IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

Doesn't surprise me time is used a lot. I mean anders says it like 4 times in thr same sentence in Clayman XD
I found a cool word macro earlier which gives the frequency of words used in a document. I put all of In Flames lyrics from TJR - SC (excluding covers, including The End) to see what would come out...

Unsurprisingly, "I" is the most used word in the discography with 571 uses. Taking out obvious words like "you", "in", "me", "and", etc... the next most used word is "time" (81 uses), followed by "world" (60), "way"(58), "never"(49), "away"(47) and "again"(46).

As you were.
Can you use it con this page to search for Tge Truth?
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Lol, yes. "But I am ready to give you the M... it might even be the E". Fucking hell :D

A note on the idea of there being a hater crew, clique, etc...

This is an old forum. Most younger IF fans don't use places like this to express opinion. They use twitter, facebook, instagram, etc...

Generally speaking, on here there are people who were around during the TJR-Clayman period, but also appreciate modern In Flames when it's done properly. It's to be expected that majority opinion on here is going to be similar because you've got a fairly small collection of like minded people. It makes sense that albums like ASOP, SC and songs like The Truth are going to be shit on, because much of what made In Flames great, to us, is lost in these albums and songs.

There isn't going to be a balanced opinion on here because there aren't enough newer fans visiting to defend that stuff. If you want a more balanced discussion you're probably better off using their facebook group, or twitter. It's not that we're being purposefully cliquey or forming a hate group, most of us are just of similar opinion based on how we experienced the band growing up.
Facebook is a cesspool for discussion. It's all about who shouts the biggest while trying to trample the others, and the sheep follow.
THe first song that I heard from R2R was System. Far shocking. And I was "fuck, this is amazing!"

But I honestly that there is a limit to how much a band do naturally evolve. Anything that goes past that point is simply, in my humble opinion, change on purpose.
You make it sound like it's a problem. They changed and they had become bigger than ever. They became so big that nowadays they can make records like Siren Charms if they want to.
Love songs from every album.

I even like a few off Siren Charms only like 2-3 but it's not the worst music ever.

Slave needs to stop attaching our discussions to the idiots on YouTube and their Facebook that leave dumb comments like "go back to your roots" or "make another colony".

Those comments will never stop. When IF posted The Truth lyric video on Facebook, I remember one comment. "Love all your stuff guys I just don't really dig this one sorry".

So it's good to see people be fair and realistic instead of just ignorant, nasty comments. Even though Slave says we are all just like the asshole haters hahahaha waaat
Realistic on what scale? It's your objective opinion about The Truth, just like with mine. If I "can't be right", then it should be true for you too.
See Slave. She understood that people are gonna say what they think and instead of explaining why they're dumb or "wrong" she just stated a civil counter opinion.

Didn't lose her mind when she saw something she didn't agree with.

Laverna even went the nicer route that none of us will ever do "I respect your opinion but..." haha
She's also a disorganized hipster and I can't take anyone seriously who thinks LS is one of the best works of IF. Also, I rate honesty and a no bullshit attitude much higher, than someone trying to act nice. It is an argument for fucks sake, nothing wrong with getting a bit emotional. We are not disucssing politics.
R2R is kind of like a shittier version of Natural Born Chaos. Both bands went from traditional melodeath albums to straighter melodic metal with clean vocals, both in 2002. Soilwork did it a lot better though, mainly because Speed can actually sing and the production on NBC is a million miles ahead of Reroute.
Behind Space on the Used and Abused DVD... holy shit. I don't care if it was overdubbed, that might be the best that song has ever sounded.
Not that hard when we are talking about Behind Space.

Lunar Strain is shit? Yeah, fuck that. I bet most of those songs would sound fucking amazing live.

Betting on that would not be your smartest decision in life.
Speaking of songs with weird titles and lyrics... Borders and Shading.

So, the title comes from Microsoft Word. OK. Guess Anders was really struggling to come up with anything that day. But what the fuck are the lyrics about?

"I take a knife, and carve it in
Want to see your faults as a part of your pretty skin
Everyone has a tragedy
I want you to wear yours in pain"

... wut? Is it me or is this intensely creepy? On the other hand...

"Your face reminds me of a bleak future"

... is a pretty brutal line :D fuck. Anders was harbouring some serious hate on that album.
Borders And Shading is one of their best songs imo. I get all pumped up the way Anders is singing the verses. I don't know what's the proper word, but his voice is constantly changing tones, it sounds like someone who is shaking. Pure anger, pure energy, and the music is not half bad either.
First IF song for me was... TQP. And I was like: WTF is this shit? Hated it.

