IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

All right guys, but if they do release a music video for The End, and the album sales will be still mediocre, I'll be here waiting for you explain what happened.

No idea what you're talking about but alright.

I've been talking about drawing in newer fans, ergo, not adults. Young people don't buy music. Those days are gone. It's all about getting ticket sales to rise in different markets at different venues in different places.

So obviously we're talking about bringing in new fans who would check out their music. Youtube, Spotify, etc. etc. (Plus they have the new dvd coming out so it further shows that they're a band one would deff want to see live if they're so inclined)

Trying to use numbers to somehow prove me wrong when I don't even mention them(likes or dislikes or sales) is now irrelevant so move on to something else.

I'm just saying a simple thing overall...

The Truth for most people, is cringy. For both those who are familiar with IF previous work and those not. Its an immature sounding song. It certainly doesn't draw the target demographic who populate a metal band's shows.

Hopefully for their sake they can provide another good song at least close to The End's caliber to promote the album
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People always talk.. like Zyzz said ,, haters gonna hate " XD I dont like when people talk that IF die or rip in flames.. thats stupid.. i know that SC or SOAPF is nothing compare to JR or LS but it is still in flames and it is still good
People always talk.. like Zyzz said ,, haters gonna hate " XD I dont like when people talk that IF die or rip in flames.. thats stupid.. i know that SC or SOAPF is nothing compare to JR or LS but it is still in flames and it is still good
I was going to comment on how Zyzz quotes should not be relevant anywhere, ever, but damn, did you seriously just typed LS? As Lunar Strain? Tell me, how is that piece of garage-shit is better than SOAPF/SC (to each their own)?! The production is obviously shit, and in this case shit has entirely different meaning than when we talk about RR, ASOP or SC production. I mean, there is no production to begin with. The vocals are like from an entirely different genre than what's even on TJR by Anders. There are undoubtedly good ideas there, but almost every song feels like it's 2-4 minutes of filler for a ~30 seconds long good idea. I'm not saying those 30 seconds are not awesome, but come on, even Subterranian had songs which are dope from start to finish. To me, that EP is where IF really started to became IF. Stand Ablaze shits on the entirety on LS and I'm fairly confident it would still hold its ground live. And don't even make me start on talking about TJR, on which LS has nothing. It's an elegant record. LS is madness, even if it shows promise and talent.

I'm not blaming anyone who likes that record, maybe I'm blind to its greatness, just like many people are blind to SC's ( =) ), but for sure I don't want to live in a world where LS is among In Flames' best records. Like what the fucking hell, sucking LS' dick triggering me more than anything. First of all, almost everyone universally agrees that TJR, Whoracle and Colony are great. Clayman has a fairly good rep, right? Now, R2R and CC might lost out on the hardcore "original" fans, but it's still acclaimed by many, including a new blood in IF's supporters. ASOP and SOAPF both have their decent amount of supporters, but you have to be out of your mind to call even the poor, ignored child of IF, called STYE a worse record than LS. Like, seriously, TQP, MSS, Touch Of Red, F(r)iend, Evil, Superhero or Discover Me are worse songs than anything off LS? HOW?

I can only come up with two answers: 1. nostalgia (which you are too young for in case of LS) 2. being a hipster
Hardcore In Flames fan.

Don't care for Lunar Strain one bit.

Love Subterranean and after...

On the topic of Soundtrack, it's a great record. I just don't get why those epic songs had to have that guitar tone. If songs like Superhero, Dial 595 and In Search For I etc. etc. had a more powerful guitar, bass and drum sound... Wow
A hardcore fan is that who acvepts anything that they do without questioning it: IFWeTrust.

I don't like ISFI. Worse song than bottled :p
LS may be behind SC when it comes to production - but it's miles ahead as far as passion, originality and artistic merit is concerned.

Behind Space, In Flames, Upon an Oaken Throne, Starforsaken (dat intro), Everlost Part II, Clad in Shadows, all good songs. The album has some clunkers too - Everlost Part I, Dreamscape, Lunar Strain... but LS had more identity than SC ever has or ever will.

