I skimmed what you just wrote.
It all boils down to this dude:
- You don't realize you have a superiority complex.
- Different humans have different opinions and views on things
- People can be both positive and negative about things.
- You can NOT live in a world where YOU will ONLY hear things you agree with. Stop trying to fight that natural law.
- Some people just choose to only talk about things they don't like. MOST of us here talk about both the things we like and don't like.
- Be cool. Understand that we're mostly grown men who have a knowledge and experience of life just as you do.
- Lastly. Understand that conversations can and do come out of nowhere. Stop writing a ton of shit like "wasn't Suburban me an emvarassment?". We're talking about new In Flames and I brought up The Truth. It happened. Relax
Who the fuck of your family have I murdered? I literally, and I have to type it out again, LITERALLY start my post by saying you are right about the narcissist part. Then you fucking slam me down again, lol.
I am seriously getting tired of you gaslighting me. If you know what a narcissist like, then you should know I am more than capable of being an annoying, ruthless vulture, listing points and explaining to you how and why are you a/an [insert some derogatory term here]. I give you the fucking gesture to write normal replies to you, despite you trying to make everything personal and have the audacity to shamelessly turn it around on me, but you are just continuing with your vendetta.
No, saying The Truth sucks every single day when it was like 2 weeks ago the song got released is extremely pointless and leads to nothing but circlejerking. You add nothing new, you just act hurt that I want to limit your freedom. But do you know what? Keep doing it. You are right, you are a grown man, it's not against the rules, please, keep posting the same sentence every single day for the rest of your or this board's life. You will post it, eochaid will like it, DE4life will reply to it with "I agree!" and I will reply to DE4life with "I do not!". I am not even sure if I can sleep this night. Will you still think The Truth is shit tomorrow?! I mean, there are boring topics, like the significance of R2R, discussing ASOP's mixed nature, talking about whether programmed drums are the end of modern life, but honestly, who cares? I just want to know if you still hate The Truth. There are 100 more IF songs out there you probably like, but no, I don't want to read about them and why you like them. I specifically want to know if you still hate The Truth. Please, link me your twitter, I want to follow you.
Now, get fixated on how I was a sarcastic asshole, and completely ignore the fact that there might have been some truth to it.
Slave, I only read fragments of that, but you aren't wrong on All For Me. That song fucking sucks, the only song on SOAPF that I cannot stand.
Everything Counts is a pretty cool take on an 80's song. Shades of Anders' influence coming through, but still, it was well done. No idea why you have beef with Suburban Me, that's a fantastic song and fits perfectly on Clayman. Similarly, TQP fits in perfectly on STYE so I don't have an issue with it. Disconnected is fine if you remove the "I feel like shit, but at least I feel something" part. Really, I think it's that pathetic line alone that most people hate about that song.
SC as a whole is embarrassing, agreed.
I actually like you more now that you've agreed that you're an asshole

I got a chuckle out of that. Maybe we can get along.
I never said I consider them embarassment. I like all of them, Suburban Me is one of my favorites from Clayman. But if you paid attention what songs (or records) I like and what songs I do not, then it shouldn't be a surprise to you that I am a sucker for everything that's catchy and melodic. Everything Counts and Suburban Me are examples of new IF in older form. We usually only talk about how some newer songs tried to make throwbacks to the old style.
I still hate you.
Slave can you please tell me a few rules so I never get out of line again?
1. What can I like and what should I not like?
2. Can I message you what I'm about to post so you can review it and make sure it's said at an OK time and my opinion isn't wrong?
3. Which albums and songs should I defend and to whom?
I thank you my king, all-knowing and truly wise ruler
Your posted your sarcasm faster than I did mine!! Let this be the first rule: wait my sarcasm first, as I am truly superior and I don't like 2nd places. I forgive for now, but you still have to listen to The Truth. Yes, now, I don't care if you are at a funeral or sth.