Then some time passed, and I got my hands on CC album. Now, I was quite OK with that one. I still am.

But, then... I got Clayman. And as soon as the first riff of the first song kicked in, I was in love. Then worked my way backwards through the catalogue.

10+ years later, I still love Clayman, Colony and TJR, while the only way I can suffer through STYE is via Used&Abused.

Always thought that album was biggest piece of shit IF did. Then, Siren charms came out.
How is it possible to like TJR and not like TJR 2 - The Better Version, also known as Whoracle?
Help me find the right word to describe what makes Soundtrack's overall sound just fall flat.

Like, the sound is almost monotone. There's some good fucking guitar riffing and melodies in there.

But there's no bass guitar to be heard and the songs just don't slam the speakers like they should.

All the songs sound like a high frequency too-much-treble staticky noise.

Dead Alone is like In Search For I to me. Good chorus with cool keyboard effect that doesn't "hit" as hard as it should.
I seriously don't get you guys. STYE (and CC) sounds the best. It's so fucking clean, it's gorgeous. SOAPF (and SC too) sounds like old rock stars jamming for example.
Can you use it con this page to search for Tge Truth?
Ooooh... :D
You make it sound like it's a problem. They changed and they had become bigger than ever. They became so big that nowadays they can make records like Siren Charms if they want to.
Making albums like SC has nothing to do with being a big band. There are examples enough of lesser bands that experiment or change their style.
Borders And Shading is one of their best songs imo. I get all pumped up the way Anders is singing the verses. I don't know what's the proper word, but his voice is constantly changing tones, it sounds like someone who is shaking. Pure anger, pure energy, and the music is not half bad either.

I seriously don't get you guys. STYE (and CC) sounds the best. It's so fucking clean, it's gorgeous. SOAPF (and SC too) sounds like old rock stars jamming for example.

Borders and Shading is borderline if not entirely psychopathic. I'm not surprised you dig it :D I can imagine you singing the words whilst stabbing a picture of your ex with a pocket knife. "I TAKe a KNIfE aND CarvE IT IN!!!"

Come Clarity has decent production, albeit quite raw. Anders' screams are sometimes a little too far forward in the mix.

STYE is flat as fuck. It's really noticeable if you listen to the U&A DVD how many of the songs on that album were betrayed by their production values.

Colony/Clayman were easily their best mixes. Absolutely perfect.
Borders and Shading is borderline if not entirely psychopathic. I'm not surprised you dig :Dit I can imagine you singing the words whilst stabbing a picture of your ex with a pocket knife. "I TAKe a KNIfE aND CarvE IT IN!!!"

Come Clarity has decent production, albeit quite raw. Anders' screams are sometimes a little too far forward in the mix.

STYE is flat as fuck. It's really noticeable if you listen to the U&A DVD how many of the songs on that album were betrayed by their production values.

Colony/Clayman were easily their best mixes. Absolutely perfect.
Yeah, forgot Colony, it sounds clean too, but Clayman? It's more similar to R2R, I always associate it with mud - sure, partially because of the title.

You are also not that far off with how I play out B&S in my head. :D But it's not THAT dark for me, I always imagine that the protagonist of that song does not want to hurt whoever he sings to. He's saying that you will fucking regret leaving me behind like that, but hey, I like/love you, and even if you don't deserve it, this last message to you is my [last] sacrifice to you. You are a shitty person and you better change your ways or you will end up zero, bye, I'm moving on. P.S.: you won't be able to forget me, so be happy forever remembering what a fucking cunt you were.

edit: ah, I just realized you got what I meant by the shaky voice. do you think it's all artificial or is it possible Anders did it himself? I mean, during that era he had a killer voice.
Making albums like SC has nothing to do with being a big band. There are examples enough of lesser bands that experiment or change their style.
Why? If you are a big band you can do whatever the fuck you want to do. See Metallica's Lulu. Abyssmal, panned by every critic and fan. So what? Play Enter Sandman and Master Of Puppets live, cash in and go on.
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Yeah, forgot Colony, it sounds clean too, but Clayman? It's more similar to R2R, I always associate it with mud - sure, partially because of the title.

