Jester Slave
Every time I try to assume the best, that you are just half-serious, but no, we are literally here, basing assumptions on working titles. Hell, even calling SC and ASOP titles shit. Seriously, this is just sad category.
First of all, working titles can be based on anything. Maybe the janitor came in while they were recording a song, called one of the members handsome, they laguhed about it and gave the work title Handsome to the song. SO FUCKING WHAT?! You act like 70 years old grannies, trying to talk shit about literally anything. "Oooh, Bob arrived home 10 minutes later, he is definitely cheating on his wife. 120%"
Second of all, how convenient of you to call the titles of SC and ASOP bad, the two records which you probably hate/dislike the most. The only bad titles from ASOP are I'm The Highway and Sleepless Again, they both sound way too hip and cheesy. The rest are ranged from "meh" to "good". From SC, Monsters In The Ballroom is definitely lame, while EG is a title you feel like you've heard a million times before, but the rest are fine. But I mean hey, because you like SOAPF you are kind enough to forget that is has songs named Darker Times or Enter Tragedy, though for some reason The Puzzle sounds the lamest. Also, Take This Life is one of the most successful songs of the band, yet I would argue it's an even lamer title than Monsters In The Ballroom. But to mention some other great titles: In Flames (how fucking original), Scream (3edgy5me), Like You Better Dead, Satellites And Astronauts (this could be argued, but feels out of place), Suburban Me (the fuck does it even mean...), Dial 595-Escape (though I personally like this one)... The pre-2000 titles are all interesting though, I would have to try really hard to single one out. Insipid 2000 does sound stupid though, as I'm not a fan of such big numbers in titles, even if it makes sense here.
That's just desperate when you have to criticize titles, yet alone working titles of which no one gives (nor should) give a shit about. You only say SC and ASOP titles are shit, because you are already associating them with songs you dislike. We all hoard plenty of shit here together, but we should still aim to a certain standard, shan't we? For starters, we could set the lower bar on one end to not bitch about titles, unless they are extremely shitty, like Monsters In The Ballroom, and on the other side, no one will seriously claim that Siren Charms is IF's finest work of art - not that it happened to my knowledge, but still.
First of all, working titles can be based on anything. Maybe the janitor came in while they were recording a song, called one of the members handsome, they laguhed about it and gave the work title Handsome to the song. SO FUCKING WHAT?! You act like 70 years old grannies, trying to talk shit about literally anything. "Oooh, Bob arrived home 10 minutes later, he is definitely cheating on his wife. 120%"
Second of all, how convenient of you to call the titles of SC and ASOP bad, the two records which you probably hate/dislike the most. The only bad titles from ASOP are I'm The Highway and Sleepless Again, they both sound way too hip and cheesy. The rest are ranged from "meh" to "good". From SC, Monsters In The Ballroom is definitely lame, while EG is a title you feel like you've heard a million times before, but the rest are fine. But I mean hey, because you like SOAPF you are kind enough to forget that is has songs named Darker Times or Enter Tragedy, though for some reason The Puzzle sounds the lamest. Also, Take This Life is one of the most successful songs of the band, yet I would argue it's an even lamer title than Monsters In The Ballroom. But to mention some other great titles: In Flames (how fucking original), Scream (3edgy5me), Like You Better Dead, Satellites And Astronauts (this could be argued, but feels out of place), Suburban Me (the fuck does it even mean...), Dial 595-Escape (though I personally like this one)... The pre-2000 titles are all interesting though, I would have to try really hard to single one out. Insipid 2000 does sound stupid though, as I'm not a fan of such big numbers in titles, even if it makes sense here.
That's just desperate when you have to criticize titles, yet alone working titles of which no one gives (nor should) give a shit about. You only say SC and ASOP titles are shit, because you are already associating them with songs you dislike. We all hoard plenty of shit here together, but we should still aim to a certain standard, shan't we? For starters, we could set the lower bar on one end to not bitch about titles, unless they are extremely shitty, like Monsters In The Ballroom, and on the other side, no one will seriously claim that Siren Charms is IF's finest work of art - not that it happened to my knowledge, but still.