If I had to choose between listening to LS or SC, it would be LS all day long. Not even a contest.
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Jesterslave I like Siren Charms but I genuinely struggle to see how you find 'Greatness' in it. It has some good tunes that are spoilt by lacklustre guitar production, lazy drumming (except mabye Everything's Gone), simplicity in song structure, and sometimes questionable vocals.

At least in it's defence, The Truth has better, more confident vocal work (except the dumb we are, we are, we are).
Jesterslave I like Siren Charms but I genuinely struggle to see how you find 'Greatness' in it. It has some good tunes that are spoilt by lacklustre guitar production, lazy drumming (except mabye Everything's Gone), simplicity in song structure, and sometimes questionable vocals.

At least in it's defence, The Truth has better, more confident vocal work (except the dumb we are, we are, we are).
Haha, yeah, that was more like a mockery for the SC hate, I don't think it's GREAT, but it's quite good. IPV, WEWO, SC, The Chase, Filtered Truth are very good songs imo. edit: okay, I ejected Rusted Nail. Very good was stretching it.
Lunar and Race are sons of gods brah :)
You are right, you convinced me. I hope you were wearing a Ramones T-shirt with a Kurt Cobain quote while you typed that whole sentence out. I wish I was 15 again, so I could bring my parents' shitty ass vinyls with godawful songs on it, and pretend I'm the shit because, everyone knows that understanding the value in shittily produced old songs means I'm a peculiar person with an exceptional taste.
There is nothing good about sc. You can say it's OK for you. But the music is boring and uninspired. Any new band can make an album like that.
There is nothing good about sc. You can say it's OK for you. But the music is boring and uninspired. Any new band can make an album like that.

The best way to describe it was put in a review I read of the album. It's easy listening metal. It's the sort of music you would expect to be playing in the elevator in an office owned by a metal record label.

It's acceptable but dissapointing is how I would describe it personally. (Through Oblivion, Siren Charms, Filtered Truth, The Chase, being the better songs on the album)
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There is nothing good about sc. You can say it's OK for you. But the music is boring and uninspired. Any new band can make an album like that.

The thing is, if a new band made that album nobody would give a shit about it. In Flames have their name alone to thank for anybody giving SC a second glance.
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The thing is, if a new band made that album nobody would give a shit about it. In Flames have their name alone to thank for anybody giving SC a second glance.
Agreed. And many people has changed his mind about the album.

How can you not like this? It's like 70% SOAPF 30% STYE, the vocals are not whiny, and the guitar melodies get a fair amount of time to shine. Maybe it's because of The Chase, but this song gets way less credit than it deserves.
It's bang average. Intro sounds like HIM. Vocals typical SC, not good. Same repetitive riffs throughout the song, a staple of SC. Sounds nothing like anything on SOAPF.

No idea why you'd listen to this when there's so much better music out there.

How can you not like this? It's like 70% SOAPF 30% STYE, the vocals are not whiny, and the guitar melodies get a fair amount of time to shine. Maybe it's because of The Chase, but this song gets way less credit than it deserves.

Because it lacks originality and effort. I'm not saying that it's a bad song, but it's also not great. It's just OK.
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Forgot how good Condemned is
from Sense of Purpose. Guitar melodies accompanying the second verse are sadly low, but it's super good.

My In Flames fan-ness is quite simple.

I love songs from every album. Every album has great stuff.

It's just that I, after two years, only like The Chase off of Siren Charms. The only song I listen to. (Everything's Gone live is great for some good energy-expenditure in the pit I must say)

I hope this new album is comprised of all different kinds of songs with different tempos, energies and themes. Variance. We know The Truth is vastly different from The End which is a good sign.

Siren Charms, although the details were different, each song felt the same. I'm not even sure why I hear them this way. I just know that the album somehow did. Almost like some extra sense that doesn't get stimulated in a different way from one track to the next. It wasn't like there was this big hype that disappointed... Or something that made its presentation huge... It was just like, alright it's time for a new album let's see what we got now
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