IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

Parkway Drive already did it last year hahaha

If the video is for the The End it'd def be a wiser move than for The Truth. Even though there probably will be one for that too

I totally forgot Parkway did that:err:

The video is definitely for The End because it says The End is coming, I hope they wouldn't put The Truth:rofl:

For what it's worth, I'm not saying it's necessarily wrong to even like an objectively bad song. I'm sure there are plenty on my playlist which would be described as objectively bad :D I just think a lot of people like TCP just because In Flames wrote it. If another band released it most who claim to like the song probably wouldn't touch it with a shitty stick. It's those people that frustrate me.
For what it's worth, I'm not saying it's necessarily wrong to even like an objectively bad song. I'm sure there are plenty on my playlist which would be described as objectively bad :D I just think a lot of people like TCP just because In Flames wrote it. If another band released it most who claim to like the song probably wouldn't touch it with a shitty stick. It's those people that frustrate me.
I hear you. There are plenty of people out there that like something just because "ABC" made it. Such is life. But then again, I go the other way sometimes and I dislike something just because it came from a band I don't like in general.
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For what it's worth, I'm not saying it's necessarily wrong to even like an objectively bad song. I'm sure there are plenty on my playlist which would be described as objectively bad :D I just think a lot of people like TCP just because In Flames wrote it. If another band released it most who claim to like the song probably wouldn't touch it with a shitty stick. It's those people that frustrate me.

Metal music and especially metal with screams is an acquired taste. Thats why we see all these vast differences of opinion on good vs bad songs, good vs bad vocals and so on.

To someone who doesnt listen to metal, it all sounds like shit whether thats old or new In flames, Soilwork, Metallica or Trivium. So dont think is such a thing as an objectively bad or good song; all our opinions are somehow influenced by our tastes/feelings when it comes to metal.

Now, comparing TCP with earlier work and saying its shit relative to other songs from the band; that for me makes more sense.
Metal music and especially metal with screams is an acquired taste. Thats why we see all these vast differences of opinion on good vs bad songs, good vs bad vocals and so on.

To someone who doesnt listen to metal, it all sounds like shit whether thats old or new In flames, Soilwork, Metallica or Trivium. So dont think is such a thing as an objectively bad or good song; all our opinions are somehow influenced by our tastes/feelings when it comes to metal.

Now, comparing TCP with earlier work and saying its shit relative to other songs from the band; that for me makes more sense.

I think you're confusing objective with subjective here. You're right in that there are plenty of people who dislike screaming vocals, but that isn't anything to do with objectively analysing a decent piece of music. It's kind of hard to explain, but again, it's the difference between me being able to say TCP is a bad piece of music objectively, whilst The Truth is not.

Of course, to an extent even objective criticism is based on opinion - but it's more a general opinion on what makes something good or bad. I suppose it's entirely based on what would generally be agreed as things that make a song good or bad, regardless of genre. Subjective taste is what most people discuss and to be honest that probably has more merit as, like you say, we all have different tastes and can justify those as we please.
Even a guy who plainly said he liked Siren Charms but said The Truth sucks getting 50+ likes is an "insufferable cunt? What about the haters who just write "in flames are dead" or something? What do you call them? And what about it being a top comment and the tons of other people saying it sucks? Are they all wrong assholes?

Oh yeah, anyone who doesn't like something is an asshole, and only comments where people say they like it should be allowed hahaha waaaat.

It didn't have to mean "anything" stupid, it was someone's opinion to share on a discussion board.

More proof that you just can't stand seeing people disagreeing with what YOU like. Instead of just understanding people are free to express what they want. Getting so bothered by that simple fact is childish.

I'd say 1000 words of way too much energy invested into every single thing you write here is overboard but that's just my opinion : )
You have interesting values, man, but I guess it's up to you how much 50 likes and being top comment means, I will not argue about that. For me, it's a laughing stock trying to prove it has any depth.

But to give you my perspective: during the SC era I read a bunch of comments which went like this: "I even liked ASOP, but this new record is really bad!". I also re-read many older IF threads, like the discussions about STYE and R2R. "Guys, Clayman was no Colony but I guess it was ok. But R2R... this is really bad." "Guys, I thought R2R was okay, never got the hate, but STYE.... oh boy." Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn.

