I am merely chipping in to give some perspective against the mindless hate. Yes, I challenge opinions, because most of the time you fuckers are too lazy to actually give an effort, because circle-jerking is easier. And I know that saying, but I don't think any of you are assholes, you are more than capable of forming independent thoughts, it just seems like most of the time you refuse to do it for whatever reason. I get that saying "The Truth, lmao, more like The Shit, AM I RIGHT, GUYS?! XDD" is easy, but it is just absolutely boggles my mind, how or why is it so hard to try to be open minded. Okay, you thought SC songs were boring and followed the same pattern, all right, all right! I can see that, but then here comes The Truth, something rather new from IF, and then all of a sudden what is this popshit...
I understand that it feels alien, but I can not understand anyone who can't put their pre-conceptions aside and actually, honestly try to decide if they like a song or not. No, you should not reach the conclusion that this is the best IF song ever and this is what IF should be, but maybe - m a y b e - as as a standalone song in a freaking vacuum, it's fine. Maybe it's shit but will be great live. Maybe it's dumb, but you like the catchyness. Maybe you don't like it too much, but that solo is dope. Maybe you like Anders' cleans on it. The point is, you try to lecture me about being opinionated - and I'm not even saying you are wrong -, while your average posting style and quality would be even more toxic if not for the other people who do almost the same, so it would be unfair to pinpoint the problem on you alone.
And I write essays because I like to write a lot! Sure, as for everything, there is probably a psychological reason to it, like when I lost my plush dog in the store when I was a child, and maybe that scarred me for life and now I am compensating, but honestly, I just like to write and share thoughts - after all, why waste the exceptionally high intellect I was blessed with? You are right, it would be stupid to do all this to be famous on a barely relevant message board. It was a neat driving force when I was 12 and 13, but that's it. Also, I don't need to "be anything", I'm inherently polarizing by nature.