IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

I think that is hard to live with all that pressure.

Yeah it could be, but shitting on your "ex" all the time wont make it any easier. Talk about it once for all and move on, band seems to be moved on. You think they've become shit? Make a good album and prove everyone that you're better. And people will say "Come to xxx (country) Jesper!" rather than "back to 'n flamezz plsss".
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Yeah it could be, but shitting on your "ex" all the time wont make it any easier. Talk about it once for all and move on, band seems to be moved on. You think they've become shit? Make a good album and prove everyone that you're better. And people will say "Come to xxx (country) Jesper!" rather than "back to 'n flamezz plsss".
Though I agree it is not as if he is bitching all the time. This is his first real one.:p

And he must be really pissed off since he is directly attacking anders. Since they know each other well, I think that there must be a background for that.
Oh my god this whole thread has been a roller coaster :tickled: anyway my 2 cents on the new singles.

The End, I liked it, had more of a direction and actually felt like they gave a damn about it.

The Truth, well... it is not good except the solo. Feelsbadman
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Top comments in IF Facebook post for The Truth lyric video they posted earlier
Damns, insufferable cunts on facebook being insufferable cunts. More news at 11.
Or maybe he just saw that interview and got pissed off. Either way he said what everyone knows, that anders work is, in reality, studio production.
Un fucking real how you are still defending this mentally shattered guy.

- He can't fucking perform because he is drunk out of his ass. Sure, sources are vary, but it is a fact he had to be asbent from live shows and it is known and admitted even by him he has/had problems with alcohol.
- He leaves the band and ever since he is as significant to the music industry as I am. Sure, I don't get pity called up by Hammerfall on stage but that's all.
- He poses with Siren Charms on a picture, maybe even giving it the thumbs up, can't remember.
- He goes on a rampage passive-agressively shitting on IF but mainly Anders.
- He disappears, probably reevaluating his life decisions with a bottle of whisky.
- He returns with that The Mirror's Truth cover calling Anders' vocals shit on it (passive-agressively of course, like the damaged pussy he is) and posts some other nasty stuff towards him.
- He apologizes for everything, deletes the nasty stuff.
- He defends The Truth and the way IF has evolved.
- He find a fucking 2 years old interview (don't even get me started on this...) and goes up against Anders once again. At least now he dared to say what he's been trying to make across for years, but his mental handicap made him unable to do so.

It is so disgusting what a piece of shit of a person you are trying to defend just because you have one thing in common: the hatred towards Anders.

See, only4theweak quoting two fucking facebook posts from The Truth video which means nothing, and you standing by this moron (Jesper) is what I mean when I am talking about you guys going overboard. Just ridiculous.
It must be really frustrating for former bandmembers (Anders) to downplay your involvement in the songwriting process, when you basically carried the band on your back from TJR -> Clayman and probably for a good bit beyond.

It also seems Jesper wrote a lot of music for CC and ASOP.
Even in the TJR-Clayman era, there was Bjorn also, so saying IF was carried by Jesper is just retarded. Jesper had the vision for this band and he was undeniably talented, that's all. It was far from a one man band. And from R2R onwards Anders stepped up big time; it made some people abandon the band, but on the other hand, it attracted more, newer blood to the band - for better or worse, everyone can decide themselves.

How strange ever since Jesper is alone he couldn't carry shit, hmm. Sure, Passenged probably flopped as well, so they needed each other to make IF what it is. IF would have never been as popular as they are if it's not for them and Björn, but no one carried anyone. Rose-tinted glasses is all you have.
Anders have been using producers for his vocals since r2r for one reason. It was clear in the making ofs of the previous albums and it has been said by their new producer. He needs the help from others.
So what? Let's say every single vocal track from R2R onwards are artifically enhanced. Let's say he has never been able to pull those lines as perfectly as he did on the records. So what?