You are also not that far off with how I play out B&S in my head. :D But it's not THAT dark for me, I always imagine that the protagonist of that song does not want to hurt whoever he sings to. He's saying that you will fucking regret leaving me behind like that, but hey, I like/love you, and even if you don't deserve it, this last message to you is my [last] sacrifice to you. You are a shitty person and you better change your ways or you will end up zero, bye, I'm moving on. P.S.: you won't be able to forget me, so be happy forever remembering what a fucking cunt you were.

edit: ah, I just realized you got what I meant by the shaky voice. do you think it's all artificial or is it possible Anders did it himself? I mean, during that era he had a killer voice.

Why? If you are a big band you can do whatever the fuck you want to do. See Metallica's Lulu. Abyssmal, panned by every critic and fan. So what? Play Enter Sandman and Master Of Puppets live, cash in and go on.
I kind of see your point, but bringing up Metallica on this forum won't end well.
I kind of see your point, but bringing up Metallica on this forum won't end well.
I don't understand. Are we the "real metal" supporters and have to hate Metallica? I'm not too familiar with this scene, I'm only reading the IF board and it gives me enough headaches as it is.
Facebook is a cesspool for discussion. It's all about who shouts the biggest while trying to trample the others, and the sheep follow.

You make it sound like it's a problem. They changed and they had become bigger than ever. They became so big that nowadays they can make records like Siren Charms if they want to.

Realistic on what scale? It's your objective opinion about The Truth, just like with mine. If I "can't be right", then it should be true for you too.

She's also a disorganized hipster and I can't take anyone seriously who thinks LS is one of the best works of IF. Also, I rate honesty and a no bullshit attitude much higher, than someone trying to act nice. It is an argument for fucks sake, nothing wrong with getting a bit emotional. We are not disucssing politics.


Not that hard when we are talking about Behind Space.

Betting on that would not be your smartest decision in life.

Borders And Shading is one of their best songs imo. I get all pumped up the way Anders is singing the verses. I don't know what's the proper word, but his voice is constantly changing tones, it sounds like someone who is shaking. Pure anger, pure energy, and the music is not half bad either.

How is it possible to like TJR and not like TJR 2 - The Better Version, also known as Whoracle?

I seriously don't get you guys. STYE (and CC) sounds the best. It's so fucking clean, it's gorgeous. SOAPF (and SC too) sounds like old rock stars jamming for example.

Ooooh... :D

Are you fucking kidding me? The production on SoaPF is the best production In Flames have ever had, thr guitar tone is beautiful. Soundtrack's tone is [see previous discussion^] and Come Clarity (while a GREAT album) has horrible guitar production. Drums and bass are good on CC and that's about it. Yeah sirrn Charms production was too compressed, but how can you not like thr production on SOAPF? It's so clean
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Yeah, forgot Colony, it sounds clean too, but Clayman? It's more similar to R2R, I always associate it with mud - sure, partially because of the title.

You are also not that far off with how I play out B&S in my head. :D But it's not THAT dark for me, I always imagine that the protagonist of that song does not want to hurt whoever he sings to. He's saying that you will fucking regret leaving me behind like that, but hey, I like/love you, and even if you don't deserve it, this last message to you is my [last] sacrifice to you. You are a shitty person and you better change your ways or you will end up zero, bye, I'm moving on. P.S.: you won't be able to forget me, so be happy forever remembering what a fucking cunt you were.

edit: ah, I just realized you got what I meant by the shaky voice. do you think it's all artificial or is it possible Anders did it himself? I mean, during that era he had a killer voice.

I dunno man, I think Anders was letting out some dark shit on B&S :D but it's like an emo 12 year old writing things in his diary. Sure, it looks kinda scary, but he'd never actually do it. I don't think Anders vocals on the song are produced to be flaky, so I'm guessing he made them that way on purpose. The crazy fucker.

Clayman's guitar tone is crystal clear, man. Everything on that album is really sharp, Reroute's production is much muddier.

Are you fucking kidding me? The production on SoaPF is the best production In Flames have ever had, thr guitar tone is beautiful. Soundtrack's tone is [see previous discussion^] and Come Clarity (while a GREAT album) has horrible guitar production. Drums and bass are good on CC and that's about it. Yeah sirrn Charms production was too compressed, but how can you not like thr production on SOAPF? It's so clean

I'm with you on that fo sho. SOAPF is only behind Clayman & Colony as far as production goes. Very slick, very polished, but also very powerful.
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SOAPF sounds too good to the point of being uninteresting. Just listen to the beginning of Touch Of Red or F(r)iend. I just have this shredding image in my head. Raw, but compared to SC or R2R (or Clayman, can't believe you can't hear how Clayman is layered too or sth) it's still very clean. STYE has the best sounding and most well-placed electronics imo as well. Even that crazy shit during Superhero, or that high-pitched noise before the last chorus of Borders gives so much to the songs.

