely shits over the studio version outro scream. Those type of small changes just add to the shows for me.

Strid sounds amazing live, but he slurs a lot and is usually just a tad less intense than on the records.
You people have to realize the records are meant to record THE BEST performance, which includes pushing harder than you probably normally do live.

As for Anders, like I said, Moonshield was amazing, and even ETI was great.
If you want to hear him at his most intense, this is probably, the best I've ever heard him. He actually sounds 5 times better than Live in Gothenburg 99 on here. Sounds close to his performance on Colony.

Yeah and that's old. If you pay attention to Stanne and Strid they aren't as saturated sounding as their albums either. They balance their performance out for longevity.

If you look at many other screamers out there, they've blown their voices out for pushing too hard.
The most of them are still OK live. Anders is the only one, that I know, that has destroyed his voice.
The most of them are still OK live. Anders is the only one, that I know, that has destroyed his voice.

Yeah because they don't overkill live, and I don't see why we need to give Anders shit for not sounding like what killed his voice in the first place live, every night on every tour.
Yeah because they don't overkill live, and I don't see why we need to give Anders shit for not sounding like what killed his voice in the first place live, every night on every tour.
I think that it's good that he stopped doing that. Better say that he cannot do that anymore. But he should think about what he is doing to his voice. He is clearly suffering when screaming or growling. So he needs to stop or search for some technique.
I miss the old Clay-Man. This new version takes himself so seriously. Like a mini Krofius.
Well I missed the old DE4life actually, not the one who praises Amaranthe :D :D Cmon man give us the old brutal DE4life! :D

Bro, I've always been a Power Metal maniac. I was listening to Dragonforce when they were releasing the VOTD demo back in 2002 :D and had some drinks with them too. Cool guys.

I actually don't particularly like brutal music. I find it boring.
Wish Bjorn was on there too. Haven't heard the song but somewhere in this thread I remember saying Self vs Self was one of the best new In Flames songs and they should pursue more EDM stuff. But if it's just Anders... not enough.
Wish Bjorn was on there too. Haven't heard the song but somewhere in this thread I remember saying Self vs Self was one of the best new In Flames songs and they should pursue more EDM stuff. But if it's just Anders... not enough.

I love Self vs Self, great song. But I dont think its a Pendulum song anyway, it isnt even fitting their album (which btw great album). Just a IF song with Rob Swire featuring on it. Like you said, it was one of the best new IF songs, it would be cool to hear songs in that style but maybe with solo.
If ir was made by pendulum AND released by pendulum then it is pendulum's, not if.
Well it was released by Pendulum like you said but if you were a Pendulum listener like me you would see that, that song doesnt have anything Pendulum releated. So its a IF song with Pendulum label on it.
I don't know which ears you are listening with. Definiftely doesn't sound like IF with Rob Swire lol. Definitely has the drum n bass sound. Sounds more like Pendulum feat Anders with a bit more rock/metal touch.
I don't know which ears you are listening with. Definiftely doesn't sound like IF with Rob Swire lol. Definitely has the drum n bass sound. Sounds more like Pendulum feat Anders with a bit more rock/metal touch.

"Sounds more like Pendulum" that line must be a joke, right? Cause that song doesnt sound like Pendulum. Here's a few Pendulum song from the same album, your "good ears" will hear the difference I think.

These are the normal Pendulum style songs, which none of them sounds like Self vs Self. Even Anders said that Pendulum guys wanna do an IF song. I really like Pendulum and listen them through the years so when you say that song sounds more like Pendulum it bothers me.
And the song with steven wilson has anything pendulum related?

Of course it will sound different since Björn is playing the guitars, so I thinknthat they created, on purpose, a music that fitted his sound better. Still north ng to do with in flames.
I really don't mind when In Flames have electronic tinged stuff in their music as long as it's executed well.
I mean, they've been doing it since Colony.
After hearing Self vs Self a number of years ago I listened to a bunch of Pendulum songs and was disappointed that I didn't really like any of them. So, I agree that it is more of an IF song than a Pendulum song. Add some solos and you'd evolve into electronic metal. Japan alone would probably buy more albums than bought worldwide after CC. They love that stuff.
"Sounds more like Pendulum" that line must be a joke, right? Cause that song doesnt sound like Pendulum. Here's a few Pendulum song from the same album, your "good ears" will hear the difference I think.

These are the normal Pendulum style songs, which none of them sounds like Self vs Self. Even Anders said that Pendulum guys wanna do an IF song. I really like Pendulum and listen them through the years so when you say that song sounds more like Pendulum it bothers me.

I've listened to most of the Immersion album probably over 50 times, I know what Pendulum sounds like. The Island part 1 is probably my favorite ''Electronic music'' song, part 2 sucks fucking ass though. They haven't sounded exactly the same on all their 3 albums either, some songs does have some rock influences, especially on In Silico. Self vs Self has much more evident rock/metal elements. I still feel the backbone of the song is the Drum n Bass sound though. If Rob wasn't doing the choruses then sure, it could be perfectly argued that it sounds more In Flames-ish.

Funny thing about Crush is the verse has a vocal part that's eerily similar to the chorus of a song on Soilwork's latest album. To tired to look it up but I believe it was Shining Lights.
Going back and listening to Colony just reminds me of how flawless the album honestly is.
I really think it's one of the pinnacles of melodic death. It's the perfect middle ground between the actual thrash/death sounding early melodic death metal like Carcass and At The Gates, before heading too much into the territory of the modern oversaturatedly power metal symphonic sound that a lot of bands like COB do.

The melodies are relentless and the songs have so much build up, each one of them having their own grandeur.

It's the best produced sounding album as well. It's very modern without sounding overly produced. The guitars are ferocious but smooth and pleasing to listen to at the same time.

Even Anders made his own signature sound on the album that was so intense, it boasted on it's own.

Haven't heard anything try to be this epic without sounding like it's up it's own ass. A lot of music that tries ends up suffering in the songwriting department.
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