This is why I detest people. Even if Anders is some manipulative asshole, he fucking did it. He started out as a nobody, doing some growls on swedish melo-death songs which probably a bunch of other guys could've done, and did too in much better quality (Dark Tranquility). Maybe he was a friend of Jesper's, or that Gothenburg scene just got so accustomed to each other that it felt natural to work with the folks they were hanging around with. Maybe Anders had absolutely no merit to be called up as the lead singer of In Flames. He could not even speak English properly and there is not a single TJR track where you would praise the vocals first before the guitar melodies or overall energy.

But this guy made it. We don't know how, we can only speculate and fabricate stories to our likings, the only facts are that he gained more and more territory and for a while he is the absolute leader (or in your eyes dictator) of one of, if not the most successfull European metal bands. He had voice issues many times and he had to cut corners on records and on live performances to be able to continue his career. But he did; people are still exciting for his new stuff, people are still going to fill up the clubs in their shows and they will still headline festivals, even if their next record will be as badly received as SC. On the side, he has a family (wife, kids) and a business, and I am quite sure if he were to retire from the music industry today he would still never had to worry about finances. This guy made it.

But no, how repelling is that? He can't sing, he has no talent, he needs others, he is ugly, he must have a mid-life crisis, I bet his wife cheats him, he corrupted In Flames and made even Jesper, the sole founding member leave the band. I bet Daniel ran away because of him too, there is just no other explanation.

And you guys ask me why am I saying that you are mean? Hell, it's not even just mean, you are straight out disrespecting the guy. Once again, some of you people should draw a line, because this is disgusting. You can hate him all you want, but have some decency and don't act like the fucking lead singer of the last 11 In Flames record is just a phoney, talentless pushover, crediting everything that you liked to Jesper and everything you hated to Anders... *sigh*
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I knew Slave would explode when he saw Jesper's comments :D he did not disappoint.

Seriously though, there's nothing wrong with what Jesper wrote, it's just the way he wrote it. Sounds like a petulant kid, which isn't a good way to come across. He could easily have just said "for the record, Anders didn't contribute much to songwriting as he spent most of his time with the vocal producer. Please keep in mind when watching this interview".

But instead he ranted about trolls pissing on him and stuff. Bizarre.
And he must be really pissed off since he is directly attacking anders. Since they know each other well, I think that there must be a background for that.
Also, this. You are hearing one side of the story from a guy who should be in a psychiatry, but you take it for granted. Have you talked with any of the 4 IF members from that time? Or if they don't throw Jesper under the bus that means it's because they couldn't possibly defend themselves? Do you know how absolutely unlikely that there are no extremely shameful stories about an artist, who suffers from severe depression?

See, once again, the inconsistent, bitter guy spouting poison at Anders is being glorified. If Anders (or anyone else from IF, including Daniel) were to respond and crush Jesper into the ground (oh they could for sure) I would be ashamed of them. For one, you should fucking respect each other, especially the Jesper-Björn-Anders trio, they made eachother. And second, this is not high-school where after every break up the boys had small penises and were all mysteriously terrible in bed, even though they were together for years. I expect maturity from them, and discussing who farted the most in the studio is not that in my eyes.

I said this once: I respect (and kinda adore) people who tell you how it is, straight to the bone. Playing captain hindsight is not brave. Either do it right when it matters or shut the fuck up.
I knew Slave would explode when he saw Jesper's comments :D he did not disappoint.

Seriously though, there's nothing wrong with what Jesper wrote, it's just the way he wrote it. Sounds like a petulant kid, which isn't a good way to come across. He could easily have just said "for the record, Anders didn't contribute much to songwriting as he spent most of his time with the vocal producer. Please keep in mind when watching this interview".

But instead he ranted about trolls pissing on him and stuff. Bizarre.

Everyone says things when we are pissed off but he needs to recognize that he is a founder of a band that is followed by millions and anything he says has an impact to the band, the other members and its fans. Its really disrespectful to everyone and not professional.