Sensationalism, nothing else. I like Moonshield, Jotun, Like You Better Dead, Fear Is The Weakness, In Plain View and The Truth. Is this sorcery?
Put it this way, how many non-IF fans do you think would like TCP? For me it's a very Cult of In Flames type song, where fans of the band basically hypnotise themselves into liking it, just because it's In Flames. I've got no time for that.
May I tell you how it's not for my liking that you are trying to categorze me (among others) as a quasi cult member just because I like songs which you do not? Like how derogatory that you think one has to hypnotize himself to like a song. We are still talking about In Flames, a band who is playing rather emotional and catchy songs, not some ghetto rap or Die Antwoord.
This never happened to me. If I like something... I like it. I really don't have any control over my tastes.
A voice of reason. Feels like I just found the Holy Grail!
Slave, nobody cares if you're offended. If you'd read my posts properly you'd see I wasn't referring to everybody who likes TCP. Unless you're admitting you only like the song because In Flames wrote it, in which case yes, I'm talking to you.

But I doubt in your rush to be self-righteous you bothered to read that much.
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Of course, to an extent even objective criticism is based on opinion - but it's more a general opinion on what makes something good or bad. I suppose it's entirely based on what would generally be agreed as things that make a song good or bad, regardless of genre. Subjective taste is what most people discuss and to be honest that probably has more merit as, like you say, we all have different tastes and can justify those as we please.
This. What has been determined as objectively good or bad in anything was created subjectively.
Slave, nobody cares if you're offended. If you'd read my posts properly you'd see I wasn't referring to everybody who likes TCP. Unless you're admitting you only like the song because In Flames wrote it, in which case yes, I'm talking to you.

But I doubt in your rush to be self-righteous you bothered to read that much.
I read everything you wrote, but it wasn't a far fetched idea thinking you might implying at me.
I read everything you wrote, but it wasn't a far fetched idea thinking you might implying at me.

I didn't have you in mind. You've already explained why you like the song subjectively and that's fine by me, even if we disagree on whether it can be objectively measured.
My stomach is not so good (I eat like shit when I'm on morning shifts) but seeing that teaser picture for The End almost made me puke. Like, seriously, imagine The End playing in the background while you watch fucking airplanes and the band screaming in/on some stupid places. How hard is it to make a fucking music video that fits with the vibe and lyrics? I understand that you are the Uwe Boll of music videos, but at least make some cliché shit with happy children looking in the mirror and seeing their old, lifeless reflections, while Anders and the band trying to make them find their way back or something.

But no. Planes. In black and white.

See, you should've wished for The Truth to be made into a shitty music video, at least pop songs like that fit with almost anything.
While I will not deny that Anders' is very hit and miss these days with his on stage performances (Summer 2015 festivals largely being a miss), He performed Resin amazingly on the european tour in 2014.
Oh yeah his screams now are awesome, completely different style to what he did on r2r through to ASOP, and even slightly different to his screams Siren charms.
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The last live vid I saw of N'Flaymz was Hellfest 2015. Anders seemed to be struggling a little, though he did an OK job. These days he tends to growl as opposed to scream, which is understandable. Much easier to do the former, and a lot less stress on the voicebox if done properly. Those screams from Colony/Clayman back in the day must have been torture to perform live.
Yeah I'm hoping for some awesome low pitched goodness from Anders on the new album >:) we haven't really had any studio growls since A sensr of Purpose. I guess enter tragedy kind of had them after thr guitar solo, but I want some really good loe pitched vocals like he uses a lot live nowadays
The last live vid I saw of N'Flaymz was Hellfest 2015. Anders seemed to be struggling a little, though he did an OK job. These days he tends to growl as opposed to scream, which is understandable. Much easier to do the former, and a lot less stress on the voicebox if done properly. Those screams from Colony/Clayman back in the day must have been torture to perform live.

I was watching this yesterday, its even painful to watch. I wonder how he feels when he screams like that.

First song from DTs' Atoma being released next week!

Yeah I'm too excited for the new DT album. I hope they release this for the first single. I loved that riff!

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