I can't appreciate SOAPF-like perfectness, it's boring to me. R2R-STYE-CC remains my favorite IF-era, the guys went ham back then.
I dunno man, I think Anders was letting out some dark shit on B&S :D but it's like an emo 12 year old writing things in his diary. Sure, it looks kinda scary, but he'd never actually do it. I don't think Anders vocals on the song are produced to be flaky, so I'm guessing he made them that way on purpose. The crazy fucker.
Why do you take the lyrics literally in the first place? All he says is that he wants everyone to know how big of a piece of shit that person is. The way he expressed his desires to do so implies that he is extremely hurt, bitter and angry. That is all. Talking about feelings is not necessarily emo. Especially this song, because emo songs usually revolve around "sure m8, hate me, everyone does already, I'll just crawl back to my hole and die, bye everyone, I'm srs". B&S is more proactive and in a way fights back.
Why? If you are a big band you can do whatever the fuck you want to do. See Metallica's Lulu. Abyssmal, panned by every critic and fan. So what? Play Enter Sandman and Master Of Puppets live, cash in and go on.
There are examples enough of lesser bands doing whatever they wanted to. There is no need to be a big band to do so. Lulu is Lou Reed's colaboration with Metallica, and it was... shit.

I don't understand. Are we the "real metal" supporters and have to hate Metallica? I'm not too familiar with this scene, I'm only reading the IF board and it gives me enough headaches as it is.
You don't need to hate Metallica to be a metal supporter.
Slave you are basically saying that you enjoy shit production. Fine, thats cool, but you can't say that SOAPF has bad production or Clayman, they are crystal clear. Soundtrack's production is strange, it works for some of the songs on the album, but it is by no means good
I don't understand. Are we the "real metal" supporters and have to hate Metallica? I'm not too familiar with this scene, I'm only reading the IF board and it gives me enough headaches as it is.

Absolutely not, I love Metallica, but I've not really seen any love for them on this forum.
You don't need to hate Metallica to be a metal supporter.
I missed this "dad replies" side of you. It makes me scream internally, but it's also adorable in a way.
Absolutely not, I love Metallica, but I've not really seen any love for them on this forum.
Strange. I don't see any point of view from which they are not considered to be legen.ds. Who cares about St.Anger (which I kinda like, ooops, though MOP all the way baby!!), or their limousines, or how Lars is an obnoxious rat, they did their time. They showed up huge back then and nothing can change the past. You don't have to like them, you don't even have to like their old stuff, hell, the only pre-St. Anger record I listened from start to finish was MOP, so I'm far from a fan, but their relevance and pioneering is not arguable.
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I missed this "dad replies" side of you. It makes me scream internally, but it's also adorable in a way.

Strange. I don't see any point of view from which they are not considered to be legen.ds. Who cares about St.Anger (which I kinda like, ooops, though MOP all the way baby!!), or their limousines, or how Lars is an obnoxious rat, they did their time. They showed up huge back then and nothing can change the past. You don't have to like them, you don't even have to like their old stuff, hell, the only pre-St. Anger record I listened from start to finish was MOP, so I'm far from a fan, but their relevance and pioneering is not arguable.
So what? You considere them as legends and they are legends. I considere that, without the support from the mass media, they would not be as big as they are as a band.
To be honest Slave, you seem to have a misconception of me taking things seriously :D if anything I take nothing seriously and most of what I say is exaggerated to entertain myself. I'd say to you, don't take me so seriously.

As far as Metallica goes, I really enjoy everything up until and including the Black album. After that they don't really interest me, but between 1984-1990 they had an undeniably awesome string of albums which were a landmark in heavy metal.
Are you fucking kidding me? The production on SoaPF is the best production In Flames have ever had, thr guitar tone is beautiful. Soundtrack's tone is [see previous discussion^] and Come Clarity (while a GREAT album) has horrible guitar production. Drums and bass are good on CC and that's about it. Yeah sirrn Charms production was too compressed, but how can you not like thr production on SOAPF? It's so clean

I prefer a more aggressive guitar like on CC but regardless, the guitars were often too quite compared to the vocals on SOAPF.