He's deleted the post now. Blabbermouth obviously posted the article on this to fuel things further.

I think I understand why he does this. He feels its unfair that he's been branded as this alcoholic depression guy who's been kicked out the band he founded. He tries to hide his anger most of the time, but he erupts from time to time and instead of sorting things out with his bandmates, he goes to social media and says the wrong things and ends up arguing with trolls. It might also be partly Andrer's and Bjorn's fault, as they probably didnt handle Jesper's breakup with the band great on a personal level (ie. talking sincerely with Jesper).

Everyone says things when we are pissed off but he needs to recognize that he is a founder of a band that is followed by millions and anything he says has an impact to the band, the other members and its fans. Its really disrespectful to everyone and not professional.

He's deleted the post now. Blabbermouth obviously posted the article on this to fuel things further.

I think I understand why he does this. He feels its unfair that he's been branded as this alcoholic depression guy who's been kicked out the band he founded. He tries to hide his anger most of the time, but he erupts from time to time and instead of sorting things out with his bandmates, he goes to social media and says the wrong things and ends up arguing with trolls. It might also be partly Andrer's and Bjorn's fault, as they probably didnt handle Jesper's breakup with the band great on a personal level (ie. talking sincerely with Jesper).


I think Jesper's a little immature, but that seems to be something he has in common with Anders. They both come across as immature to me, for different reasons. Maybe that's why they couldn't get along - it's pretty obvious the main beef is between those two.

More concerning is how Slave was able to instantly pull up a profile of everything bad Jesper has done recently. It suggests he's storing this information, and I dread to think why. Somebody needs to warn Jesper.
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I knew Slave would explode when he saw Jesper's comments :D he did not disappoint.

Seriously though, there's nothing wrong with what Jesper wrote, it's just the way he wrote it. Sounds like a petulant kid, which isn't a good way to come across. He could easily have just said "for the record, Anders didn't contribute much to songwriting as he spent most of his time with the vocal producer. Please keep in mind when watching this interview".

But instead he ranted about trolls pissing on him and stuff. Bizarre.
Did you watch the interview?

All Anders says is that it is different having just 2 songwriters than 3. This is all. Then Jesper got a manic episode or something.

Also, who the fuck specified what they meant by songwriting in the interview? Anders wrote the lyrics and I don't think it's a far-fetched idea that he envisioned how those lyrics should sound, aka he did the vocal melodies.

But even if Anders is a collection of 10 different people and does nothing on his own, who cares? He got asked a question to which he replied in a diplomatic way. No one asked Jesper to play mr. justice. Do you follow your exes and reply to 2 years old photos writing stuff like "lmao bitch, I know how ugly you are without make up, hahaha XD XD" ?
I think I understand why he does this. He feels its unfair that he's been branded as this alcoholic depression guy who's been kicked out the band he founded. He tries to hide his anger most of the time, but he erupts from time to time and instead of sorting things out with his bandmates, he goes to social media and says the wrong things and ends up arguing with trolls. It might also be partly Andrer's and Bjorn's fault, as they probably didnt handle Jesper's breakup with the band great on a personal level (ie. talking sincerely with Jesper).

I bet it must hurt when the "sinking ship" you left is still quite profitable, while all you came up with recently is joining and leaving a band after just one record. Jesper is a mess, and if you truly liked him, you wouldn't support his manic tantrums. (you refers to anyone, really)
Why are you acting as if you're butthurt?

So what? Let's say every single vocal track from R2R onwards are artifically enhanced. Let's say he has never been able to pull those lines as perfectly as he did on the records. So what?

That's not what he or I said. It's not about singing exactly as he sis on the records. Anders has no skills as a vocalist. He has been helped to sing and to create his melodies at the studio. I'd you don't care about this then it's OK, if other people cares then it's OK. If jesper has been pissed off is his problem. The fact that he is a drunken does not invalid his words. So attacking the guy instead of discussing the words do not make your point more valid.

