What about a SOAPF upgrade to Bottled? Would you hate that anyway? lol
Nothing can save Bottled. You can't polish a turd, my friend, and Bottled is the foulest turd I have ever come across.
What about a SOAPF upgrade to Bottled? Would you hate that anyway? lol
My favourite from ASOP are disconnected- amazing lirycs according to our society, The mirror's truth - showing brutal reality , I am the highway..typical skateboarding songand March to the Shore - dark , anxious lirycs and amazing melodies
Disconnected is pretty good song, except for the lyrics.
Sweden master race right hereYeah i want the same. Lets just hope for the bestno more songs like the truth then im happy
Btw. Anybody here from Sweden?
Allow me to rectify, My favourite song from the album is Tilt (though is an extra) and my favourite part from all the album must be the lead guitars from that song. That simple, effective, moving, amazing melody.
How empty we've become..Tilt is amazing too . Everybody say that lirycs are emo and immature for teenagers .. i dont agree with that . ASOP describes our feeling and struggles inside so it must be emotional
You should try One Punch Man. Pretty good animeI hoped to never have to read about anime on this board, my dreams are over.
Sweden master race right here
Totally agreed.Yeah I would say "Tilt" as my favorite on the album. The melodic part (I guess you can count it as solo?) is one of my favorite riffs from In Flames. Just pure MDM at its best.
Anders has some brilliant moments and other terrible. And he is in that age when you refuse to admit that you're not a child anymore.Sorry, but the lyrics are a joke. Perhaps you have to be a native english speaker to really understand, but they actually made me embarrassed to say I liked the band back then.
They ruined it in the album. The demo was far better.If we're counting the EP then technically Abnegation is my favourite ASOP song - really, really solid track.
Man, I really wish Anders hadn't phoned in the vocal performance on ASOP, and found his balls in the process to save us from those godawful faux-emo lyrics. It could have been such a good album with a bit more effort. I knew as soon as I saw the artwork that Anders was going to ruin it.
Sorry, but the lyrics are a joke. Perhaps you have to be a native english speaker to really understand, but they actually made me embarrassed to say I liked the band back then.
The End, 338 000 views, 7500 likes, 200 dislikes
The Truth, 94 000 views, 1800 likes, 600 dislikes
Judging from this, and album sales over the years, I guess IF would be best off with stopping this pop wankery and go back to writing cheesy CC style metal(core). Let's face it, who's gonna buy an album of Anders singing over some lazy music? Or, who is gonna actually pay to listen to that shit live?.
They were rusted nail and black and white (stupid stupid stupid)Changing subjects. Am I the only one thinking that the synths at the beginnig of TheTruth are very similar to Cloud Connected and that the main riff sounds like that from Bottled?