IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

Finally! The sooner the better, hopefully it's out this week.
Would love to hear something heavier, or at least something like SOAPF but I'm one of the few who actually enjoyed SC so I guess I will probably like it no matter what.. I'm such a slut I know.
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I wouldnt keep my expectations high for a return to a heavier sound. People who heard the Truth on Octane said it sounds similar to Paralyzed.
I wouldnt keep my expectations high for a return to a heavier sound. People who heard the Truth on Octane said it sounds similar to Paralyzed.

Yes I know, mean the album in general. Have nothing against them mixing it up on the album, paralyzed is probably my favorite song from SC so that sounds good, but a few more heavier songs would be welcomed.

,, The Truth " is nothing special..

Have you heard it? How would you describe I?
Dammit you literally beat me here by a minute :tickled:
Next time be faster yo haha

I wouldnt keep my expectations high for a return to a heavier sound. People who heard the Truth on Octane said it sounds similar to Paralyzed.
I guess I'm the only one who hates Paralyzed. I like SC, I can get into every song except Paralyzed.

I'm always excited to hear a new IF song. Can't wait!
Feeling same man. It'll be good to hear new song.
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Oh shit!
If they're going to make a more Paralyzed type song then it needs to be a bit heavier with more complex guitars... Though I did kind of like the riffing
I don't think is random. It's not a canvas filled with black. But I don't know what it means.