The fact that you're more concerned about his words regarding anders than about him.calling the band a sinking ship is very significant. It looks as if you're emotionally involved in their quarrel.
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Anders has no skills as a vocalist. He has been helped to sing and to create his melodies at the studio. I'd you don't care about this then it's OK, if other people cares then it's OK. If jesper has been pissed off is his problem. The fact that he is a drunken does not invalid his words. So attacking the guy instead of discussing the words do not make your point more valid.

Anders obviously has skills, otherwise he wouldnt be where he is now. Ok he struggles witg the clean bits and overproduces them in the studio, but Jesper saying "polishing the turd" is harsh.
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It's a bit weird to me how In Flames has almost become a cult. The whole "IN FLAMES WE TRUST" mantra being repeated ad infinitum, the vicious defence of awful albums like SC, the constant references to "maturity" and "evolution". I've said it before, but they could record an album which is 50 minutes of Anders taking a shit, and a massive portion of their fanbase would defend it as a unique work of art which the haters just don't understand.

It's all a bit strange.
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Anders obviously has skills, otherwise he wouldnt be where he is now. Ok he struggles witg the clean bits and overproduces them in the studio, but Jesper saying "polishing the turd" is harsh.

He has no skills and his poor acoustic performances are proof enough. I agree, Jasper words were hard and he should have been more polite. But knowing myself when I'm angered, I won't judge others when they are also angered.

Where is he now? Who has rwcognized him as a singer? No one.

Sadly, when compared with other bands of their level, they're always the supporting band. I don't remember when was the last time that they were supported by any band of a certain importance.
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It's a bit weird to me how In Flames has almost become a cult. The whole "IN FLAMES WE TRUST" mantra being repeated ad infinitum, the vicious defence of awful albums like SC, the constant references to "maturity" and "evolution". I've said it before, but they could record an album which is 50 minutes of Anders taking a shit, and a massive portion of their fanbase would defend it as a unique work of art which the haters just don't understand.

It's all a bit strange.

Isn't tgat the usual if fanbase today? How many times have we read things like "I will always love anything that you do"?

Ifwt has become a religious mantra for brainwashed people. It's their main answer against any form.of criticism. Luckily we don't have that kind of persons on this board.
Isn't tgat the usual if fanbase today? How many times have we read things like "I will always love anything that you do"?

Ifwt has become a religious mantra for brainwashed people. It's their main answer against any form.of criticism. Luckily we don't have that kind of persons on this board.

It's not surprising to me, just irritating. I hung out with metalheads for most of my youth, there's a real desperation there to be a part of a group, and it almost becomes a militant thing. So, even if In Flames release a steaming pile of excrement like The Chosen Pessimist, people still make excuses for them and basically invent reasons why the song is actually good.

Objectively, I've never heard anybody explain why TCP is a good song. The slow, repeated, plodding riffs are as boring as anything I've ever heard. The vocals are just pathetic. There's a slight improvement right at the end, but only after you've sat through the first six, torturous minutes. This is the kind of song that a balanced fanbase would have to admit is a failed experiment... but no. It's lauded as a masterpiece, an emotional rollercoaster, a touching glimpse at the fragile soul of Anders Fríden. It opens shows as the worst opening song of all time.

I think I'd rather listen to Bottled than TCP. There, I said it.
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He has no skills
Seriously? Do you want to rephrase that or expand on it, or shall we start our discussion whether is it possible to remain relevant for 20 years as a vocalist, especially when your last 6 records (and thus their live shows including songs from these records) were heavily influenced by the vocals, some songs even revolve around them?
He has no skills and his poor acoustic performances are proof enough. I agree, Jasper words were hard and he should have been more polite. But knowing myself when I'm angered, I won't judge others when they are also angered.
Jesper is angered ever since he left. Maybe move on? Put something on the desk which will show how inferior the members of IF, especially Anders is compared to you? Oh, wait, you are Jesper Strömbald and you haven't done shit for 8 years now, sorry. 10 bucks that his mysterious solo project will never be finished. But hey, commenting angrily on a 2 year old video about your ex-band then deleting it sounds reasonable enough.

If I grow up, I want to be Jesper. I want to desperately try to stay relevant, tear up decade old wounds, because I was too big of a pussy to deal with those problems back then face to face, but then realize I have serious social anxiety and then delete those comments and go back to my cave until I gain enough courage to lash out again, then once again surrender.

Is being angry a good excuse to be pathetic? I get what you say, finally someone teared Anders a new one. But it's 10 years too late. I could go back to elementary school and finally win that spelling bee contest I lost back then, but no one would care. I'd just look sad.
It's not surprising to me, just irritating. I hung out with metalheads for most of my youth, there's a real desperation there to be a part of a group, and it almost becomes a militant thing. So, even if In Flames release a steaming pile of excrement like The Chosen Pessimist, people still make excuses for them and basically invent reasons why the song is actually good.

Objectively, I've never heard anybody explain why TCP is a good song. The slow, repeated, plodding riffs are as boring as anything I've ever heard. The vocals are just pathetic. There's a slight improvement right at the end, but only after you've sat through the first six, torturous minutes. This is the kind of song that a balanced fanbase would have to admit is a failed experiment... but no. It's lauded as a masterpiece, an emotional rollercoaster, a touching glimpse at the fragile soul of Anders Fríden. It opens shows as the worst opening song of all time.

I think I'd rather listen to Bottled than TCP. There, I said it.
W....W-hat if... I mean... but... w-w-hat if someone.... genuinley... likes it...?????

I mean, it is clear, that objectively speaking such a person has no ears for music or standards even, because you said you don't like it and there are other people on the internet who said they don't like it, what more do you really need to establish it as a fact. But still, what if someone refuses to admit TCP is a failed experiment, because he or she likes it for real and said experiment worked for them while not for others?

Uh-oh, quite the pickle we have here!!!!
W....W-hat if... I mean... but... w-w-hat if someone.... genuinley... likes it...?????

I mean, it is clear, that objectively speaking such a person has no ears for music or standards even, because you said you don't like it and there are other people on the internet who said they don't like it, what more do you really need to establish it as a fact. But still, what if someone refuses to admit TCP is a failed experiment, because he or she likes it for real and said experiment worked for them while not for others?

Uh-oh, quite the pickle we have here!!!!

Then they have extremely bad taste in music, or they may be deaf. Conundrum solved.

Seeing as you seem to be sticking up for TCP - objectively explain to me why it's a good song. I'll even allow an unlimited post length and promise to read all of it, as long as it sticks on topic.
Seriously? Do you want to rephrase that or expand on it, or shall we start our discussion whether is it possible to remain relevant for 20 years as a vocalist, especially when your last 6 records (and thus their live shows including songs from these records) were heavily influenced by the vocals, some songs even revolve around them?

How is Anders relevant? He is not. He has never been recognized as a real singer by anyone. Jesper and Bjorn have been recognized as skilled and influential.musicians. when has that happened to anders? Who gives anything about him as a single singer? If you think that this is a skilled singer:

Then there is something wrong with you.

I tell you again, you seem to be too emotionally involved. Attacking the person instead of the argument is not a goof policy. Allow me to.explain with an example.

If you say that TT is the best song ever I can argue with you why is not or I can say that you're wrong because you're an arrogant cunt. Of course the first one is the right way to make an argument, the second just proves that I lack arguments.
Anders is good screamer and have nice growles but his clean voice is not good enough.. sometimes he sounds weak sometimes amazing ( its connected with his form ) The most what i like in his voice is emotion and characteristic of his voice tone. Using Autotune is nothing wrong